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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectPOTUS: Vamonos a Cuba!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12975634&mesg_id=12975634
12975634, POTUS: Vamonos a Cuba!
Posted by j., Thu Feb-18-16 09:10 AM

Hear that? that's the sound of Rubio, Cruz, Lehtinen, and the other dinosaurs shrieking and tweeting from their made in China smartphones about "communist oppression," "human rights," and "rewarding tyrants"

A few Jurassics will protest in front of Versailles in Little Havana (FYI: Little Havana is no longer a Cuban neighborhood. Mostly Hondurans and Nicaraguans live there now). But the new generation in Miami is ready to move on.

Obama in Cuba = Nixon in China

Also on deck is POTUS going to Vietnam, which is a giant FUCK YOU to the republican chicken hawks who draft dodged.

The only thing left to do on Obama's fuck you tour is visit the west bank or Gaza.