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Topic subjectAnd being a holistic dentist for that matter...
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12869406, And being a holistic dentist for that matter...
Posted by CaptainRook, Sun Aug-02-15 09:51 AM

SHOCKING UPDATE: Another holistic doctor found dead in Florida bringing the total to 9

r Abdul- Karim was a holistic dentist who helped the underprivileged, and had a Non Profit foundation set up 2 years ago to do just that. His fraternity brother, patient and long time friend said it just “doesn’t add up” about the shocking death of his friend on Tuesday, July 21st. A passerby found him dead on the side of the road at 10PM EST. RIP

It brings me no joy to report on this amazing man and dentist who I’ve been researching now for the better part of the evening, after someone sent me the information that he’d died suddenly at 41 while training for a half marathon. Dr. Hakeem Abdul-Karim, DDS, P.A , better known as “Doc”, appeared to be extremely fit, and only 41 years old. He is described as a man of faith and strong character who left a Non Profit foundation behind that he started to help the underprivileged, which I hope will carry on his name. The more I search on the man and the holistic sites that rave about him, the more awesome I see he was.

“Doc” wasn’t your typical dentist or typical person by any means. He excelled in every way imaginable that I can find. Besides being in top shape and having extensive training in surgery, he treated severely disadvantaged children, and even mentally ill patients and his website says he practiced “preventive dentistry” and his Facebook page shows he liked many holistic sites such as the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (which I suggest you all like) as well as Healing with Nutrition, several functional medicine pages and other natural holistic websites.

He also had an A+ rating on the BBB’s site , no complaints ever that I see of, and had many all five star reviews on the review sites from his patients who obviously adored him.

I am reading on Facebook pages about what a kind gentle man he was who loved what he did and his patients adored their “Doc” It appears he was very involved in his church and started a non profit foundation 2 years ago so that his legacy would live on to help other (especially kids) after he’d passed away.

Doc was a man who loved people, especially disadvantaged children, and he loved the Lord with all of his heart. For many years, Doc gave generously of his time and his treasure in support of those passions. About two years ago, Doc established a private non-profit foundation to ensure that his passion would survive beyond his lifetime.

We’re sure he never expected his lifetime would be so short.

Now, I thought twice about including him in my series of holistic doctors who have been found dead here in the last few months- many who were very young, and like Dr. Abdul-Karim, just died suddenly at a young age which appears has been a big shock to his friends, family and many adoring patients.

I had seen another site, that reported on my stories, add a young dentist to the list (we’ve not reported on any holistic dentists until now) who had died recently here in Florida. I didn’t do a story on that dentist (Dr. Castellano age 44) as I couldn’t find a cause of death and, unlike a few other Florida doctors who died, I didn’t have friends or patients in common to talk with to discuss a cause.

But Dr. Abdul-Karim was 41, holistic and it states clearly he died of a massive heart attack while training and was found that evening by a person passing by who saw him on the side of the road.

He may have very well fit and 41 and just died of natural causes- even if his friend say it simply “doesn’t add up” I’m certainly not saying that he didn’t. But with so many other holistic MD’s and DO’s (and now a dentist) dying suddenly who were so healthy fit and vibrant (and he was in this region of the US) I’m going to go with my gut and do this story.

If nothing else, people can see the great work “Doc” did and know that the world lost a wonderful man who was only 41 (just 4 days away from his 42nd birthday!) and perhaps someone will be compelled to share this or donate to the GoFundMe Page for his non profit foundation so that his name might live on to help others.

With every other story I’ve done, I end up receiving emails from patients (and sometimes family members) who often have more information. That may be the case here too, or maybe not. Remember 6 of those who were found dead within the last month or so were found here in the South East (most here in Florida) I know some holistic doctors who are worried and admittedly (though it could be one big coincidence) I always say that I am concerned for my better half- a holistic doctor as well.

So rest in Peace “Doc” . May the foundation carry on your name to help others for years to come. My heart goes out to his friends, family and legions of fans who obviously loved him very much.

This is Erin Elizabeth reporting from the E Coast of Florida here on July 25th, 2015

Stay safe.