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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectBlack Panther is an isolationist
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13232976&mesg_id=13232976
13232976, Black Panther is an isolationist
Posted by SeV, Wed Feb-07-18 05:54 PM
Been seeing this in comment sections

"Black Panther is an isolationist, a Wakandan nationalist who puts his people and country first before anything, he has the ultimate border wall (equipped with a hologram dome), he refuses to help the countries around him, and does what he can to stay out of worldly affairs if it doesn't affect Wakanda. He embodies literally everything that the left hates, but they ignore all of that just because he's African. Which is kind of sad funny...

All of these are supposedly "horrible" attributes to have, yet they're in place because he just wants to protect his prospering country..

Sound familiar?"


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