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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectA rhetorical idealogue that is not intellectually honest.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12992558&mesg_id=12992771
12992771, A rhetorical idealogue that is not intellectually honest.
Posted by denny, Wed Mar-23-16 07:35 PM
I first came across him shortly after the Elliot Rodger shootings. He had an hour long dissertation on that event that I found somewhat interesting.

Digging deeper....he's a men's rights activist....a moralist.....a libertarian.....tends to be very reactionary. ie Anti-Politically correct. I don't disagree with EVERYTHING he says...but I ended up hearing enough to know that he cherry-picks information and facts, truth and nuance be damned, to support his pre-conceived worldview that definitely falls into 'white man's burden' territory. I mean...lots of people do that....but he REALLY does it and he's particularly opportunistic in how he goes about it. So he lost my trust after watching a couple videos.