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Topic subjectI hear that, it's sense of mortality hitting me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13129805&mesg_id=13129884
13129884, I hear that, it's sense of mortality hitting me
Posted by j., Mon Feb-27-17 01:07 PM
when you're running the streets being young and dumb you think you're immortal and it's gonna last forever

Then you wake up one day (having dodged baby mama/arrests/STD/lawsuit/bankruptcy bullets)

and it's like shit I'm 40: gray hairs, gotta watch what I eat, exercise, get a good night's sleep, etc

I haven't reached out to him, I still have the same question from when I was a kid. Part of me feels it doesn't even matter now (the I have a career, graduated college, I'm not a fuck up part)

the other part (the WTF is wrong with you part) still wants to know