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Topic subjectwhen we lived in Kenyucky deer would chill in the back yard
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13212908&mesg_id=13213038
13213038, when we lived in Kenyucky deer would chill in the back yard
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 10:01 AM
little bambi's running around, shit was cute.

One morning I was on the front porch and a deer sauntered right past me like it was a cat. Big as shit and no fear at all. I think he even gave me a head nod like "wassup"

but then one night I heard crashing and glass and all types of noises next door. Come to find out a deer got into their garage and couldn't get out so he just started jumping around and kicking shit. Looked like Jurassic Park up in that bitch when they finally opened the door. They had to put it down cause it cut itself tying to dive through a small ass window.