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Topic subjecthe could have resigned a while ago but he intentionally stayed on
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13282275&mesg_id=13282278
13282278, he could have resigned a while ago but he intentionally stayed on
Posted by Reeq, Sat Aug-25-18 02:57 PM
past may so it wouldnt trigger a special election during the midterms. so now the governor will appoint a senator to finish out mccains term until 2020.

its a 2nd senate seat in arizona, which looks increasingly likely to be electing a democrat to jeff flakes open seat and possibly going blue all around.

republican governor doug ducey is also in jeopardy of losing re-election in november. so starting next year...a democratic governor *could* have the power to appoint a senator to that seat. but mccain almost certainly wont remain in his seat long enough to have his seat filled by that democratic governor.

so arizona could have potentially been sending 2 democrats to the senate this november but now the republican governor will almost certainly be appointing a republican senator since mccain remained in office past the special election deadline (even tho he wasnt healthy enough to actually be in washington and place votes) but not long enough to give a democratic governor the chance to fill his seat with a democratic senator.

because even on your death bed...its party over everything with these people.