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Topic subjectTeddy/Benny Episode.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13246029&mesg_id=13249044
13249044, Teddy/Benny Episode.
Posted by jane eyre, Sun Apr-08-18 09:38 PM
Quite good.

In part, the episode was a meditation on art and certain expressions of Black artistry.

Nuances about the meaning of the word "weird" open the door for all kinds of conversation. It's interesting to watch some responses to the episode as "weird". I think the question about how one encounters art, recognizes art, and what expectations people have about artistic mediums is fascinating in light of Glover's "trojan horse" comments.

Glover is clearly attempting to create a show that is art. Whether he's successful or not is another question. The show isn't just for entertainment, or laughs, or whatever else -- although those elements are there. The show isn't for or about Blackness as social or political identity/phenomena, though elements are there and the languaging of the show is Black. Art seems to be the kind of thing where it has the nerve to be any damn thing it wants to be. It's interesting to watch some people close down or not be receptive to that kind of freedom...but also recoil at the invitation to commune in that free space.

Generally, I think Americans understand how to be "present" for entertainment, but not art. How cliche is it to even have to point out that we are primed to consume products and relate--emotionally, spiritually, socially, etc--as consumers or the consumed and all perhaps to our own detriment? Some responses I've read (I mean generally, not as an aim at this thread) make me wonder at the appetite for b.s. created by corporations that exploit, warp, and mis-represent human capacity for creativity. This is disconcerting to consider when a lot of people increasingly log lots of time engaging with various types of visual mediums.

I truly wish more people read literature. It's like out imaginations are broken. It's too bad that we're in 2018 and some people think an artist in bloom is some bizarro thing. Nevermind that the word "artist"/art is applied to people and work that doesn't fit the bill.

I didn't think the episode was all that weird. For instance, it followed familiar visual tropes (creepy house, skulking and hiding in shadows, secrets in the basement, an attic, on and on). The episode was inventive, in part, because of how those elements were explored.I don't think Glover is weird. I don't think there was a Get Out, angle, either, although as someone above mentioned, maybe the episode is a "spiritual cousin."

Interesting that Darius wanted the piano because of how it looked. It was a great mechanism and commentary pointing toward the episode's awareness about how some people might view it-- but also about the potential to move beyond that and into something else.