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Topic subjectYep. Shit is sad, 'specially.......
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13241081&mesg_id=13241627
13241627, Yep. Shit is sad, 'specially.......
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Sat Mar-10-18 02:38 PM
...because a great majority of what is considered Latino culture is actually Afro-Latino culture being co-opted/appropriated.
(yet originating with the Africans imported into Latin America(c)Conga drumming/Clave/Salsa/Rumba/Son/Afro-Cuban Jazz/Bomba&Plena/Merengue/Tango/Milonga/Samba/Capoeira/Candomble/Santeria/Cumbia..etc...etc
(when people say "Latin rhythms" or "Latin percussion/dance" they're specifically talking about African rhythms/dance/percussion that was *imported into Latin America).

*Peep the appropriation-implications if one isn't hip to the Totemic-Nomenclature Format(described below).

For a quick primer, "Afro-Latino" as a term is identical to "African-American" and/or "Afro-American" regarding what it denotes: both terms specifically referring to Africans that were imported into the noted region.
"Afro" being the totemic *gene-pool marker and "American/Latino" being the *colonial marker designating specifically where this particular group of Africans was geographically-displaced during the trans-atlantic slave-trade.

So ta breakz it down into babysteps:

Afro-American(African/Black person of the States)
Afro-Latino(African/Black person of Latin America)

Understanding this totemic format allows one to have a more surgical understanding of the diasporic Pan-African experience both culturally, politically, and genealogically.

So from ^that, we get:

Afro-Cuban(Africans imported into Cuba)
Afro-Rican(Africans imported into Puerto Rico)
Afro-Dominican, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Columbian, Afro-Argentinian..etc..etc..

All ^^^dis shit being said/explained,
Latin America is culturally far more African/Black than North America is because the Spanish colonialists allowed more cultural-Africanisms to manifest than the British colonialists did in the North(refer to how British colonialists didn't allow African percussion in the States and compare that with how the Spanish DID allow African percussion/religion/dance/culinary traditions in Latin America). This is why you can still find groups of Afro-Latinos that speak their native indigenous African languages(c)Yoruba Africans of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Brazil..etc..

This is why Afro-American's general ignorance of Afro-Latino culture is so stifling and counter-intuitive. When Charlamagne didn't know what Afro-Latino meant on the BFC when they interviewed Amara La Negra, I had the hugest *facepalm in life, ...and dat shit was LIVE ON AIR!