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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectBackground Checks on Wifey/Hubby
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13286521&mesg_id=13287065
13287065, Background Checks on Wifey/Hubby
Posted by Mori, Tue Sep-18-18 08:55 PM
YES!!! I know so many divorced men who encountered serious problems within 5-7 years into the relationship.

When I ask about the men about their exes, it seems like they ignored HUGE red flags and tied the knot without considering the long term LEGAL implications of marrying someone, such as losing your pension, child support, alimony and divorce lawyers.

The chick might have been pretty, so called "nice girl", and or arm candy. They likely ignore a down assed chick for really petty reasons.

But men who go based on their own timeline usually don't see the pitfalls of not recognizing her timeline.

On the other hand, women want to be a wife sooooo badly. We are so afraid of being a spinster that we will hide our true feelings in an attempt to bag a "good man" and hold onto a marriage.

It almost happened to me. God took me off course. I have no regrets for never marrying my ex. I would have been cheating all over the place out of boredom and lack of passion. But he was a "good guy".