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Topic subjectRE: Any time you want to actually respond to what I said feel free
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12716879&mesg_id=12717384
12717384, RE: Any time you want to actually respond to what I said feel free
Posted by c71, Tue Feb-03-15 02:21 PM
>So we should only focus on the good Christians, but Christians
>can just feel free to take pot shots at whoever else as they
>see fit. That's a real white privilege way to approach

You can focus on whoever you want to. But focusing on a certain type and saying that's all that christianity is about is unwise.

How many times has OKP bent over backwards to say terrorism isn't all that islam is about? Is that a white priviledge equivilent also? Shouldn't I be able to call out muslims about the terrorist muslims?

>>But it makes certain folks more secure to think all
>>are extremely flawed.
>>That's unwise.
>It does make some people feel more secure to think that we're
>all equal in sin, and therefore all equal in Jesus' eyes in
>our deserving of forgiveness. I'm all for anything that makes
>people feel more secure about Jesus' sacrifice and their
>worthiness to receive it. If you think that's unwise, more
>power to you, but I'm not one of those Christians who grades
>some Christians as higher than others in Jesus' eyes. I've not
>changed in that regard, you just weren't paying attention, or
>were reading what I said and making it into something

I don't see where I graded christians. Like you assumed I'd run away, you're coming up with a lot of agenda stuff.

Mainly to hide the fact that I didn't run away.

>But, you know, any time you want to stop running away from
>what was actually being said and address it, feel free.

What am I running from? Spell it out.