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Topic subjectKanye likes the way alt right Black conservative Candice Owens thinks
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13252273&mesg_id=13252273
13252273, Kanye likes the way alt right Black conservative Candice Owens thinks
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Apr-22-18 07:25 PM


Kanye West voiced his liking of conservative YouTube personality Candace Owens on Saturday, upsetting many of his fans.

Owens — a frequent guest on Fox News and InfoWars — launched a website and YouTube channel in 2017 called Red Pill Black, which promotes black conservatism. She has hailed President Trump as not “just the leader of the free world, but the savior of it as well,” and has been known to blast Black Lives Matter.

West tweeted Saturday: “I like how Candace Owen thinks.”

Upon seeing West’s endorsement, Owens quickly responded: “I’m freaking out. @kanyewest ….please take a meeting with me. I tell every single person that everything that I have been inspired to do, was written in your music. I am my own biggest fan, because you made it okay. I need you to help wake up the black community.”

West giving his nod of approval to Owens didn’t sit well with many of his 11 million followers.