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Topic subjectStart with SOTT.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13127633&mesg_id=13129007
13129007, Start with SOTT.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-24-17 11:58 AM
I started there. It's his best album and it's quite expansive. There's at least a taste of everything that makes his music great. All of his genius is there. If you don't like that album then maybe P is not for you. If you like it - go chronologically from the beginning. And along the way - soak up the singles, several of his singles have extended versions that kill. And there are b-sides that are as good or maybe better than his album tracks. If you're in deep after that - soak in the unreleased albums and songs. There are several.