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Topic subjectyes indeed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12862910&mesg_id=12863936
12863936, yes indeed
Posted by NikaMandela, Sun Jul-26-15 02:48 PM
>Sometimes men were ready to move into a relationship and I
>wasn't. Sometimes I was ready and they weren't.
>Be either way, if a man felt like it wasn't his time to do
>something (get married, have sex, meet the family) then it
>wasn't happening.
>This was a real wake up call because I thought I could
>persuade, influence, convince and massage a man into doing
>something. But it ended up only turning into a mess because he
>just simply was not ready.

its funny because I've had multiple men tell me that a woman holds the power to get any man's heart. even a man who i wanted but didn't want me back as much has said that.