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Topic subjectRE: You probably think you're making an argument.
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13108054, RE: You probably think you're making an argument.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-20-16 04:11 PM
>>hit up the counties surrounding urban areas.
>Wow. I'm amazed they never thought about that.

did they follow through on it though?

>>4 more years of Obama without Obama? nah.. that was
>>4 more years of Obama without Obama sounds like some
>That's not what the data said. He's still the most popular
>person in our party. He's still the best way to excite
>Democrats and to turn undecideds. If he could have run for a
>third term, then yes, HE would have been a stronger candidate
>than Hillary. Unfortunately, he couldn't, so they had to put
>him forward as best they could.

yes, HE is popular. but he wasn't running. It was a terrible strategy.

>>her message was terrible. No elevator pitch. "I'm with her"
>Elevator pitch. Jesus Christ. "I'm with her" was an
>(unofficial) campaign slogan, not a pitch of any kind. You
>want an elevator pitch: "4 more years of Obama" was the best
>such argument that any Democrat could have made.

no... definitely not. If it was the best argument she would have won.

>>the secrecy. terrible. Why wait to tell us she was under the
>>weather. People get sick, WTF. Why lie?
>Really? You don't see how that all went, and why they had to
>be careful about it?

yes, she fainted on 9/11 and then told us she was sick. That was when she officially lost the race. If we knew before hand it would appear she was gutting it out. Instead, Trump looked like a gotdamn fortune teller.
>>fighting the emails instead of apologizing early and moving
>>on. terrible.
>They DID apologize early and move on. You think the campaign
>was trying to keep the emails in the news?

wrong. wikileaks showed us her own people were frustrated with Hilldawg for not conceding and moving on when it first dropped.
>>but it was doomed from the start IMO. FBI investigation,
>>St speeches.. just blatant shit that screamed establishment.
>That, and being the incumbent party. It's impossible to avoid
>being seen as the "establishment" option when your party has
>run the White House for eight years. Better to use it to your
>advantage as much as possible.

true, I definitely felt like after 8 years it wasn't a wrap to get another 4. Which is why it never made sense to chill like they had it wrapped up.
>Instead, we had certain Democrats complaining about a few paid
>speeches, and now we're a few weeks away from a time when just
>the president's cabinet has more combined wealth than a third
>of the American population combined.
>That's the establishment now.

YUP. Which is why running Hillary was a bad idea.