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Topic subjectI believe part of them WANTS to get caught
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13131443&mesg_id=13131556
13131556, I believe part of them WANTS to get caught
Posted by j., Fri Mar-03-17 10:05 AM
of course they do their utmost to sneak and lie and hide the dirt
but at the same time living a double life is stressful, like bigly
ask any cheater, scammer, etc
that shit wears you down psychologically, mentally, physically
it's not the lie that gets you, it's the cover up

How they're being so careless with this shit
Flynn KNEW all calls with Russian staff are monitored
(hell, the average civilian on the street knows that)
Sessions KNEW he was lying when he answered Franken's question
(anytime a politician says "I don't recall" is proof. See: reagan, bill clinton, foley, etc)

It's like they're crying out for help: GET ME OUT OF THIS I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!