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Topic subjectYou laid the blame at over-staffing and bureaucracy and the reports
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12869392&mesg_id=12869632
12869632, You laid the blame at over-staffing and bureaucracy and the reports
Posted by vee-lover, Sun Aug-02-15 05:18 PM
don't bear witness to that...

Many of these preventable deaths are the result of Doctors misdiagnosing their patients...our health care system isn't really designed to get to the root causes of health problems but to simply over medicate patients with pharmaceutical drugs that are routinely having deadly adverse affects on them

This is why I believe Chinese medicine is way more advanced than the west at treating chronic illnesses (perhaps not as much though w/treating acute problems)

>Also, each facility has its own problems
>Its not a particular cause at large altho it all ties back to
>economics. The issues manifest differently from facility to
>But that is not indicative of a faulty interpretation of
>anatomy and physiology. As ive already explained,
>chiropractics DOES suffer from that, as do most naturopathic
>and homeopathic intepretations.