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Topic subjectMy wife finally got a job and started yesterday.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13161078&mesg_id=13161138
13161138, My wife finally got a job and started yesterday.
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed May-31-17 11:11 AM
I'm ridiculously relieved. I feel like we've hit land after being lost at sea for the last 9 months.

The timing was right on the edge too.

All in all, the choice for her to leave her job and try out that clothing venture did a lot of good.

She got to stay home with the kids for a little over a year, which included our daughters first year of school. She basically got 15 months of bonding time. I can’t say this was necessary but it was certainly an overall net positive.

That company though, LuLaRoe?

Yeah they can kick rocks. I once listened to a conference call where the owner of the company addressed an issue of consultants getting lopsided orders. For example, you’re supposed to get a healthy mix of solids and prints in each order, however people- us included- were getting entire orders of one color. At one point we ordered 90 pieces of a special 4th Of July order and got 13 prints in the entire thing.
One woman got stuck with 33 pairs of gray leggings. Not only should she have gotten a mix of solids and prints, the solids should have also gotten a mix of colors.

So the response from the owner of the company was “hey, you have to understand, these are temp workers and they’re going to make mistakes. You have to be patient while they’re being trained. You own a business, get out there and sell, sell, sell! If you’re working hard it doesn’t matter what you have in stock, you’ll move it all!”.
So… instead of correcting their mistakes, they pass the buck.

We also came across “training” materials imploring their consultants- the vast majority of whom are women- not to be “miserable cows”. If you point fingers at anyone for your failures, even if it's at the company who screws up your order and can't even be reached to fix it after you spent $1500 on a box of holiday theme items that generally sale well and get far, far less than your expected mix of half & half? You're a miserable cow!

Basically anything that isn’t working is the fault of the consultant and any complaints got shut down. Can’t get ahold of corporate because they leave you on hold for hours (yes, hours, my longest call was an hour and forty-five or so) before the call magically ends?
Don’t dare complain about it. Don’t get email responses from corporate to fix the login link they changed out of nowhere? Don’t dare complain about that. You’re a miserable cow if you do.
Consultant support was minimal until it became nonexistent.

Now that sales are dying out because they cannibalized their own market by focusing more on onboarding than supporting their established consultants, people like us are holding fire sales. They updated their return policy so people started returning all of their inventory, but apparently they’re sending rejection notices to these people telling them their inventory was defective….. and they’re keeping the inventory.

So people spent money on product, returned it for a refund, and the refund is denied without returning the product. I just hope we get a decent check when the inevitable class action hits. If my wife weren't so non-confrontational I'd have gotten a lawyer 6 months ago.