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Topic subjectRE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
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12797544, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 10:15 AM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?
Nice? lol Can't call it. Maybe a 'thank you' for some advice I offered.

>2. What is your deepest longing?
To dictate my time, all the time based on my idea of life as opposed to the structure I was born into.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or
73-74 degrees

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of
Most of them probably.

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?
I listen to my ipod, every now and again I'll mix in urban or pop radio. Sometimes I go without music and reflect/plan.

>6. How powerful do you feel?
Very. Like I can make things happen (or motivate them to at minimum) when I decide to do so.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?
Disconnection coupled with a lack of empathy. Lots of people value followers/views/likes more than relationships which I think leads to waaaaay more narcissism than we use to have.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?
Desired level of comfort, time management (always more to do than I feel I have time to).

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?
Provided some significant info about myself/my life to a few good friends.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
Nope. Not since I was a kid.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

>12. What do you love about your life right now?
The fact that I love about 90% of everything in it. Working on the final 10%.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?
Smart phones. I use to be all geeky about the latest and greatest. Now it's more 'it's just a damn phone/pocket PC'. Handy but...just that, handy.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?
Consistency is the backbone of security, dependability and fairness.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?
Video editing projects (basketball), recording projects (2) and a writing project (2nd screen play). Soon though...hopefully. Have to clear my plate of a few real world distractions first.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

Fatherhood and facilitation. I feel it in dealing with my kids and when I can be helpful to significant people in my life.