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Topic subjectfound this article interesting...
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13218120, found this article interesting...
Posted by akon, Tue Dec-05-17 11:08 PM
in a doomsday prediction kind of way that i hope is off.


"The irony is that this apparently vote-grabbing tax cut is a time bomb that can blow up anytime in the run-up to mid-term Congressional elections in November 2018. And that indeed would seal the faith of the Trump administration and compromise the Republicans' hold on power. The trigger, as always, could be easily unhinged inflation expectations and a rising public sector borrowing requirement. That would force the Fed's hand in a highly charged atmosphere of widely anticipated interest rate increases. Unraveling financial markets would then darken the economic outlook and set in motion an ominous political process.

But the sweeping pro-cyclical tax cuts we see now are a different story. It is not just bad economics. Sadly, the whole thing looks like a prelude to a financial crisis and an economic downturn that could relegate America to long, long years of economic stagnation and serious security challenges."