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Topic subjectYah....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13075973&mesg_id=13076003
13076003, Yah....
Posted by denny, Sat Oct-01-16 05:20 PM
What's being told to me....that the withdrawals from Kratom are so moderate the following comparison has been made to me.

Take, for starters, a methadone patient. To get clean...they're withdrawal symptoms would typically be 3 times as powerful as your's with Kratom....and instead of lasting one week...they last 6 weeks. Who has 6 weeks to go through that? You can see why some people stay on legal methadone for 10, 15, sometimes 20 years. When do you find the time to basically have no responsibilities for 6 weeks?

So....you take KRATOM for 6 weeks. Now you've transferred addictions. Now you've traded in a 6 week process for a one week process that also happens to be one third of the intensity. 3 of the 11 people at our meetings did this exact thing to get off methadone and were successful.

So for methadone specifically, it's mostly about lowering the amount of time one has to endure withdrawals.

Fentanyl addicts who use heavily time-released methods of use are gonna have to be on the Kratom for longer than heroin addicts. Probably around 2 to 3 weeks. Oxycontin probably around 7 to 10 days. heroin or percocet probably 5 to 7. It's all about the time release of the way they use opiates.

So we have two variables.....the time release of the way they do their opiates. The longer the time release (methadone being the longest, percocet being the shortest) determines the length of time they use the Kratom. The second variable is the amount of opiate they use per day....obviously, the more opiate...the more kratom.

I can't believe how cheap the shit is. There are NO laws regarding Kratom in Canada. And what's the worst that can happen? We're talking about Fentanyl and oxy junkies here for the most part. If we introduce them to Kratom and they don't follow our taper schedule/decide to find their own Kratom source....they're still doing kratom instead of fucking the devil drug Fentanyl.