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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWho's science determines that these practices are fraudulent?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12869392&mesg_id=12869428
12869428, Who's science determines that these practices are fraudulent?
Posted by CaptainRook, Sun Aug-02-15 10:57 AM
Need I remind you that Allopathic (i.e., conventional) Medical Care is the 3rd leading cause of death?

Need I remind you that the US spends the most on health care and has the greatest rate of disease of all industrialized nations?

Need I remind you that it is a common practice for people to be on medication for their entire lives (or a good portion of it) for disease conditions that are preventable and curable?

Who's the REAL fraud here.?

I'm not justifying their deaths, but
>practicing fraudulent medicine to the detriment of patient
>health is a far cry from being a black kid in a hoodie.

People dying/being killed is unjustifiable (unless it is a REAL self-defense situation; unlike these "crying wolf" situations that many of these police officers like to claim), whether it is because they have a different ethnicity/skin color or whether they have a different approach to healing/helping people.

Either way, Witch hunting is WRONG. Period.