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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectGlad he got to take that risk, but I was bored by it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13246029&mesg_id=13249677
13249677, Glad he got to take that risk, but I was bored by it.
Posted by Nodima, Tue Apr-10-18 02:22 PM
I'm a huge Louie fan, so I don't care if an episode is packed with laughs. Comedians have been proving for years now through podcasts and episodic TV that they get drama, at times better than the seasoned dramatists do. I just wasn't all that into Glover's performance and this episode rested so much on it that if you couldn't buy in, you were automatically out.

I would up watching the episode a lot like my ex used to watch shows I was into and she'd have a passing interest in, always glancing back at my phone or laptop rather than fully invested. Kinda like how I watched the "Metalhead" episode of Black Mirror the first time, too.

Maybe I'll give it another shot some time from now when I've got nothing better to do.

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