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Topic subjectMy Christmas Wishes for the Democrats:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13107711&mesg_id=13108980
13108980, My Christmas Wishes for the Democrats:
Posted by jane eyre, Sat Dec-24-16 12:18 AM
1. As James Carville has encouraged: "expose and educate."
2. To not be shamed by Republicans or Bernie Bros to be Democrats.
3. To stay true to their base which is comprised of minorities and includes a significant voting block of Latinos and African Americans. Mobilize the base! Bring in new voters! IGNORE folks who act like mobilizing a political party's base (and building coalitions) is inherently racist and divisive, simply because the base isn't some magical pre-decided percentage of White.
4. To not forsake their base in word or deed by wooing, defending, or crafting platform and policy that takes strategy advice from a segment of (primarily) White voters who conflate THEIR disagreement and disenchantment with the Democratic party as being the fault and downfall of it. Because NO.
5. To keep their eyes on the prize: defeat the Republicans. Act. Fight. Understand who the opponent is! Stop suggesting other Dems are the opponent! Goodness.
6. To not do a post mortem on a party that's not dead.
7. To remember the Southern Strategy and govern themselves accordingly. ***And any professed leaders of the party who work on a national level need to understand the history of it and the various forms and spectres it still actively casts, today.
8. To listen and make adjustments but not accomodate tone deaf criticism.
9. To inform people that CIVIL RIGHTS are real not petty identity politics. To inquire what the Republican party has done to UPHOLD and ensure CIVIL RIGHTS.
10. To craft a message that speaks to the reality of America: it's increasingly multicultural and will continue to be. Democrats shouldn't take seriously the criticism that the party has failed for not empathizing with or winning over bigots, sexists, racists, etc.