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Topic subjectThis is a good question.
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13058903, This is a good question.
Posted by Dr_Gonzo, Fri Aug-19-16 02:50 AM
Miles is a huge risk on a blockbuster movie, though. A lower budget film than this, or a Netflix show would be fine. But you'll have to have a lot more than us going out for an MCU franchise starting movie, and Marvel is going to want to guarantee that they make that money back.

A Miles movie likely means no Mary Jane, no Aunt May, no Osbornes, no Doc Ock, none of the names or characters that are iconic to the series. Shit, no Peter Parker, and people go "nah, I'm not gonna see it because this isn't the real Spider-Man." So rewrite the character a bit. Don't just make Peter Parker Black/Hispanic. They've already done better than that by making Miles. But Miles needs to be introduced to a huge audience before he makes blockbuster movie money. So introduce him in Homecoming, or somewhere else.

Sure, they can do better as far as representation, but unless they make money on doing better, it isn't worth it for them, and in the long run, isn't worth it for us either.

That said, I'm excited for the animated Miles Morales movie. It's not the same, but it's a step in popularizing the character.