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Topic subjectpositive friday
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12834948&mesg_id=12834948
12834948, positive friday
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Jun-19-15 12:49 PM
dedicated to folks in charleston. kind of hard to be positive this week with all that's happened.

it's been tiring and tough week, but i made it through. i got some work done despite not making it in to the studio this week. i'll have to rectify that today. i need to sit in a spot with no distractions.

lovely little lunch date with the man was nice. we need more of these. we're both so overwhelmed with work and this crazy nut that we haven't had time to ourselves.

my ticket to chicago is booked and i think this is going to be an interesting trip. i wish i had someone going with me, but i'll just have to suck it up and put on my big girl panties.

taking the man out for korean bbq for father's day and spending quality family time.

have a good weekend.