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Topic subjectyes, and mocking black people for being black
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12796355&mesg_id=12800068
12800068, yes, and mocking black people for being black
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu May-07-15 07:12 PM
was made illegal because it is racist. in this instance, a contest
was held to draw a religious character. no hate-speech law was broken,
nor was there any incite to violence.

and of course i wouldn't have a problem with a "piss on the bible" day, lmfao. why would i care?

every so often we get extremist muslims marching through london
"protesting" against the evil west by burning flags, poppies and
chanting songs like "uk burn in hell" and "death to the west."

i've got no problem with them doing this, as they have every right to,
nor am i offended. however, a lot of people are, but you don't
see them threatening to kill over their outrage.