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Topic subjectFor tornadoes and natural disasters this makes sense...
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13239917, For tornadoes and natural disasters this makes sense...
Posted by Cornbread, Mon Mar-05-18 12:08 PM
I did some mission work in Joplin, MO. They were hit by 4 tornadoes at the same time with almost no warning. The tornadoes hit the night of the Senior Prom. Luckily the prom was not at the High School because this is what the school looked like after touch down -


You could see all the way through the school from the front entrance. The students at the high school and the other schools in the community were so traumatized, they built shelters for every student and staff member of the schools.


There are rows of these at the new high school location behind the mall - https://hips.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/ibmig/cms/image/kmbc/20258174-20258174.jpg?crop=1xw:0.84691011235955060xh

If you live in a natural disaster prone area, these shelters make all the sense in the world.

However, if we as a country are not willing to address our gun obsessed culture and the prevalence of objects of war throughout our communities, making them bulletproof is just another way to address our own national natural disaster.