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Topic subjectFam, just wait till you're 10 years deep in that crib. Them DIY
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13143655, Fam, just wait till you're 10 years deep in that crib. Them DIY
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Apr-11-17 01:05 PM
tasks get old real quick lol.

>Been a homeowner for seven months now. I estimate the work
>that I've done so far would have costed me a thousand or two
>in labor already. Only things I'n *not* planning to DIY are
>the parts of the roof I can't reach without
>scaffolding/climbing gear.

I used to go ALL in too.

>You really gonna pay someone to lay down some mulch fam? And
>why do you need so much mulch anyway? You building a
>playground? Why not plant some low light, low growing plants
>to fill in the space instead?

Long story; we recently had full renovations done on the house. Completed at the end of last summer. I'm talking blown roof, 2nd story expansion and small footprint expansion. A LOT of work. But we ran out of loot to really go all in on landscaping. The contractor didn't haul away all of the soil, and instead distributed it across half of the backyard. I redistributed it even further along the perimeter of our property so that I could turn those areas into mulch beds for flowers and shrubs and shit. The front yard was used as a lay down area so all the soil and grass up there was heavily compacted and worn out from all of the construction material. We have two large mulchbeds up front, along with mulch bed along the front elevation of the house. Couple that with a large japanese maple out back and the perimeter mulch beds I created with some of the redistributed soil.....we need a LOT of mulch. I estimate about 4-5 yards easy.

So a lot of the mulch is going to just conceal and amend the fill dirt that I redistributed, with the hopes that it's gonna be nice healthy garden soil in a couple of years. The rest is going to replenish the existing beds in the front.

I've already but a ton of DIY time into resewing the front and back yards. I'm just burnt out man. I hate to spend the money on it, but i'm really just at a point I want to enjoy the spring and summer with the kids and not spend every weekend chasing yard and various other DIY chores.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."