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Topic subjectRE: To reduce traditional chinese medicine to superstition based on
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12870901, RE: To reduce traditional chinese medicine to superstition based on
Posted by John Forte, Tue Aug-04-15 09:28 AM
>the example of some ppl killing rhinos for their horns is
>only demonstrating how little you know abt what actually
>chinese medicine is...traditional chinese medicine is made up
>of a variety of practices that consists of acupuncture/qi
>qong/diet/massage/tai chi

qi gong is PURE superstition, and the effectiveness of acupuncture has never been proven in any rigorous study

>I don't think you realize how your attitude (misinformation)
>reflects the eurocentric thinking that dismisses any system
>that isn't based on western traditions or isn't

If it has no basis in science and it's effectiveness can not be proven and measured scientifically, it's folk treatment.

>If you understood the fact that much of chinese medicine will
>ALWAYS fall out of the scope of western scientific
>methods...such as herbs because it can't be explained on a
>biochemical level but even western physicians in the US are
>now slowly coming around to admitting the health benefits of
>medicinal herbs...just like the west finally came around to
>admitting that acupuncture is more than just a placebo...and
>I'll say it to you again: just because doctors in the west
>finally came around to admitting the benefits of acupuncture
>and now is being practiced here in the west doesn't mean IT
>DIDN'T WORK beforehand for thousands of years in China in
>treating ppl w/blood-flow problems

What in the entire fuck are you talking about? You just described faith. It can't be proven on any level, any effectiveness is as a placebo. And, no, science has not recognized the effectiveness of acupuncture.

>Here's whats so ironic abt you reducing all of traditional
>chinese medicine to superstition and quackery because it
>doesn't fall under the purview of western science...but then
>when you look at modern medicine (pharmaceutical drugs in
>particular) which is science-based it is doing far more harm
>to ppl and isn't curing ppl of anything...in fact, taking
>these drugs are leaving ppl in a worse condition, sometimes
>even causing addiction and even death, than before they took
>the medication
>This doesn't say much for "science" at all...so what makes
>this form of modern medicine any better than
>superstition...because its almost as if the medical
>establishment is experimenting on ppl to perfect these
>pharmaceutical drugs
>Oh and what abt how our advanced modern science-based medicine
>is still using animals for testing which sbould be viewed as

Well this is just fucking stupid. Why don't we just test drugs on people?

>>and they're killing endangered rhinos because they believe
>>the horns, which are made of nothing but fucking keratin
>>men more virile.

You still haven't addressed the fact that Chinese "doctors" prescribe shit we KNOW to have zero effectiveness. Address the rhino horns.