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Topic subjectWalking Dead (season 2 post)
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57966, Walking Dead (season 2 post)
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Oct-16-11 06:57 PM
t-minus 50 minutes or so until the new episode
57967, Can't wait
Posted by Paps_Smear, Sun Oct-16-11 07:02 PM
loved last season even if some of the writing was a bit goofy at times it was still enjoyable hopefully that's fixed this season.

Been reading the comics since day one though so I'm really hoping for this show to hit its stride and not look back.
57968, Shane still got the "I used to fuck your bitch" face on.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Oct-16-11 07:56 PM
He's gonna have to get over that shit, and pound someone else's chick out in the woods.
57969, at least we know
Posted by ne_atl, Sun Oct-16-11 08:31 PM
57970, The Killers bass player
Posted by JG., Sun Oct-16-11 08:40 PM
I swear that was him in the woods.
57971, Great opener
Posted by Marauder21, Sun Oct-16-11 09:28 PM
I'm on board for this
57972, my fucking cable signal was out
Posted by walihorse, Sun Oct-16-11 09:31 PM
i missed it and missing the encore
57973, Dam deer
Posted by Ceej, Sun Oct-16-11 10:15 PM
57974, did they really think that deer wasn't going to attack?
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-17-11 12:32 AM
57975, I really had no clue what was going on
Posted by Ceej, Mon Oct-17-11 06:32 AM
Was he gonna pet it, kill it with his hands, ride it?? WTF were they doing?
57976, i think he was going to check if it ate the girl like they did that one zombie.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-17-11 09:59 AM
57977, With his bare hands and gaze?
Posted by Ceej, Mon Oct-17-11 10:01 AM
57978, he was gonna give it the reach around. a shame that someone was hiding...
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-17-11 10:30 AM
inside the deer with a gun. some ninja shit.
57979, Lil dude had a sick look on his face, no lie
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Oct-17-11 11:03 AM
57980, LMAO
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 11:14 AM
57981, Seriously, I wouldn't let my kid approach a deer even in good times...
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-17-11 01:09 PM
... much less a fucking zombie apocalypse. Another example of how dumb these characters are.
57982, what deer lets a person get that f'ing close?
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Oct-18-11 09:16 AM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
57983, Fucking awful. The writing, somehow, got worse.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Oct-16-11 10:50 PM
Here's what was terrible, and I'll try to keep it spoiler-free.

- the opening monologue was truly hamfisted and terrible writing, repetitive and pointless-- a static beginning to a season in which already nothing serious happened in 90 minutes.

- a character gets injured really badly in the middle of a zombie attack... then nothing happens and the injury isn't mentioned again.

- these characters behave SO FUCKING STUPIDLY. Rick has not come up with a single plan that hasn't gotten someone killed or lost to date. A certain character is told to stay in their spot. So what do they do? MOVE FROM THEIR SPOT.

- I realize that the image of zombies sitting in a church looking at an altar then simultaneously turning around is a cool image, but it does in fact make zero fucking sense.

- at my last count, there were at least four characters who spoke to the statue of Jesus, two of whom spoke in further repetitive monologues that droned on and on pointlessly. What could have been delivered in a single sentence or even a look is instead phrased in roughly twenty different ways-- it's like they're trying their best to fill time.

- the monologue the blonde girl gives to the old man about what happened at the end of last season... I urge you to go listen to it again. The awkwardness of the phrasing had me honestly shaking my head. This was of course in addition to the fact that it was a repetitive and pointless monologue that droned on and on, but by now that's just a given with this show.

- at the very end, something surprising happens that would be a really cool and ballsy event for a show that had any balls... but every single character on this show feels safe. (Minus T-Dog, and Shane, who will have to pay at some point for trying to rape the wife last year.) If this show had the fucking guts to make the end of this episode stick, I'd be intrigued. Instead, it feels like another waste of time: end with the threat that a character might die, only for that character to be fine in a week or two. Another character in this episode disappears, but again, you know this other character will be absolutely fine. This show is the anti-Game of Thrones: absolutely no surprises.

- the zombie attacks unfolded in the least surprising and most convenient manner possible. No actual threats other than a rogue zombie or two, isolated, easily dispatched. The promise of the set-up of the big zombie troop marching past is totally squandered.


I love zombies. The makeup is cool, and the gore albeit brief is fun. But two minutes of gore in no way justifies watching 90 minutes of this shit. The writing is truly astonishingly depressingly bad.
57984, Yeah, the Jesus bit dragged on forever.
Posted by biscuit, Mon Oct-17-11 12:12 AM
And fuck AMC and their commercials. Greedy ass fuckers. Now I'm definitely siding with Matt Weiner on the Mad Men contract. AMC is coming off bad on this.

57985, Agreed on pretty much everything (spoilers below)...
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-17-11 12:32 AM
... I found myself rolling my eyes within the first minute of the show with that hackneyed monologue. And really, what WAS the point of T-Dog (sigh...I still can't get over that name) damn near bleeding out during the zombie roll-through? And furthermore, how do you let a slow, shuffling-ass horde of 300 zombies sneak up on you like that?

I'm really disliking how they can't decide on how these zombies operate. Those two chasing after the girl in the woods were damn near running. Maybe I don't remember Season 1 that well, but was it ever established that they can run that fast? Didn't one somehow hop a fence last year? If the human characters are going to be flat and one dimensional, they should at least make up a consistent behavior pattern for the damn zombies.

Like most people, I want this show to live up to the promise of the pilot episode, but at this point I'm hanging around mainly because of the gore (which is top notch), some of the suspense and, mostly, just because of the conceit of a zombie apocalypse TV show. I hope some of the issues can be fixed, but the show seems to have some fundamental problems that'll take a major overhaul to improve.
57986, RE: Fucking awful. The writing, somehow, got worse.
Posted by stankpalmer, Mon Oct-17-11 12:38 AM

Good question, especially with Lori & Carol's brief conversation about the unimportance of clothing.

I can't remember if this was addressed in the books or not, I'm pretty sure it was, but a practical reason for having the outfit is in the situation of running into other people. The uniform would automatically distinguish him from other survivors and hopefully, allow new folks to trust him.

Also, I would think wearing the uniform allows him to maintain some sort of dignity. It's a tangible daily reminder of who he was in the previous world and that helps him keep sane in this world - especially with the leadership role he assumed.
57987, youre absolutely right
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Oct-17-11 12:47 AM
57988, I thought this might be it... but the hat though?
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 05:31 AM

Also, you'd think on a show that so explicitly spells out how everyone is feeling for the audience, they'd have someone say once, "Hey, so just a question... why do you keep putting on that cop uniform?"

>Good question, especially with Lori & Carol's brief
>conversation about the unimportance of clothing.
>I can't remember if this was addressed in the books or not,
>I'm pretty sure it was, but a practical reason for having the
>outfit is in the situation of running into other people. The
>uniform would automatically distinguish him from other
>survivors and hopefully, allow new folks to trust him.
>Also, I would think wearing the uniform allows him to maintain
>some sort of dignity. It's a tangible daily reminder of who
>he was in the previous world and that helps him keep sane in
>this world - especially with the leadership role he assumed.
57989, Glenn clowned him for making sure he had the hat last season.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Oct-17-11 06:00 AM
On the ep where they went back to get the gun bag.
57990, RE: Fucking awful. The writing, somehow, got worse.
Posted by Ghetto Black, Tue Oct-18-11 09:40 AM
>Also, I would think wearing the uniform allows him to maintain
>some sort of dignity. It's a tangible daily reminder of who
>he was in the previous world and that helps him keep sane in
>this world - especially with the leadership role he assumed.

this, and have you ever been in the presence of someone who held some type of rank? their primary reason for being is to assert their authority or position in the hierarchy of an organization or society as a whole.

he is most likely a proud man who has not yet grasped the insignificance of his title and is trying to hold onto it for dear life.
57991, RE: Fucking awful. The writing, somehow, got worse.
Posted by jswerve386, Mon Oct-17-11 01:02 AM
Didnt they get rid of most of their writers? Im too lazy to link but google says yea.

It shows. Im kinda underwhelmed but Ill continue with it. You need to be on point on Sundays because there too much shit to compete with it.
57992, I agree with 80% of your critique
Posted by BigReg, Mon Oct-17-11 07:44 AM
Particularly the dialog and character interaction & the writing. What happened to T-Dog was a REALLY bad gap...his body was about to go into shock when he got covered with the zombie with a bleeding artery, next time we saw him he was walking around like nothing happened. This I blame because apparently this scene was heavily edited post Darabont...but shitty editing doesn't excuse the horrible dialog and subsequent writing...perhaps Darabont DID have to go.

And that's the main problem with a show like this. Ill let some logic fly out of the window for some solid good television, but it's hard to get back into a scene when your eyes are still rolling from the one previous scene. The zombies praying at the church would have been a great scene if they didn't piss away the suspension of belief before hand. And that's going to be a problem since a show based on a zombie apocalypse isn't exactly the most easily believable show.

However, the highway scene I thought was handled pretty great as far as suspense goes, and the kid getting shot was a great moment even if we all know they are gonna be back.
57993, I liked the suspense except for how it broke the rules.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 08:11 AM
>However, the highway scene I thought was handled pretty great
>as far as suspense goes

Like, didn't they establish they smell living bodies? Isn't that why the covering-in-guts was important in Season 1? Plus, the pack mentality from the first couple of episodes led me to believe that if one zombie notices you and starts attacking you, the others in the vicinity would hear that attack and follow suit-- this show seemed to have four or five zombies lagging SO FAR behind the herd that their attacks would go unnoticed by the herd... really?

It's like they think about an awesome image here and an image there-- the people under cars with zombie feet dragging past, the zombie trying to break in the trailer door (best part of that sequence, though I couldn't believe dude's first impulse wasn't "here, let me try to help you up", lol), the zombies turning at the church-- but they have no clue how to get from one moment to the next or how to justify those moments in the world they've established.

57994, This is spot on.
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Oct-17-11 08:53 AM

>It's like they think about an awesome image here and an image
>there-- the people under cars with zombie feet dragging past,
>the zombie trying to break in the trailer door (best part of
>that sequence, though I couldn't believe dude's first impulse
>wasn't "here, let me try to help you up", lol), the zombies
>turning at the church-- but they have no clue how to get from
>one moment to the next or how to justify those moments in the
>world they've established.

So utterly disappointing, especially considering the source material... makes you wonder what Kirkman is doing, or if he's even involved in the creative process at all.
57995, "helping her up"
Posted by woe.is.me., Mon Oct-17-11 11:27 AM
would not have worked or made sense.
the only thing keeping the zombie out was her feet against the door.
by the time he broke through it would be too hard to squeeze her through the small hole before she was bitten.

much of your critique is spot-on, a fair amount of it is just being nitpicky for the sake of argument.

it's true the source material is MUCH better, but you're reaching a bit.
57996, Fair enough, I didn't remember the timing.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 11:33 AM
Dale must not have known that blondie was in the RV. I remember wondering why he didn't whisper into her or something to warn her when he saw them coming from far away. I realize they wanted the image of her distracted not knowing the zombies are swarming, but all the same.

I realize I'm somewhat nitpicky, but when the whole thing unraveled to me in such a massive way, it makes me look at every little moment that seemed off. I guess it was less that he didn't help her up and more that he didn't somehow prepare her for their impending arrival better... but I guess he didn't realize she was in there.

The editing was just funky for the whole premiere, honestly.
57997, but i'm glad she TOOK zombie out
Posted by SankofaII, Wed Oct-26-11 09:00 AM
the way she did...

folk hate andrea as a character because she gets the shittiest dialogue out of them all (but kudos to Laurie Holden for being talented enough to make it work), but when she needs to kill or looks ready to kill, she's great...

and the season premiere? when she stabbed zombie with a screwdriver...man, that was some bad assery right there...
57998, RE: I liked the suspense except for how it broke the rules.
Posted by YaBoy...Holla@ME, Mon Oct-17-11 02:53 PM
>>However, the highway scene I thought was handled pretty
>>as far as suspense goes
>Like, didn't they establish they smell living bodies? Isn't
>that why the covering-in-guts was important in Season 1? Plus,
>the pack mentality from the first couple of episodes led me to
>believe that if one zombie notices you and starts attacking
>you, the others in the vicinity would hear that attack and
>follow suit-- this show seemed to have four or five zombies
>lagging SO FAR behind the herd that their attacks would go
>unnoticed by the herd... really?

Robert Kirkman's response to this was that, yes they can determine if a body is living or dead via smell, but they aren't hound dogs. They don't go around sniffing the air trying to find prey. If they are close to you, their sense of smell will distinguish you, but it isn't strong enough to hunt with

>It's like they think about an awesome image here and an image
>there-- the people under cars with zombie feet dragging past,
>the zombie trying to break in the trailer door (best part of
>that sequence, though I couldn't believe dude's first impulse
>wasn't "here, let me try to help you up", lol), the zombies
>turning at the church-- but they have no clue how to get from
>one moment to the next or how to justify those moments in the
>world they've established.

I do agree with this though, an the annoyance of the monologues
57999, you forgot the blonde girl monologue'd in front of the whole group
Posted by celery77, Mon Oct-17-11 07:12 PM
>- the monologue the blonde girl gives to the old man about
>what happened at the end of last season... I urge you to go
>listen to it again. The awkwardness of the phrasing had me
>honestly shaking my head. This was of course in addition to
>the fact that it was a repetitive and pointless monologue that
>droned on and on, but by now that's just a given with this

that was the part that was killing me about that. I was already clowning on the monologues after the opening narration (that was horrific), but then when they got to this one? blondie + old man were having this little tete a tete with the whole tribe looking on, and she's giving this heart-felt, impassioned plea staring directly into dude's eyes, and you're telling me there wouldn't be any feeling that there were 4 or 5 other people staring in and listening to the whole thing? THEN you're going to tell me that of the 5-7 people there all listening to this girl awkwardly walk her way around the subject of suicide, everyone just agreed the best thing was to have her say her piece and then move on?

like nobody is going to grab her straight after and try to give her the pep talk.
like nobody is going to interrupt her in all that and try to steer the conversation toward something productive.
like none of the characters are going to have a conversation amongst themselves, "did you hear blondie? ol' girl is FUCKED UP right about now!"

the episode was just an extended gore show that left me wondering if I wanted to stick this out, too. I liked the first season from beginning to end, but all the absolute hack monologuing in this one left me wondering...

oh is now the time to say that after falling in love with Kirkman's comic books, then realizing that ALL his characters in ALL his books are just 2D, flat, simplistic ideas whose dialogue exists solely to re-enforce their flatness or further the plot, I decided to drop anything with his name on it? cuz that s2e1 screamed "WRITTEN BY ROBERT KIRKMAN!!!" to me.

there's something to it, it's hard to quit, but that was a weak, weak opening move on their part.
58000, this was the only part i liked frank
Posted by lfresh, Mon Oct-17-11 10:26 PM

>- the monologue the blonde girl gives to the old man about
>what happened at the end of last season... I urge you to go
>listen to it again. The awkwardness of the phrasing had me
>honestly shaking my head. This was of course in addition to
>the fact that it was a repetitive and pointless monologue that
>droned on and on, but by now that's just a given with this

i dont think it was pointless though
suicide as a personal option and how it was taken from her and how he wanted to be thanked
yep i think it needed to be said why she feels as if she more of a tortured soul than the rest and wants an out along with the wife stealing dude
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58001, Y'all niggas might wanna read this shit,,,
Posted by bwood, Sun Oct-16-11 11:16 PM

Sounds like AMC should've left Frank alone instead of throwing a hissy fit.
58002, RE: Walking Dead (season 2 post)
Posted by Mr. Merge, Mon Oct-17-11 02:51 AM
meh,fuck this show... I'll just stick with the books.
58003, The only character I remotely like is crossbow dude.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Oct-17-11 04:29 AM
And I don't even know his name, so I must not give that much of a fuck.

Rubicon only got one season, but this shit and The Killing continue. After Breaking Bad concludes I may have to write AMC off completely.
58004, Red Dead Redemption the TV show might redeem the channel
Posted by BigReg, Mon Oct-17-11 07:51 AM
>And I don't even know his name, so I must not give that much
>of a fuck.
>Rubicon only got one season, but this shit and The Killing
>continue. After Breaking Bad concludes I may have to write AMC
>off completely.
58005, is that the show with Common in it? missed the title during commercials.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-17-11 08:59 AM
58006, Hell on Wheels is the name of the show.
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Oct-17-11 10:09 AM
Based on the little glimpses during the commercials, I'm guessing the show deals with the westward expansion of the U.S. since railroads are being built and rode on. I'm fearing BigReg's prediction of the show being more revenge action-driven drama moreso than dealing with events centered around history of America in that time period might be accurate since I think I rememeber one of the commercials mentioning the main character traveling on the railroad for revenge of some sort.
58007, i thought so too until i saw Common with his Matrix face on.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Oct-17-11 01:01 PM
58008, Daryl. I like him too. But I can't tell if it's the character....
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Oct-17-11 08:59 PM
...or the fact that Norman Reedus is an awesome actor.
58009, probably the latter.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Oct-17-11 09:00 PM
58010, Fell asleep.
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon Oct-17-11 07:42 AM
The monologues were killing me. I might give it another week but odds are I'll just find something better to do on Sunday night. (especially if there's anything better than Vikes/Bears on the night game.)
58011, Why do the characters refuse to adapt to a new reality on this show????
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Mon Oct-17-11 09:47 AM
Like when on the highway, one person was like hey, let's find stuff we can use, and Laurie was like "but it's a graveyard, I dunno how I feel about this"


it's a zombie apocalypse!!!!!!!! I dont' think the dead will mind if you take their clothes, water, food. Especially the ones that aren't trying to EAT YOU.

Then she had the nerve to look at the one lady funny cause she was thinking of getting a new blouse to replace the stinky, dingy one she's been wearing since season one. WTF. I seriously wish she would have slapped her.

Then she has the nerve to get on Shane for not paying more attention to her son. Lady, you have a hubby, and this dude just tried to rape you, but you're mad cause he's leaving you and your son the fuck alone, or basically, what you asked him to do?

that broad gets on my nerves.

"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
58012, I thought it was just me.
Posted by Pamalama, Mon Oct-17-11 10:58 AM

>Then she has the nerve to get on Shane for not paying more
>attention to her son. Lady, you have a hubby, and this dude
>just tried to rape you, but you're mad cause he's leaving you
>and your son the fuck alone, or basically, what you asked him
>to do?
>that broad gets on my nerves.
58013, The first point... that was such an insane moment.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 11:13 AM
This is the same woman having fun fucking her husband in the warm CDC shower and getting drunk on wine the night after blondie had to blow her sister's brains out.

You're telling me this same woman is going to refuse gasoline and water from the cars of strangers? So fucking dumb, lol.
58014, or the same broad who tried to cuss andrea out
Posted by SankofaII, Wed Oct-26-11 08:54 AM
for wanting a gun and shit?

I really wished Lori was the one who got shot for real..I hate her! lol!

I just need someone to backhand Lori on some "SHUT THE FUCK UP. NOW" steez. Like knock her to the ground and knock some sense into her because she's annoying as hell.

and can they get OFF ANDREA? yea she killed her sister yea she wanted to die...but if she wants a gun, GIVE HER A DAMN GUN.

and i'm glad she called old dude OUT last week...i need a zombie to GANK his old ass...him and T-Dog. T-Dog: well, he's survived for too long and y'all NEGROES GOTS TO GO FIRST!
58015, LMAO! That moment was even dumber than 1st year Psych debates.
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Tue Oct-18-11 06:15 AM
I was HOPING she meant "it's a graveyard" as in, "we're
dead if we linger around here". Unfortunately, I think
it actually was a stupid moral statement that wouldn't
make anyone go "hmmmmm, she has a point".
58016, you know what tho - everybody looked at her like she was a moron
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Oct-18-11 10:08 AM
and we've pretty much established already in the series that she is one dumb cunt, so it's not out of character for her.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58017, that was the point of the scene imo
Posted by southphillyman, Sun Oct-23-11 08:31 PM
58018, The screaming and hyperventilating every time they get attacked
Posted by ansomble, Tue Oct-25-11 06:17 PM
is getting old too. They act like every attack is brand new.

You're right there is no evolution in mentality in any character other than the redneck dude.
58019, That little girl would have been left. SORRY.
Posted by lovelyone80, Mon Oct-17-11 01:31 PM
but you shouldn't have moved your ass.
its zombies out there. deuces lil girl.
58020, They did a poll on The Talking Dead after the TWD episode
Posted by YaBoy...Holla@ME, Mon Oct-17-11 02:50 PM
and 99.9% said they would not have looked for the daughter LOL

58021, i mean, i would have looked for a little while, one day
Posted by lovelyone80, Mon Oct-17-11 07:00 PM
but its zombies on the loose. FUCK OUTTA HERE.

tho if it was my child, i'd probably stay out all night. but i wouldnt expect others too. that lady was lazy as fuck...she should have been the main one RUNNING around looking for her child.

she betta be alive all this trouble. little man got shot looking for this bad ass little girl
58022, that was for jokes, the voting on the site was very different
Posted by Grand_Royal, Mon Oct-24-11 03:34 AM
58023, I can't believe they just started scavenging without a getaway plan...
Posted by Backbone, Mon Oct-17-11 03:26 PM
I mean, you're basically trapped between cars and you've been getting attacked at random by zombies for the past few weeks and you don't even make sure you know what to do when you spot a zombie in the distance?

Also, the time between Dale spotting the zombies and them swarming the rv was weird. He needed binoculars to see first the zombie but then there were a couple of hundred of them at the rv within seconds.

And two drawn out talks with Jesus is a bit much for one hour of television, lol.

I'm still going to watch the next episodes though.
58024, yeah and the way the road curved ... he would have seen um before that
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-17-11 05:27 PM
wayyyy before that even...

>Also, the time between Dale spotting the zombies and them
>swarming the rv was weird. He needed binoculars to see first
>the zombie but then there were a couple of hundred of them at
>the rv within seconds.
>And two drawn out talks with Jesus is a bit much for one hour
>of television, lol.
>I'm still going to watch the next episodes though.

58025, stupidity is a fairly common characteristic of people in the region...
Posted by Ghetto Black, Tue Oct-18-11 09:56 AM
this takes place in. at least there is some accuracy in their depiction.

58026, OK so I'm not going crazy ..... Alan Sepinwall review
Posted by OldPro, Mon Oct-17-11 03:34 PM
I thought that shit was a good opener and then come in here to see everyone ripping it.


"The Walking Dead" is back for its second season. I already published my advance review of the season, and I have a few specific thoughts on the premiere coming up just as soon as I keep the sun on my left shoulder...

"The thing is... I could use a little something to help us keep going." -Rick

If we define the idea of a "great drama" of the modern era as one with indelible characters and/or important things to say about society, then "The Walking Dead" is likely never going to qualify for greatness. But if we define it as a drama that's executed to the highest possible level within its sub-genre, then "The Walking Dead" has a shot, and a much better one given how well season 2 started out.

The 90-minute episode, written by Robert Kirkman, with some parts directed by Gwyneth Horder-Payton and others by Ernest Dickerson, did a terrific job of plunging us back into the zombie apocalypse with that long set piece on the highway. While horror stories are often defined by motion and noise - lots of people running and screaming - here was one all about silence and stillness, where any kind of big fight against the walkers would have ended in everybody dying. Just expertly assembled, and the slow, quiet nature of it gave us an even better opportunity than usual to admire Greg Nicotero's makeup work.

Things slowed down a bit after that, but there were a few more gripping zombie engagements, and some promising mysteries established: where did Sophia go? Where is the emergency signal coming from, and is anyone alive on the other end? And who shot Carl?

The character work - other than the usual strong fraying-at-all-edges performance by Andrew Lincoln as Rick - was a bit less compelling, but it also wasn't helped by the long hiatus between the abbreviated first season and this one. It took me a few minutes into Andrea's argument with Dale to remember that he had guilted her into leaving the CDC with her, for instance, or to orient myself on exactly how Shane and Lori had left things after he drunkenly came onto her. That said, the performances were all quite good, and the idea of Shane and Andrea running off together - not because of any bond they have, but just because each wants to be rid of the group - could be very interesting.

But on this show, men plan and then zombies lurch, or little girls go missing, or little boys get shot while trying to approach a still deer. Shane may want to get away, Rick may want to get to Fort Benning, Andrea may want to be dead, but they have too many other problems to deal with first.

This was a good start to the season, and I liked next week's episode a lot as well. I'm not sure if there's ever going to be enough meat here for extended episodic analysis, but the plan is to say at least a bit about each episode and then open up the discussion. And however much or little I write, let me remind you of the specific rules for discussing this show:

1)No Spoilers.

2)This includes any discussion of the previews for the next episode.

3)This includes any discussion of storylines from the comic that haven't happened yet in the timeline of the TV show. (And, yes, the show has and will continue to deviate from the comic in some ways, but for the sake of those instances where they're going to be the same, I don't want people talking about something from issue 50 when we're watching episode 11.)

4)This includes anything you've seen or read elsewhere about anything that has not happened within the context of the episodes that have already aired.

Anything in violation of any of these points gets deleted. Nice and simple. Talk about what has already happened on the show, no more, no less.

What did everybody else think
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Bringing Together Five Decades of R&B/Funk/Soul/Dance

58027, Nah, I think spoilers for aired episodes are fair game.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 06:02 PM
Breaking Bad posts are full of spoilers. As are Wire posts. Etc. If you don't want to see what happened, don't enter the post til you've seen it.

I agree that comic event discussions about future occurrences must be clearly labeled.
58028, I think that was just part of the swipe.
Posted by Nopayne, Mon Oct-17-11 06:20 PM
Although I disagree with you. People shouldn't even be discussing the comic plot lines in these posts. I got burned reading the GD thread today.
58029, If the subject line says *** COMIC SPOILER *** in it...
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-17-11 09:14 PM
... then I'm inclined to say it's decently labeled. If it's not well-labeled, it should be deleted, I agree with that.
58030, So Jesus hates Rick
Posted by go mack, Mon Oct-17-11 09:34 PM
thats what I got out of it

I don't know, I could pick on it a lot but I guess I still enjoyed, probably my bias for zombie-related things lol
58031, i kept hearing DMX's voice go: LORD GIVE ME A SIGN!
Posted by woe.is.me., Tue Oct-18-11 10:11 AM
58032, Be prepared for the coming apocalypse: BUY HYUNDAI!!!
Posted by Whiteout, Tue Oct-18-11 11:32 AM
"Look at this brand-fucking new car I found right here, I'ma fix it up and leave you bitches with that ragedy ass rv and 1980's elephant-sized SUV ...

"Plus, it's nice and shiny. I love this color. Look how it's flexed on this hill right here. Ain't it purty? The radio works, too? Sheeeit ... check out this trunk space, bud. I can fit my suitcase in here like it's NOTHING!"

So basically there was an entire car commercial in this episode ... there's got to be a better way to sneak product placement into a zombie show ... or better yet, don't ... anyone else turn an eyebrow at that shit?
58033, I don't like most of these characters **Comic Discuss**
Posted by 13Rose, Thu Oct-20-11 04:35 PM
Even when I was reading the book I thought Rick was kind of an asshole as well as Shane. Still holding on to that glass shield like people must respect them. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but did Rick tell her to stay put or go back. If he told her to go back he's a dumb ass, and if he told her to stay she's a dumb ass. T-Dawg sucks as a character and his going from bleeding to death to not even a second though is just amazing. I could actually do without all of the gore that's being shown. I love the Walking Dead for the human exploration.

As far as the wife, she's unlikeable in both the book and the show. She has a very punchable face. The hell do you mean "don't treat Carl like that". Fuck Carl and Fuck You I gotta walk around like just a few days ago we weren't the damn Brady Bunch. And I don't even like Shane but come on!
58034, Rick told that girl to stay and then go
Posted by Whiteout, Fri Oct-21-11 09:44 AM
He said stay for a while and then go back if he doesn't return.

She was confused as shit, because he's talking to her like she's grown and fully capable of reasoning out some shit like that amid all her fear ...

Not that I think the writers really put that much thought into it ... this script was shoddy as a mouse shitting elephant turds.
58035, i stopped taking it so seriously and like it a lot better now.
Posted by osu_no_1, Sat Oct-22-11 02:07 PM
i can't tell if they meant to make it this way, but i really got a kick out of those monologues / prayers.

and rick is such a jackass, lol. he loses the kid and goes begging to god for a sign, then after his first successful journey into the woods with a kid, he lets his own kid (who is annoying as fuck btw) tag along. and the creepy ass kid gets shot.


who needs zombies when you have damien creeping me out by stalking that stag.
58036, this show needs Michonne.
Posted by IkeMoses, Sat Oct-22-11 03:31 PM
a sista with a katana and pet zombies would be the only thing to get me excited for this shit again.
58037, i hope they don't add her to the show...they'd only fuck it up
Posted by gumz, Sun Oct-23-11 09:02 PM
58038, BADLY!!!!!
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Oct-24-11 07:31 AM
58039, Grandpa said a kid in town "came down" with AIDS.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Oct-23-11 08:35 PM
58040, I almost turned the tv off when he sd that.
Posted by lovelyone80, Sun Oct-23-11 08:42 PM
58041, ok, the nitpicking is getting ridiculous.
Posted by Ghetto Black, Sun Oct-23-11 08:57 PM
with everything that's going on you expect this elderly country dude to be worried about accurately phrasing something as trivial as that shit?

"this boy in town contracted hiv"

would that make you happy?

come on


58046, RE: ok, the nitpicking is getting ridiculous.
Posted by all stah, Sun Oct-23-11 11:19 PM
I don't get it. He is from the country. If he would have conveyed it properly, it would have been out of place.

That is true southern vernacular.

I don't get what the poster is referring to
58042, RE: ok, the nitpicking is getting ridiculous.
Posted by all stah, Sun Oct-23-11 11:19 PM
I don't get it. He is from the country. If he would have conveyed it properly, it would have been out of place.

That is true southern vernacular.

I don't get what the poster is referring to
58043, It was funny to me. Simple as that.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Oct-23-11 11:21 PM
It didn't take me out of the show, at all. It was just funny.
58044, Umh, the guy is a "doctor" though lol
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Oct-24-11 05:45 AM
Yeah, sure, he's a veterinarian but I'm sure that is
enough medical experience to know that you can't just
"come down with teh AIDS". I don't think it's nit-picky.
58045, RE: Umh, the guy is a "doctor" though lol
Posted by all stah, Mon Oct-24-11 12:07 PM
But he is also white and from the country. A profession does not necessarily save a person from ignorance, especially a redneck.

come on.
58047, Right. Why nitpick when there are so many legit things to gripe about?
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-24-11 12:58 PM
... Like how contrived so many of the situations seem. And how dumb the characters continue to be. Why would Shane and the fat dude run into that medical supply trailer without any sort of exit strategy, then just fling the door open knowing hundreds of zombies shuffling around right outside and hope for the best? The only reason is so they can conveniently (for story purposes) get trapped in the school. Yeah, it was a suspenseful way to end the episode, but it's hard to give a fuck about what ultimately happens to them when, after all this time in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, they continue to act so stupidly.
58048, it was a JOKE, no one really cared.
Posted by lovelyone80, Mon Oct-24-11 05:21 PM
I found it funny.

if it really pissed me off, I'd express that but i was kidding.
58049, here, take ibubrofen to thin out your blood so you bleed more.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Sun Oct-23-11 11:23 PM
58050, RE: Walking Dead (season 2 post)
Posted by all stah, Sun Oct-23-11 11:24 PM
Shane should have waited until the sun came up. Once inside the medical trailer, they should have remained in there until the appearance of daylight.

You can't see shit at night.

Darryl needs to grab andrea and fuck the shit out of her ...period ..she needs dick ...That is the only way she is going to snap out of it..

another show where the black dude is the dumb dude ...

58051, that racist dude is my bff
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Oct-23-11 11:54 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58052, racist dude is my nigga.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Oct-24-11 03:55 AM
58053, easily the most like-able character so far
Posted by Geez 216, Mon Oct-24-11 10:56 PM

58054, the Breaking Bad Blue Meth in the redneck's bag of meds....
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Oct-24-11 07:30 AM
that was a nice touch! Would luv to see a zombie Mike or Walt. LOL
58055, We already know what Zombie Gus would look like...
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-24-11 01:20 PM
... I noticed that, too. Was it an intentional nod to "Breaking Bad," though? Doesn't "blue meth" actually exist?
58056, Yeah, in BB they said it's "Biker Meth", so it makes sense that dude has it.
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Oct-24-11 03:30 PM
58057, you named him T-Dog
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-24-11 07:57 AM
i suppose him playing the race card was just a natural progression

"My arm hurts, but uh fuck these crackas Dale!"
58058, Lol even as a Black dude, I woulda ditched him.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Oct-24-11 09:08 AM
First, its the zombie apocalypse and I'm too old to not call a nigga what his mama named him. Plus, the person that has the most reason to fuck you over is being a bro and letting the fuck-ups you've made slide.
58059, damn, yall hatin on Casual lol
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-24-11 09:48 AM
58060, lol
Posted by Organ, Mon Oct-24-11 01:12 PM


he got that shit from someone
58061, that's so awesome!
Posted by Whiteout, Mon Oct-24-11 01:41 PM
what a great catch.
58062, Lol nice
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-24-11 02:22 PM
I'm about to click your sig links now lol
58063, if he says anything about "fear itself" or "hieroglyphics",
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-24-11 02:51 PM
you couldnt convince me he wasnt Casual.
58064, Blouse and skirt
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Oct-24-11 03:15 PM
I'm kinda tempted to look into reading the graphic novels for this now. So dude rocks a Hiero shirt for his whole duration of the story?
58065, I copped Book 1 last year after Season 1 ended
Posted by Organ, Mon Oct-24-11 04:42 PM
I don't remember how long he rocks it but it clearly (obvious homage) shows up a few times in the pages


Those "books" consolidate the issues but I just googled it
THe shirt originally showed up in issue #5

>I'm kinda tempted to look into reading the graphic novels for
>this now. So dude rocks a Hiero shirt for his whole duration
>of the story?
58066, !!!
Posted by Ghetto Black, Tue Oct-25-11 11:52 AM
58067, The show is still entertaining but these characters suck
Posted by icecold21, Mon Oct-24-11 08:40 PM
I honestly don't care about a single one of them. If any one of them died, I wouldn't care. Most of them are annoying. I don't know or remember most of their names. The racist dude and Shane are the only ones I even kinda like, and I wouldn't really even miss them if they got got.

If I'm gonna follow a group of people in a zombie apocalypse, I want it to be a group of people that are actually likeable. Not a bunch of country-ass rednecks and some annoying dumbass broads. And children always suck.

I hope they do some adding and subtracting with this current cast.
58068, agreed. racist, Ken Shamrock, & asian are cool. i'd off the old caravan dude.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Tue Oct-25-11 09:32 AM
dude. creeps me the fuck out and idk why, but i hate his expressions when he talks - enough reason to feed him to the zombies.

i'm not gonna let this show piss me off anymore and i won't compare it to the comic. it's good for what it is that way.
58069, This show insults my intelligence
Posted by AZ, Mon Oct-24-11 11:14 PM
It's not quite at the level of the Killing dumb (another AMC masterpiece), but it's getting there.

Aside from the stupidness of it all, the other thing that really annoys me is the slow pace. I don't have a problem with slow place in general, but considering the context, it's completely absurd. If there's any situation where you would be constantly vigilant in every waking moment, I think it would be in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. I can't imagine anyone under those circumstances waxing poetic about the human condition or making monologues to god.
58070, how that bitch gonna stab that zombie in the chest when she know...
Posted by FortifiedLive, Tue Oct-25-11 07:32 PM
you gotta get in their brains to stop em?
58071, I'm conflicted about Lori, but she's the best one on here so far
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Tue Oct-25-11 10:43 AM
Lori's a pretty strong character (great performance by Sarah Wayne Callies), despite her perceived bitchiness. Thus far she's stood up for Rick, called Shane on his wanting to leave the group and for dissing her kid, and snapped Rick back to reality that he can't save them all. She's demonstrated great resolve and backbone thus far. It's obvious that she still cares and loves Rick despite whatever issues they had. She's one of the few holding together against 24-7 stress.

She did smash the homie though....and the show gives the impression that she and Shane may have been involved prior to the zombie apocalypse. So still fuck her and fuck Shane. But she's been trying to keep people focused.

But still fuck her.
58072, you see her reaction to Rick being shot? LMAO she ain't care.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Tue Oct-25-11 11:24 AM
58073, Lol. At the beginning? Yeah, she did have that look like...
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Tue Oct-25-11 12:37 PM
..."Please tell me that motherfucker is dead." Lol

But like real life, sometimes it takes moments of strife to put things in perspective. So maybe she's realizing that everything she was about to give up before the zombie attacks, has suddenly become more important now because they can be taken away at any time, and she can never get it back.
58074, I will say her speech to Rick before he attempted to go after Shane
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Tue Oct-25-11 01:17 PM
could be seen as a little dig at him, or at least their problems. She mentioned that she couldn't deal with her son's shooting by herself, not this one, not this time. I looked at that, not just as her wanting him to stay, or her dealing with Rick's shooting.............But also her recalling the issues in their marriage. He's a cop. always away, always defending and rescuing others. So they were probably going through the same things other cops, firefighters, military families, etc. go through when someone is absent. And if that's the case, I get her anger/bitchiness...

58075, foh. she hasn't done anything for anyone.
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Oct-25-11 12:45 PM
except be thin and useless.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58076, Like I said, for all of her bitchiness, she seems the most focused
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Tue Oct-25-11 01:06 PM
next to Daryl and Dale of course. I don't like her actions directly after the outbreak, but she seems to be coming around. Look at the beginning of the ep and her ho-humness about her marriage...then her reaction to Rick's shooting (as pointed out by Mr. Fortified), and compare that to where she is now since finding out Rick was alive...I think they're making a conscious attempt so far this season to take the "Hate That Bitch" stigma away from Lori.

Andrea and T-Dogg are most annoying and lack value right now.
58077, "OMG We can't steal from dead people!!" -- yeah, focused :P
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Wed Oct-26-11 01:56 PM
58078, ^^^^Said it so I didn't have to^^^^
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Wed Oct-26-11 02:37 PM


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
58079, lol...See, y'all are looking at this from the comforts of home
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Wed Oct-26-11 03:50 PM
...sitting on the couch, with time to think of all the things you'd actually do and say in this situation, between commercial breaks.

It's a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. Which means all rules, all logic, all sense goes OUT THE WINDOW. Chaos and pandemonium reign brings out everything.

I don't have a problem with the logic (or lack) some of the characters have displayed for the simple fact, there's what equates to a knife at their necks, AND a rifle resting on their heads, 24/7. Let something like this happen in real life and see how many calm, rational individuals you come across. Guaranteed there will be confusion and chaos, probably even worse than what we've seen on the show.

Concerning Lori and the search for supplies, she's still human. She didn't see the "dead highway" as a shopping opportunity, she saw it as a "graveyard" where a shitload of people unfortunately lay dead. She saw it for the loss of humanity and life. Not everyone will be able to adapt so quickly to new environments. It's the reason they look to Rick and Shane for guidance, because they've at least been trained to handle high tension situation. And you see they don't even have the answers.

Lori definitely has her struggles, but her reactions to things are just as natural as the others...
58080, lori was a bitch before the zombie attacks
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Nov-01-11 04:58 AM
and she's been nothing but a bitch since


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58081, The videogum recaps are still the best thing about this show
Posted by s t a r s k y, Wed Oct-26-11 06:56 AM

(屮゚Д゚ )屮
58082, Okay this shit is gold. A reason to keep watching indeed.
Posted by Backbone, Mon Oct-31-11 07:11 PM
58083, i'm kinda done with this series.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Wed Oct-26-11 09:22 AM

58084, AMC renews 'The Walking Dead' for season 3
Posted by OldPro, Wed Oct-26-11 04:20 PM

In a move I would dub a no-brainer even if the show didn't involve zombies, AMC has renewed "The Walking Dead" for a third season.

More than 7 million people watched the season 2 premiere, and nearly 5 million of those were in the adults 18-49 demographic, both enormous numbers for a scripted basic cable drama. The second episode averaged 6.7 million viewers for its first airing, with more than 4.5 million 18-49 viewers.

"The Walking Dead" was subject to lots of bad news in the off-season, as executive producer Frank Darabont either quit or was fired, depending on whom you believed, and stories ran about AMC cutting the budget on its biggest hit ever. (AMC executives insisted that the per-episode budget wouldn't be that different, and that the decrease reflected the high cost of the series pilot, which Darabont wrote and directed.)

But good numbers make all the bad news go away pretty easily for AMC.

Darabont left midway through the season, so the two episodes that have aired so far (my reviews are here) were produced on his watch. AMC is splitting this season in two, with roughly half the episodes airing now and the other half starting in early 2012.

“We are thankful for everyone’s contribution in front of and behind the camera as we continue to make ‘The Walking Dead’ a unique television experience," AMC president Charlie Collier said in a statement. "And, we are so proud as it continues to set viewership records around the world.”
Reunion Radio Podcasts
Bringing Together Five Decades of R&B/Funk/Soul/Dance

58085, Shane is dirty
Posted by nipsey, Sun Oct-30-11 10:03 PM
But why did we have to sit through 57 minutes of boringness to get there? Why is this show working so hard to bore us viewers to death this season? #TheViewingDead

It's like the producers said, "Remember all that stuff you liked about last season? The drama? The suspense? We're not doing ANY of that this season!"

Unlike many others, I did enjoy the first season. I recognized its flaws, but was still entertained. But these first four episodes are some shullbit. They are STILL looking for this little girl and they dragged this Carl drama on for two episodes? All the while the actual plot of this show has not advanced one bit. They really need to stop with this introspective, questioning faith crap and get back to what people want to see: MFers shooting Zombies in the head.

58086, basically.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-30-11 11:00 PM
58087, Your avatar sucks but you're right. I don't care about any of this shit.
Posted by Nopayne, Mon Oct-31-11 12:43 AM
58088, lol THE AGENDA AGAIN.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Mon Oct-31-11 01:03 PM

58089, I'm starting to hate that i can predict the show
Posted by honeyprodigy, Sun Oct-30-11 10:04 PM
Last week I knew the doc was going to say "Im a vet" before he even said it. Because of course it would be too easy if he were a regular doc.

And this week, as soon as the show opened with Shane looking at himself I knew what had happened to Otis (which I thought was pretty unnecessary anyway).
I'm going to keep watching but damn I want it to be better than it is right now.
58090, we need a lot more of what Shane did tonight.
Posted by IkeMoses, Sun Oct-30-11 10:17 PM
58091, okay. i'm a convert. this show kinda sucks now.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-30-11 10:52 PM
i see now what people were saying. i'm not invested in none of these characters.

58092, I wish Dale would get off of Andrea's dick.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Oct-30-11 11:09 PM
There's nothing like someone you don't fuck with who won't stop trying to apologize about why you don't fuck with them.
58093, which means they'll fall in love with each other
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Oct-31-11 10:25 AM
and FUCK like rabbits because they writers will work hard to MAKE her feel sorry for him, etc.

like, i just see her having sympathy for him and her fucking him...

UGH this show is horrible.
58094, Someone could stand to get pounded out.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Oct-31-11 01:32 PM
58095, dunno if you read the books or not man...
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Oct-31-11 02:16 PM
they fall in love in the comics as well

sorry if that ruined it even more for you lol
58096, *Carl face*
Posted by Backbone, Mon Oct-31-11 07:22 PM
58097, is anything happening?
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-31-11 12:27 AM
did they really cut into a 7 second scene of Dale walking and looking around?
58098, Yeah, what the hell was the point of that? n/m
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-31-11 03:20 AM
58099, man...the leg really?
Posted by Mahala, Mon Oct-31-11 01:44 AM
atleast shoot him in the head.
58100, I'm presuming if he shot him in the head the zombies wouldn't eat him...
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-31-11 03:14 AM
... Although that would contradict the thing with the "noose zombie" where other zombies had apparently eaten its legs. That's actually the most frustrating thing about this show to me: They seemingly can't decide on how the zombies operate, which I'd think would be the first thing you'd want to iron out when creating a zombie series.
58101, i think they might nibble on his legs. like sharks
Posted by lexx3001, Mon Oct-31-11 02:27 PM
sharks bite people mostly because they are curious. If they wanted to really eat hanging dude, he wouldnt be hanging no more. But him hanging, flapping his legs and their hunger made it all the more convenient. I don't have a problem with that. With that said they would probably jump dude if he was killed on the spot, but wounding him made for a much better presentable bait (you can tell i like fishing from this post lol)
58102, he wasnt a zombie when he hung himself?
Posted by JtothaI, Mon Oct-31-11 07:34 PM
He wrote the note, saw the zombies coming and hung himself. They started gnawing on his leg, turned him into a zombie so they stopped munching and he was left hanging as a zombie.
58103, I assume from the "Got Bit" part of his note that he was bitten...
Posted by Mole, Tue Nov-01-11 06:36 PM
... by a zombie, then decided to hang himself prior to turning. I guess I can accept the notion that zombies won't eat other zombies, so maybe his legs got eaten during the between stage...though as the other poster said, the zombies probably would've torn him down and consumed the rest of him if he'd still been edible when they came across him.

If that is the case -- that zombies will eat dead flesh if it hasn't zombified yet -- then I don't know why Shane would shoot Otis in the leg rather than the head, unless the characters don't fully understand how the "walkers" operate, which is possible, I guess.
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Oct-31-11 05:51 AM
God these writers suck anus cookies.
58105, Glad to see from this post that I was right.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-31-11 09:19 AM
Haven't watched since the Season 2 premiere and I'm reading in this post the same complaints I had that led me to delete my TiVo Season Pass.

It feels good to have jumped off that ship.
58106, you'd think
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Oct-31-11 10:28 AM
>Haven't watched since the Season 2 premiere and I'm reading
>in this post the same complaints I had that led me to delete
>my TiVo Season Pass.
>It feels good to have jumped off that ship.

folk would have figured out this show was shit from JUMP...

season 2 and *NO* character development of any kind or its LATE (Shane should have went batshit crazy season 1, etc.)

stupid ass storylines, nowhere *NEAR* enough human kills to make me invest in the show, etc.

yea, i was over the show when we destroyed it when I last guested on the podcast...last night's ep OFFICIALLY put the FINAL nail in the coffin for me.
58107, For all those who are complaining, what do you want this show to be?
Posted by Melanism, Mon Oct-31-11 11:19 AM
The comic it's based on isn't action-packed or suspenseful for the most part.

All that boring talking and shit, it's in the book too.

Like everyone else, I like when the threat from the zombies is front and center but they can't spend the entire series running from zombies because then their survival would seem even more ridiculous.

I'm not trying to defend the show because I wish the show was better too (none of the writing feels comfortable or natural). But the things I see people complaining aren't going to change.
<---YOU OUT!

58108, ... you answered your own question.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Oct-31-11 11:42 AM
A lot of people (myself included) wanted better writing. More zombie action would help, but you don't need more action if the characters were developed past Dimension One and the dialogue was crisp.

I can't say anything about the book, since I've never read it. Does the book have the inconsistency and logic problems as well? Not snark, a serious question.

And I stopped watching and don't intend on going back. I just hadn't watched the last two eps and wanted to see if it was going the way I thought it would or the way that people assured me it would.
58109, the writing/dialogue and characters in the books are better
Posted by gumz, Mon Oct-31-11 12:03 PM
this show doesnt need to be the books word for word to be good though...it's just not a good show overall.
58110, characters on par with the rest of AMC's lineup.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Oct-31-11 12:15 PM
58111, uh. the walking dead talking and shit wasn't boring.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Mon Oct-31-11 01:05 PM
that's a big thing.

a HUGE thing.

58112, C'mon. I think we have romanticized the dialogue in the comic
Posted by Melanism, Mon Oct-31-11 05:41 PM
How many long boring Rick speeches were there? How many shrill Lori moments were there in the book? The book had plenty of "Oh will you just shut the fuck up" moments.
<---YOU OUT!

58113, but you could finish an issue within 5-7 minutes.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Tue Nov-01-11 05:01 PM
these dumb ass scenes LAST 5-7 minutes.
58114, I disagree the book had more than enough action
Posted by 13Rose, Wed Nov-02-11 02:23 PM
at least until after book four. One major thing in this show that fucks with me is the zombies are called WALKERS!!!! They should walk not RUN! The Shane shit last episode for lil man's sake was fucked up and that's more of what the show needs. These people need to be disturbing to make it interesting again. This looking for the lil girl shit is old already. Bring in some characters I can care about and kill off some of these lame mofos.
58115, it's funny how 180 you guys are from other sites talking about this season
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Oct-31-11 12:22 PM
i haven't watched the season yet, so i'm not knocking anyone, but okayplayer is probably the only place i've seen walking dead season 2 hated on. 80 on metacritic.com. loved on cgccomics.com.
58116, the ptp reaction is on par with what I've seen elsewhere.
Posted by Nopayne, Mon Oct-31-11 01:01 PM
I've heard a few podcasts mention the dip in quality. Also a few people that I know in The Real World are getting sick of all the bullshit.
58117, interesting 'cause it's the opposite for me
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Oct-31-11 01:08 PM
okp is the only place i've seen major hate. off of here, people look at me sideways when i say i haven't watched the season yet because of the bad reviews (all of which were here)
58118, My friends straight up defended this show
Posted by Whiteout, Mon Oct-31-11 01:43 PM
When I said I didn't like it ...

They seem to think it's an insightful commentary ... I'm not getting any of that ... if anything, the commentary they do have is heavy-handed and poorly constructed ... non-thinking and tacked on.

But when they were so vehement about how good this show was, I just looked away and couldn't continue the debate ...

Like, if you don't see it, you don't see it ... but there's not any stitching holding this shit together ... heck, even the glue they HAVE used wouldn't pass muster in kindergarten.

It's hollow ... and the one thing that I think really drives this point home has been mentioned in this post: I don't care if ANY of these characters die. And it's not like I'm even rooting for them to die, because even that would be an improvement in character building ... like seriously, I'd shrug and take a sip as my reaction to the brutal end of any of them ... the indifference alone says a mouthful.
58119, I feel the same as you, but this is okayplayer so I expect this
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Oct-31-11 02:13 PM
honestly sometimes I feel like this site is ultra nit picky so I just read some of these post and continue to enjoy the hell out of the show for what its worth

Funny thing is I've gotten into a discussion about this show at work and went to this site to let people read some user reviews on whats happening and everyone pretty much agrees that the nit picking on here is way too much, almost like some of these people are taking the show and themselves WAY too seriously.

I've been reading the comic since the very first issue so if something was wrong with the show I think I'd have the right to bitch about it and to be honest I love it still.
58120, Some are being nit-picky but others have legit gripes...
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-31-11 03:08 PM
... which are related to the poor dialogue and weak characters. Those aren't small things -- they're fundamental problems. And you say we're taking the show too seriously? Well, the show takes itself pretty damn seriously.

The people who enjoy the show and defend it are most likely drawn to it because of the zombie aspect, which is well-done in terms of makeup and the gore and isolated moments of suspense. But unless there's another complete overhaul of the writing staff, the show's producers at some point have to admit it's just not going to be a great character-driven series and refocus on ramping up the horror, because that's the thing the show does well and by and large we haven't gotten much of it yet this season.
58121, not sure how seizures look, but at one point, Carl was stooge running...
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Oct-31-11 01:47 PM
during his. swear to God.
58122, Last night's ep (10/30) had me saying "Shane is a dirty SOB!"
Posted by Dove, Mon Oct-31-11 04:05 PM
I mean, damn!

58123, For those complaining
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Mon Oct-31-11 05:25 PM
Y'all gonna stop watching, right?
I mean what's the point in continuing to watch something you deem terrible?

58124, I'm still watching, but I'm somewhat disappointed...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Oct-31-11 06:32 PM
I think you can critique something and still continue
to find some enjoyment in watching. It's a watchable
show that came out with the promise of being an amazing

My problem is that the first 4 episodes from season one
were so amazing. I mean, it was some of the best production
I've ever seen in a show. Once they started writing the
relationships and dialogue between characters, it took a
huge nose dive in quality. That said, I'm still watching
it to see where it goes.
58125, That's pretty much where I'm at...
Posted by Mole, Mon Oct-31-11 06:50 PM
... I also feel like the show still has the possibility of turning a corner and becoming legitimately good, though it's long past the point of ever being as great as the pilot hinted it could be IMO.
58126, as much as i anticipated this show
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Oct-31-11 06:42 PM
i deserve to watch and complain about it until the bitter end.
58127, RE: as much as i anticipated this show
Posted by SankofaII, Tue Nov-01-11 05:04 PM
>i deserve to watch and complain about it until the bitter

and there it is/end poast
58128, I'll keep watching but I won't be anticipating it
Posted by honeyprodigy, Mon Oct-31-11 06:48 PM
or geeked for it like I was before. I really just want it to get better.
58129, Hi. I think this show fucking sucks (so far)...
Posted by Kurtis Carve, Tue Nov-01-11 01:18 AM
and I'm going to watch every ep.
58130, everyone wants to be the next rjcc
Posted by debo40oz, Sun Nov-06-11 10:44 AM
difference is that no one is really defending this show. Lost had a host of defenders until that last season myself included. Now everyone wants to be ahead of the curve with the hate.
58131, Dear “Walking Dead”: Please shut up(Salon.com swipe)
Posted by DJ007, Mon Oct-31-11 07:05 PM
Pretty much sums up my feelings as well about the show.


The best and worst qualities of “The Walking Dead” were on display in tonight’s episode; the extremes were so pronounced that my notes suggest the exuberant jottings of a split personality. “Gorgeous.” “Oh, for chrissakes, quit while you’re ahead — you already showed that, why re-hash it?” “Some of the best atmosphere on TV.” “Oh, shut up.” “Jon Bernthal is KILLING in this episode; he has Richard Gere’s oily, furtive, ‘What am I not guilty of’ body language.” “I wish Rick and Lori would get eaten so I didn’t have to hear their ‘discussions’ anymore.” “Brilliant ending — best of series so far.”

My sister, my daughter, my sister, my daughter, slap, slap, slap.
Scott M. Gimple wrote this episode; “Sopranos” veteran Phil Abraham directed. It was the best of “Dead,” it was the worst of “Dead.” Bottom line: When “The Walking Dead” is dramatizing its characters ‘ moral and ethical conundrums and letting them play out through physical action (or inaction), it’s as good as the very best zombie films that inspired it. But when one character says to another, “Can I talk to you for a second?” the show’s slow-burn momentum halts so abruptly that they might as well signal an upcoming heart-to-heart by laying a “screeching brakes” noise on the soundtrack. (“Hey, Shane, ya got a minute?” SCR-EEEeeeeEEEEEEEE!) I wish this show would have faith in its B-movie spirit and considerable filmmaking prowess, model its dialogue on an old cowboy picture, and keep things moving. There’s no reason to keep turning every scene into Zombie Oprah. Honest.

I didn’t need to hear any of the discussion between Rick and Lori on the porch early in the episode, especially not Lori’s facepalm-worthy line line “This isn’t a world for children anymore.” Everything the couple discussed was implicit in the episode’s action, and did not need to be highlighted. Their earnest discussions of the futility of optimism and the moral defensibility of letting their wounded son die paled beside three vivid B-movie moments: 1) the hanging zombie’s suicide note, “Got bit / Fever hit / World gone to shit / Might as well quit”; 2) Rick ignoring warnings that another blood drawing might kill him, because a dad’s gotta do what a dad’s gotta do; 3) the momentarily lucid Carl’s account of the last thing he saw before he got shot: that beautiful deer. (You could argue that we didn’t need Carl’s deer memory, either — that it was too unbelievable, or too sweet, or too something — but I liked it; pulp is allowed to be sentimental as long as the sentiment is on-point.)

The prayer talk scene between farmer/veterinarian Hershel’s daughter Maggie (the excellent Lauren Cohan) and Glenn (Steven Yeun) was similarly overcooked. It would have been just fine if it had ended after Glenn’s admission that this was the first time he’d ever prayed; but it had to keep going. Glenn: “You think God exists?” Maggie: “I always took it on faith. Lately, I’ve wondered. Everything that happened, there must have been a lot of praying going on, and it seems quite a few went unanswered.” Just … shut … UP.

If Howard Hawks had directed last night’s episode, he would have boiled that awkward pop-psych conversation between Dale and Andrea by the Winnebago down to a series of terse gestures — and just three lines. Andrea opens the door of the vehicle just as Dale approaches and says her name. Andrea pauses for a moment and makes eye contact with Dale. Dale produces a pistol and extends it butt-first; Andrea takes the gun, looks at it for a moment, then says, “I’ll take watch.” Dale says, “Glad you’re back,” and goes inside. Andrea climbs the ladder to the RV’s roof. Aaaand scene. None of that “… but I can still ask — and none of this is to make you guilty, or put me ahead of you — but I can still ask, please, don’t make me regret this,” which sounds like a line from an as-yet-unaired

“Treehouse of Horror” episode titled “Zombie thirtysomething.”

The episode’s last five minutes were brilliant, and I’m not just saying that because its depiction of a brutally self-interested man briefly allayed my worries that “The Walking Dead” has a “niceness problem.” Shane is not an essentially decent man with heel-ish tendencies; he’s a sociopath whose moony adolescent fixation on Lori, his post-apocalyptic hookup, might be the only thing stopping him from shooting the other survivors in their sleep, stuffing their food and supplies into the first working muscle car he can find, and taking off for the coast.

The compositions in that bathroom scene briefly (and falsely) implied that Shane had gotten bitten or scratched by a walker and was in danger of turning ghoul. The way he glowered at himself from underneath a Kubrickian ape-man brow made him look (intentionally, I’m sure) zombie-like, and reminded us that the show’s title has a double meaning: In a world without law or civilization, we are all walking dead. Although Shane is, in fact, still mortal, the ghoul/not a ghoul distinction now seems almost moot. The flashback revelations confirmed that he’s a warm-blooded, autonomous walker — a monster capable of committing murder to save himself, then lying to cover it up. As my friend Josh Spiegel noted, the sequence might have been more powerful if it hadn’t been telegraphed with an “in medias res” opening. But it was still strong stuff: undiluted pulp that explored morality (and amorality) through gory action.

I would have loved the sequence even more if I weren’t dreading the stilted conversation about it that’s surely on deck for next week. “Hey, Rick, can I talk to you for a second?” SCR-EEEeeeeEEEEEEEE!

58132, yeah...there was some horrid dialogue last night.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Oct-31-11 11:42 PM
58133, I'd figure a zombie apocalypse would be pretty dangerous
Posted by AZ, Mon Oct-31-11 11:58 PM
but this show seems downright pleasant. I mean, people are just hanging out, having deep philosophical discussions about god (and deer), taking leisurely walks in the wood, enjoying the scenery from their farmhouse that somehow has running hot water and electricity.
58134, if when the zombies catch you they tear you apart like they did Otis--
Posted by Onassis, Tue Nov-01-11 10:35 PM
how the fuck are you later able to become a functioning, walking being? Or are all the walkers people that only got bit & got away before being mauled?

58135, I've wondered that exact same thing n/m
Posted by AZ, Tue Nov-01-11 10:50 PM
58136, I think they are people who just got bit...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Wed Nov-02-11 04:03 AM
...since there are a bunch of regular corpses
everywhere too.
58137, ^^
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-02-11 09:03 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58138, *jaw drops*
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-02-11 09:07 AM
did this dude?
yes he did...
omg yes he did!

now this was revenge?
self preservation?
what percentage of what?
i felt is was a bit of everything in that act

was he trying to shake him the whole time though?

otis came back for your miserable ass

i just omg
wow dude
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58139, 1 life instead of 3
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Nov-02-11 12:45 PM
it's definitely a raw act, but he offered himself first, and made the decision he had to.
58140, #teamshane
Posted by BigReg, Sat Nov-05-11 05:22 PM
Hopefully he feeds more of the cast to the zombie hordes
58141, ^
Posted by IkeMoses, Sun Nov-06-11 06:05 PM
58142, omg if shane just starts offing people? best. heel. turn. ever.
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Nov-06-11 06:12 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58143, YES! Man if Shane did this
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Nov-07-11 10:42 AM
I would *TOTALLY* get back with watching...

BUT, they WON'T do this...so i think i'm good! lol!
58144, they had enough time to wrestle all that time
Posted by RobOne4, Sun Nov-06-11 05:35 AM
there was enough time for them both to get away.
58145, Black people's voices get higher when they lie.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-06-11 08:56 PM
Shane gets more country. 2nd most hillbilly eulogy I've heard in my life.
58146, Wearing Otis' overalls made it even worse...
Posted by mpeggable, Sun Nov-06-11 09:24 PM
throw the limp in and the only thing missing is a banjo. He is progressively becoming more country each episode. Kind of like Madonna with the British accent.
58147, pregnancy test!
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-06-11 09:00 PM
58148, why did she have to steal off into the woods
Posted by DontEvenTryIt, Mon Nov-07-11 02:24 AM
to take the pregnancy test?

why didn't she just go into the bathroom?

58149, to reduce the chances of someone walking in on her and/or
Posted by lovelyone80, Mon Nov-07-11 11:37 AM
finding the pregnancy test or box.
58150, Why they have Sloth from the Goonies in the well? nm
Posted by mpeggable, Sun Nov-06-11 09:14 PM
58151, That hat and uniform has to smell like 12,000 asses.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-06-11 09:42 PM
58152, MERLE!
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-06-11 09:47 PM
58153, motherfucking meril
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-06-11 09:49 PM
58154, son of a bitch! just saw the extra preview during hell on wheels
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-06-11 10:05 PM
if they kill off daryl, i might have to quit this show too
58155, My lady and I have started playing "Yakety Sax" during all the zombie scenes.
Posted by emeyesi, Mon Nov-07-11 12:24 AM
Makes this show hilariously awesome.
58156, omg thats hilarious
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-16-11 03:51 PM
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58157, Im 17 mins into this episode and i just wanna say
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Mon Nov-07-11 09:21 AM
i normally don't complain about plot developments that are there to provide entertainment/suspense etc. but putting the asian guy down the well to try to draw out a zombie is THE MOST STUPID THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN A TV SHOW!!!!!. LIKE LOGICALLY IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN......EVER!!!!........EVER
58158, That scene encapsulated everything good and awful about this show...
Posted by Mole, Mon Nov-07-11 11:35 AM
... On the positive end, I thought the waterlogged zombie looked awesome, and its ultimate demise was pretty cool (and ridiculously gross) as well. But everything about that scene that created the suspense was illogical. I mean, why would they even bother removing the zombie in the first place? Is anyone REALLY gonna drink that water after a zombie's been festering in it for who knows how long? And how could they test the water to make sure it was safe? And then using Glenn as human bait was so contrived and predictable it couldn't actually be suspenseful. My roommates are way less critical about the show than I am, and both of them were smacking their foreheads during that scene and saying, "This is so fucking stupid."
58159, Yeah, I'm pretty much done with this show. It's gotten terrible.
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Nov-07-11 04:15 PM
58160, I'm probably sticking with it 'til the end...
Posted by Mole, Mon Nov-07-11 05:03 PM
... of this season, anyway. And that's only partly because it's appointment TV for everyone else in my house. It's weird: Any other show I probably would've abandoned by now, but even as I consistently have more things to bitch about than compliment each week, I'm still draw to the shown. Part of it is the zombie conceit and the fact that it's pretty much the goriest show ever on cable (for example, the sight of the well zombie and it subsequently getting ripped in half kinda made sitting through the full hour worth it, even though just about everything else sucked). At least it has those things going for it -- and I'm still holding out a bit of hope that a truly good show can be built around those bright spots.
58161, I'll give it the rest of the season
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Mon Nov-07-11 06:21 PM
i only still watch it because mondays are my tv day and i got used to a couple of hours of great tv when breaking bad, curb, entourage and game of thrones were on sundays. now all i have is boardwalk and this. maybe i'll start watching hung again instead.

they could inject some pace back into this show by resolving the second lost kid and getting the survivors on the road and into a big city but i think the rest of this season will be spent in this area.
58162, well, that's been their solution to the "not enough action" problem
Posted by Melanism, Mon Nov-07-11 09:54 PM
Make the character endanger themselves more.
58163, http://media.filmthreat.com/images/monkeyman10-590x433.jpg
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Nov-08-11 10:06 AM
58164, This episode has me one step closer to turing away from the show
Posted by EDouble, Wed Nov-09-11 12:48 PM
Hopefully, next week starts to pick up the pace. ( I have sad this for 3 weeks)
Where the hell is this little girl at? Her survival skills are at 100, maybe she should lead the group upon her return.
Waterlogged Zombie was cool visual but stupid otherwise.
Maybe Redneck Brother will breathe some life into the team dynamic.

However this episode did make me think that if The farm folks had lost some family members already why was Otis'(huge) pile of rocks the only one we have seen to this point? Also if I remember correctly the Glenn's lady had no problem whacking a walker in the woods on horseback, so why was she so broken up after T-Dogg finishd the well guy?
My thought is it was someone she knew which wouldn't be hard to believe around the farm. But her reaction, no other gravesites, and the Doc making everyone turn in the guns, makes me think something else is up on that farm. The old barn convo seemed forced into ep which also has made me think the walker approaching the farm in the preview of next weeks ep may have come from there. Is vet Hershel housing the family zombies in the barn, and is that why he is in such a rush to get them on the road?
I hope this show picks up pace soon! Not sure how much I can take of the same ol every week.
58165, that why you don't give women guns!
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-13-11 09:31 PM
58166, I wasn't done before this episode but,
Posted by DJ007, Sun Nov-13-11 09:34 PM
after watching it you already know I'm done...ugh, its like they purposefully want to lose viewers..lol. How you gon kill that character?????
58167, she i'm glad that dumb hoe missed
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-13-11 09:37 PM
58168, hell me too! And I said that the exact same thing,
Posted by DJ007, Sun Nov-13-11 09:38 PM
58169, Stupid fucking bitch.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-13-11 09:38 PM
How many different ways do niggas have to tell you not to shoot?

And, I'm growing tired of this house and the old man.
58170, I know right....mwahahahahaha
Posted by DJ007, Sun Nov-13-11 09:39 PM

58171, I straight yelled at the screen, "What the fuck are you DOING?!?!?"
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Mon Nov-14-11 12:06 PM
>How many different ways do niggas have to tell you not to

That was just idiotic. The group told her to fall back and let them handle it. She's looking through the scope. Once the group reaches the unidentified person/walker, shouldn't she have noticed that Shane and Rick didn't attack? And even if it was a zombie, you have four people with weapons ready to kill it. What if she'd have hit one of the others? I was dumbfounded.
58172, I don't like the way Dale & Andrea just caught eyes.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-13-11 09:40 PM
I mean, I read that shit above, but it's still gross.
58173, ok that was interesting.
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-13-11 09:50 PM
i'm curious about the barn full of zombies.

predictable but interesting.
58174, Shit just got real(er than it previously had been, by comparison).
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-13-11 09:57 PM
58175, Yeah, that picked it up
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Nov-14-11 11:51 AM
I'm kinda done with the farmhouse characters though
58176, Lol @ the special preview.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-13-11 10:06 PM
Keep it to myself?! Bitch, you trippin.
58177, RE: Lol @ the special preview.
Posted by rdhull, Tue Nov-15-11 11:21 PM
>Keep it to myself?! Bitch, you trippin.

58178, It don't even matter what happens until season finale
Posted by lexx3001, Mon Nov-14-11 02:29 AM
Which, in my opinion, will be a huge night of the living dead ripoff, with them making a stand in that house against a hoarde
58179, For those discontent with the show...
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-14-11 11:13 AM
Remember the basis for show is a comic book. Think of the show more as a literal tv translation from a comic instead of an interpretation for television (using a comic). Once I realized what they're doing with the show, it made the show a lot more palatable.

I think a large part of the discontent from comic readers is the medium. We expect comics to be a bit outlandish in scope and situation and it doesn't faze us when extremely improbable things happen.

However, in a medium like television where there are no gaps that can be glossed over since the scenes are continuous (unlike comic panels), then our sense of the absurd heightens and we become more critical of it. It's exacerbated when the show attempts to recreate "realism" (as real as you can get in a zombie apocalypse show) using a comic book as its basis.

For instance, "Vatos" from the first season, penned by Kirkman himself. Imagine that episode in comic form. You wouldn't be privy to all the lame gangster-isms they're painfully trying to portray, nor the shitty accents or acting. All you would have seen is dialogue spoken by typical unsavory types. The impact is stronger if it were in a comic medium and we can't nitpick about all the things that matter for television (like acting).

Or when Carl gets shot. That situation is literally resolved in the comic in like 3 panels and you don't blink twice about it. Yet if we saw it on TV we'd scream about how improbable that shit is.

Now, I'm not saying this is an excuse for lots of the shitty things about the show like the acting and lots of the dialogue, but once you shift your perspective on how to view the show it becomes a lot more enjoyable, despite its flaws.
58180, so?
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-14-11 11:17 AM
it doesn't make it a better show.

it's a TV show you ffwd and watch in 10 minutes.

it could be much better than that.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58181, Didn't say it'd be a better show.
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-14-11 11:37 AM
It just makes more sense from the producers' angle if you change the lens you're viewing it from.

I'm not going to defend the shitty things about it because I agree with all those viewpoints. Has the dialogue been cringeworthy? Absolutely. Do a lot of the survivors' decisions not make a lick of sense? Without a doubt.

However, for situations like last night with Andrea NICKING Darryl on the head WITH A BULLET, it's easy to think "what the fuck how improbable is THAT shit." If you've read the comic though, you realize that exact same shit happens all the time in comics (and TWD in particular). It's just more palatable in that medium than it is in television.
58182, But it changes nothing, plus, it's been said before, plus, so?
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-14-11 11:56 AM
if you're not trying to cop a plea, then what is it?

I think its well established at this point that its far too literal of a comic book translation to a tv show, even if the events and characters aren't the same.

lowering the asian guy into the well is stupid in any context, etc.

they could've written in ol girl almost shooting darly in a way that didn't make me want to blow my own brains out.. comic book or now, her shooting after being told not to shoot 150 times is just bizarre.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58183, There's a number of people that watch grudgingly.
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-14-11 12:10 PM
Many that have read the books watch because it's there (and they love the comic), but are obviously dissatisfied. I'm just saying that subtly shifting your view on it might make it more enjoyable for them, despite its flaws.

>lowering the asian guy into the well is stupid in any context,

Agreed. They used it to flex their makeup/CGI muscles more than anything else. If you want to look deeper into it, Maggie's reaction to that situation helped reinforce the idea that the farm folks are against killing the zombies. Still doesn't excuse why they tried to take out that soaking motherfucker "alive" though.

>they could've written in ol girl almost shooting darly in a
>way that didn't make me want to blow my own brains out..
>comic book or now, her shooting after being told not to shoot
>150 times is just bizarre.

Yeah, I agree, shit was awkward. It'll be worse if they don't address her properly in the next episode. Same sort of shit happens in the comics though.

And yeah, it's definitely a matter of preference on whether or not they should handle the show in this way. For me personally, it made watching the show more enjoyable. I read the comics before the show first aired so I'm going to watch it regardless of quality, but at least now I can garner more enjoyment from it this way than before.

Your mileage may vary, obviously.
58184, I hear you but....
Posted by lexx3001, Mon Nov-14-11 11:17 AM
Bad-assness of first season + tons of zombies + change of scenery >>>>>> emo-talks at the mansion with 1 or 2 zombies per episode. Thats all there is to it. If the comic medium isnt translating, then shit, DO IT HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE.
58185, The first season was iffy as well.
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-14-11 11:33 AM
Started off great, then went off the rails, especially during the CDC storyline. Makes more sense in a comic setting, though it doesn't forgive how shitty of an angle it is.

As for tons of zombies, even the comic went through long stretches without the group encountering a single zombie. Kirkman's goal (for both the comic and show) has always been to explore the human reaction to the situation, not just plug zombies at every angle.

58186, i get some of what you're saying to an extent...except the acting...
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-15-11 09:04 AM
it's the show's fault that the acting is bad...it has nothing to do with the fact that it's based on a comic. in adapting the comic to the show it's their job to make it plausible and enjoyable in tv form. sure, kirkman wouldnt need to worry about actors in the comic but kirkman's just a writer in the show...he's not directing. its the director and actors' jobs to bring that page to life.
58187, Totally agreed...
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Nov-15-11 09:30 AM
the terrible acting is indefensible. Just saying that sort of stuff can't be criticized in a comic medium.
58188, Then why make it into a TV show?
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Nov-15-11 09:40 AM
(I know the obvious answer is because it would make money and quality of execution matters not a bit, but bear with me.)

I understand the point you're making, but if the transition between mediums is flawed, you have to either (a) change it to fit the new medium better, or (b) don't transition to a new medium.

It may just not work and won't ever work (those DaVinci Code and Twilight books are just people sitting around and talking about the same shit over and over, which is fine in a book but fucking awful in film), but I refuse to believe that when the setting is so interesting.

Literal adaptations lose quality in the transition. So don't do it, or change the source material to make it better for the new medium. What you're saying may be the reason it sucks, but it's not an excuse for it sucking.
58189, Good points.
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Nov-15-11 03:49 PM
What I'm thinking happened is that, despite the gargantuan presences of both Gale Anne Hurd and Frank Darabont, this is still ultimately the brainchild of Robert Kirkland, someone who has zero experience outside comics.

I'm guessing his direction is still the guiding vision behind everything, despite the big names attached to the project. And I do agree, it's a big reason why the show is so uneven but copping pleas for it is inexcusable.

However, it's minor and may not last, but I do sense minor improvements in the dialogue and character development in the last few episodes. The exchanges between Rick and Shane have gone beyond the inanity of the earlier episodes, and Darryl and Carol are (a bit) more well rounded than they were before. On top of that, I much prefer how they handled the budding romance between Glenn and Maggie in the show over the comics, as well as how they revealed the zombies in the barn. In the comics both of those transitions were stunted and abrupt, revealed through dialogue versus a bit more organically in the show.

Overall, it sounds like Kirkman & co. are still finding themselves out. No one is doubting the quality of the source material but on the same tip no one denies that something gets lost in the translation. Kirkland has also stated that he's using the tv show to explore an "alternate" universe to the one he created in his comic.

At best, the inconsistences we're seeing are his growing pains in transitioning from a slower paced medium that's only limit is his own imagination to one that moves much faster and has hundreds of people involved. Maybe he wasn't able to maintain a consistent long term view in trying to fulfill his commitments to both the comic and the show? Hopefully he's found his rhythm and the improvement in the last few episodes will be more telling down the line.

At worst, he's still trying to play it by ear and is still confused by what works on TV versus what works in comics. Maybe the best thing he can do at this point is slow down the release schedule for the comics and concentrately solely on the TV show?

Either way though, changing my own personal view on it has made me a bit more tolerable over all the bullshit that happens. I prefer how Maggie and Glenn got down in the show, but then I notice that their trip to the pharmacy was entirely uneventful, and didn't make sense that there was a lack of zombies. In comics you can't take in the background and can only see what they want to show you... makes it more understandable in that context.

58190, The problem is that the worst parts of the show DEVIATE from the comic
Posted by BigReg, Tue Nov-15-11 10:13 AM
The Vatos episode you brought up for wasn't in the comic(and I thought it wasn't that bad btw).
The horrible CDC storyline, wasn't in the comic.

I definitely understand alot of your points, especially since alot of television/movie properties suffer from being too beholden to the source comic material(Watchmen). But the flaws in Walking Dead imho have nothing to do with the stress of translating the comic imho.

If they stayed closer to the source material you would have a better show then you have now. If the writers were good, you could have a GREAT show with the writers taking it to unexpected places from the comics and properly using the television medium to it's fullest.

Look at a show like Game of Thrones which crammed a thousand pages of an already dense storyline into ten episodes almost word for word and you see things done right. When they deviated from the source material, it was to shed new light on the characters and help flesh out character motivation that you wouldn't really get from watching a story from third person.

Walking Dead fails because when it deviates from the source material it falls flat on it's feet because the writers/showrunners don't have their own vision. You see this in the difference between the great first 3 episodes and the mediocre episodes that followed. With the help of the comic they had a clear view of how to establish the world and how they wanted to show how the social order flipped(Vatos), and with because of that even with the flaws the first half of last season was great.

After that tho, they are just lost and wandering like the character themselves, and it comes off like they are simply throwing storylines up there with no buildup or payoff along the way.

True, the stories they are telling now jive more with the comic, but it's lifeless because the writing and directing doesn't rise to the task....it feels like they hired the B team from one of the CSI offshoots to write the scripts. It's a bit sad that two inch drawn panels come off with more feeling then actual live actors and actresses, and that lies with the people involved in the production, not because of any hurdles placed because they are translating a comic into the screen.
58191, Cosign 100%--
Posted by bloocollar, Tue Nov-15-11 10:33 AM
was just talking to a coworker abt it

a general rule is if you deviate from source material, you damn sure have to make it better

so far all of their deviations have been terrible
58192, Yeah, I definitely agree..
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Nov-15-11 04:09 PM
and I kinda touched upon it in my response to Longo above. It does seem like there's a disconnect between the interpretation and the intention.

I really wish that they had kept it more faithful to the source material as well.... they could have concentrated their efforts on the translation instead of the conception. On top of that, no one knew it was going to be a hit, so that's why the first season was only 6 episodes and why they filmed two separate endings (the other one was everyone gets killed). But Kirkman wanted to explore other paths for his characters, for better or worse. Despite some of the stumbles, I'm glad now that ***comic spoilers****

Shane is alive. Everyone was clamoring for him to die in the first season, but now we're starting to get the bigger picture on where Kirkman's going with it. That's definitely a plus that we didn't see early on, and is evidence that at least on some things, he's got a long term view.

***end spoilers***

Things like that are why I feel a bit more willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt now, instead of griping over every little thing (I still gripe, just not as much).

As for Game of Thrones, I'm hesitant to use that as a comparison just because the source material is so much more thorough than a comic book. Shit, GoT is on a whole 'nother level just because Martin was planning shit like fucking 3-4 books (if not more) down the line. For something as intricately interwoven as GoT, if you try fucking too much with the source material you seriously risk painting yourself into a corner down the line, especially since the book series isn't even done.

With that said though, yeah GoT (both book and show) is fucking amazing and is by far my favorite of both mediums in recent years.

58193, BigReg should write for this show
Posted by SankofaII, Tue Nov-15-11 04:38 PM
and if he did, I'd start watching again because all of THIS makes FUCKING SENSE....
58194, perfectly stated...good shit
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-15-11 08:33 PM
58195, Well, I officially care about one character: Darryl...
Posted by Mole, Tue Nov-15-11 02:03 AM
... When it looked like dumbass Andrea had killed him, I was legitimately pissed and authentically glad to see he was still alive. So I guess that's something. And I'm starting to actively support Shane as well, but he's still too busy getting caught up in all these meandering conversations with Rick that make me not care about him quite as much. But the action/drama is still so contrived: Darryl falls down a hill because the horse gets spooked by a snake? C'mon, you can't think of a better, more compelling reason why he would've ended up having to crawl out of a ravine?

I'm intrigued by the zombie barn, too, but Jesus Christ, are they REALLY gonna spend the entire season at this farmhouse and searching for Sophia? The only way the missing girl arc is going to pay off in a satisfying way is if they finally find her and she's already zombiefied. Otherwise, it's a huge waste of time.
58196, Part of me hoped he was dead...
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Nov-15-11 02:41 AM
...so I could stop watching, as he's currently the only good thing about this show.
58197, As excruciating as the search for Sophia has been...
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Nov-15-11 09:32 AM
remember it's only been about 3-4 days in "real" time for the characters. I agree that it's been totally drawn out, but it's clear they're using that as a proxy to develop the relationship between Darryl and Carol, as well as straining further the relationship between Rick and Shane.
58198, where in the comics are we at this point?
Posted by s_dot_miles, Tue Nov-15-11 11:29 PM
id like to download these and read ahead to see what happens with the sophia thing and daryl's storyline.
58199, Not that far in the storyline actually.
Posted by wallysmith, Wed Nov-16-11 12:25 AM
Also, inbox.
58200, inbox?
Posted by s_dot_miles, Wed Nov-16-11 02:07 PM
58201, Oh whoops, I hit email instead of inbox.
Posted by wallysmith, Wed Nov-16-11 02:22 PM
Now check it hah
58202, Inbox please?
Posted by debo40oz, Thu Nov-17-11 08:20 AM
my roomate supposedly has them all except the first one and he said he would let me borrow them. It's been a few weeks though. I never really read comics or graphic novels but this seems like a decent enough place to start.
58204, Check it.
Posted by wallysmith, Thu Nov-17-11 09:51 AM
Yeah, I'm not a comic head at all but I fucking love zombies and the comic is off the chain
58205, thanks
Posted by debo40oz, Thu Nov-17-11 10:10 AM
58203, Check it.
Posted by wallysmith, Thu Nov-17-11 09:51 AM
Yeah, I'm not a comic head at all but I fucking love zombies and the comic is off the chain
58206, the sophia thing isn't in the comics though
Posted by gumz, Wed Nov-16-11 02:57 PM
58207, i am mad that the 1 token black guy they keep is essentially
Posted by forte, Thu Nov-17-11 08:31 AM
useless. he brings nothing to the table at all. i wish they would have kept the older black guy w/ the kid from the very first episode. that was the episode that made me think this show was going to be good because the drama/conflict with that man, his son, and his dead wife seemed real. 2 seasons later and we still haven't seen that guy again. yet we get stuck with t-dog.
darryl is the only reason i continue to watch the show. his character is complex. he has a good heart yet he's fighting inner demons with regard to racism, political slants, etc.
58208, I keep waitin for the Jericho dude to come back also
Posted by debo40oz, Thu Nov-17-11 08:57 AM
but right now I don't see it.
58209, i want a Barn Zombie spinoff sitcom. i'm sure more shit happens in there...
Posted by FortifiedLive, Tue Nov-15-11 05:28 PM
than in this series.
58210, LOL!
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Wed Nov-16-11 05:31 AM
58211, LMAO
Posted by basslinewonder, Sun Nov-20-11 11:43 PM


58212, *cadaverous*
Posted by Pete Burns, Wed Nov-30-11 07:38 AM
What the blood claaat ???
58213, i dont think i can do this anymore folks
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-16-11 03:53 PM
horror isn't my thing to begin with

i cant watch this and american horror
i'll never sleep again

i can't bring myself to watch that last episode
its just not good enough
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58214, You actually find this stuff scary?
Posted by Nopayne, Wed Nov-16-11 04:41 PM
What parts of it?
58215, Sure.
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Nov-17-11 08:55 AM
>What parts of it?

Anytime Rick and Lori talk.
58216, lol
Posted by walihorse, Thu Nov-17-11 09:36 AM
58217, It's more the going to sleep aspect
Posted by lfresh, Sun Nov-27-11 11:05 PM
While watching not so much
But the imagery stays w me and I end up in zombie scenarios
Not cool
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58218, As much as I recognize the faults, I enjoy the show
Posted by debo40oz, Thu Nov-17-11 08:26 AM
because its something my dad and I both watch either together or can chop it up about. Our interests in media don't often intersect but for some reason it did on this show. So for that fact alone I will continue to watch. I try not to come in here to often cause then the failures become even more noticable. Sometimes I think I should just avoid PTP altogether cause people here point out things I don't notice sometimes. But once pointed out they can't be ignored and then I can't just veg out and watch some stupid TV without getting angry.
58219, same here, there's more that makes me want to watch than quit
Posted by Grand_Royal, Sat Nov-19-11 11:43 AM
I like when ppl point out things that I missed or bring some insight to the story, but I don't get ppl that hate the show and still watch or don't watch but still post about it lol
58220, LOL she for it!
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-20-11 09:36 PM
58221, Poor Glenn can't hold water in a bucket.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-20-11 11:03 PM
58222, it's not his fault the jumpoff wife put him in a difficult situation...
Posted by basslinewonder, Sun Nov-20-11 11:46 PM


58223, After the evil speech, once again....#TeamShane
Posted by BigReg, Sun Nov-20-11 11:26 PM
58224, yeah.. him and Glenn are keeping this season together.
Posted by basslinewonder, Sun Nov-20-11 11:43 PM


58225, RE: After the evil speech, once again....#TeamShane
Posted by ACIDSE7EN, Mon Nov-21-11 04:10 PM
Shane channeled his inner Tupac for that scene. Its the locker scene from Juice all over.
58226, This was probably the best episode of this entire series. (spoilers)
Posted by ansomble, Mon Nov-21-11 02:04 AM
It was rife with betrayal and secrets being revealed, I just hope the fissures now in place in the group actually intensify and not fizzle out.

(Darryl being back on his redneck shit, Shane threatening Dave's life, Shane fucking Amy's sister, Rick finding out about Shane & Lori fucking, Lori trying to abort Rick's baby and him finding out, Glen being told he gets treated like shit/group doesn't appreciate him from farm girl, Dave going against Shane in his care for Amy's sister, Barn full of dead motherfuckers... I mean WOW, there was alot that episode.)
58227, definitely best of the season...
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Nov-21-11 02:59 AM
and just when things finally pick up, there's only one episode left til the series takes a break til february.
58228, Still too much blabbering for me, though...
Posted by Mole, Mon Nov-21-11 03:43 AM
... I am hoping, though, that with all these things established (no matter how boringly/clunkily), the show will shut up and have all the developments lead to some actual action.
58229, I hated once again how 50 fucking zombies just appeared
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Nov-21-11 06:14 AM
they drove in so I am sure they would have passed a fucking mob of zombies. Nope they are in the house for a few minutes and then BAM every zombie within a 30 mile radius is there.
58230, yeah. that was some BULLSHIT.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Nov-21-11 02:49 PM
58231, They obviously wanted to check out the 2012 Hyundai Tucson
Posted by emeyesi, Mon Nov-21-11 05:51 PM
58232, its a zombie apacolypse
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Nov-21-11 07:32 PM
but that wont keep Toyota from releasing new vehicles/
58233, lol
Posted by basslinewonder, Mon Nov-21-11 10:50 PM


58234, So, explain the logistics here...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Nov-21-11 06:59 AM
If a handful of people can survive hordes of zombies,
how do they explain the zombies defeating everything
like the army, police, etc. ?
58235, Man, you're complaining about like 40 years worth of modern zombie lore
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-21-11 08:10 AM
Read something like World War Z if you want scenarios like that.
58236, they went ham in this episode damn!
Posted by forte, Mon Nov-21-11 08:27 AM
i mean they were dropping the SHIT word like it was the B word. thought i was watching HBO for a second. then when shorty grabbed old boy's package and he was like well come on then, I was like did they really just do that? I am mad that they wait until the last 2 to 3 episodes to step it up!

That old dude needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut fam. Aint no law in a zombie apocalypse.
58237, has anyone noticed the lack of children zombies?
Posted by forte, Mon Nov-21-11 08:47 AM
like i've seen 1 in 1 episode last season but that's it. i don't follow the comic but is there something to that? there are more kids on earth then anything else yet i've only seen 1 little girl zombie.
58238, It's probably because children don't survive long after zombie attacks...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Nov-21-11 09:02 AM
I assume most zombies are people who got bit but ran off
and avoided getting eaten, only to transform into zombies
themselves. I think kids probably just get torn the fuck
58239, Look at Sophia...
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-21-11 09:41 AM
and starstruck-by-deer Carl... Kids are dumb as shit. They're the first ones to go.
58240, see i haven't read the comic so i don't know what the origin of
Posted by forte, Mon Nov-21-11 02:17 PM
the zombie inducing phenomenon was/is. in the show, two seasons in, it never really explained what happened? why is the majority of the world zombies and why are these folks not zombies? i guess that leads into my children theory. if it was some sort of biological warfare type thing than the kids would zombify just as the adults did.
58241, It's never explained in the comics .. sort of teased
Posted by Whiteout, Mon Nov-21-11 02:27 PM
but I wouldn't hold out on it ever being revealed, comics or tv ...

trying to make sense of this show should've been moot, though
58242, I've only read the first 80 issues of the comics...
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-21-11 02:44 PM
so I'm not sure if he explores the origins of the phenomenon either. I think the perspective he's taking is just that of regular folks trying to survive in extraordinary circumstances (like in Children of Men). It's not a mystery story, it's a survival story.

As for the kid zombie thing, I think it's just more convenient to hire adult zombie extras, haha. No need to worry about a parent's consent or whatever.

I DID come across something though... warning WARNING MASSIVE SPOILERS if you click this. I deliberately added spaces in it so it wouldn't auto-load for those folks with that image extension Jadefire or whatever the hell it's called...

Remember, *major* spoilers if you look at this (copy paste and take out the spaces):

http: // dancil.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/1321544674889 . jpg
58243, damn
Posted by Boogiedwn, Mon Nov-21-11 03:43 PM
that sucks (looked @ the spoiler)
58244, *sigh*
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Mon Nov-21-11 10:50 PM
i just went and read a whole spoiler from the mid season finale like a dumb ass. once again, they are going to do enough to keep me interested.
58245, awesome! I would have quit if it was another way.
Posted by walihorse, Tue Nov-22-11 11:53 AM
I would expect that
58246, Grantland pretty much nailed where this show is at right now.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Nov-21-11 02:38 PM
I mean, be honest, fan or not, this is pretty much what we're all thinking/feeling, right?


Last week Grantland’s estimable Senior Hot Tub Hookup correspondent David Jacoby was kind enough to fill in on Walking Dead duties while I was away. In the recap, he took the time to elucidate exactly what it was enjoyed about the show, namely “explosions, hot chicks and creative ways to kill zombies.” Let’s be clear: that sounds pretty good to me! Unfortunately, at this point, The Walking Dead is about precisely none of those things. Instead, it is about a group of shallow, unpleasant people who live on a horse farm.

In its condensed six-episode first season, The Walking Dead managed to introduce the core characters, unite them and have them travel to Atlanta and back (twice!) before reaching the CDC just in time to see it self-destruct in a fiery explosion of shower soap and corked red wine. At the same point in Season Two, our sweaty survivalists have spent five hours looking for a little girl we don’t even remember in the first place. I have seen lateral passes with more forward progress than this show. It’s not that a time-out on the guts and gore isn’t a good idea — it’s just that after spending hour after endless hour with these ridiculous people as they repeat the same arguments about leadership and child-survival odds it becomes more and more clear that your average maggot-infested walker has more going on internally than any of the protagonists. Last night was particularly wasteful: tossing perfectly good chickens to the secret zombies in the barn and emptying hundreds of bullets on tincans.

I suppose training heretofore unseen characters how to shoot makes sense but until recently wasn’t ammunition at a premium? What do they plan to defend themselves with once the inevitable happens, beef jerky and peaches? “Be prepared” is as good a motto for a zombie-riddled apocalypse as it is for the boy scouts, but for these dudes spending time ventilating milk bottles is as productive as Noah mastering the doggypaddle. This is a hit TV show with bigger-than-life stakes — maybe it’s time to aim a little higher? Sugar Shane’s empowerment camp for target practice and remedial misogyny is burning through ammo almost as quickly as the producers are using up the audience’s goodwill.

Still, in fairness, one or two concrete events did happen in “Secrets,” chief among them the revelation that recent advances in large animal medicine have far outstripped their human equivalent as Carl was up, mobile, and shooting guns just days after being plugged by one himself. (With an impossible feat like that under his belt, maybe Dr. Cornpone really can cure zombie-ism. “Just listen to two more soliloquies about ‘men of character’ and call me in the morning.”) Also, miserable Lori remained miserable, spilling more tears over her surprise pregnancy than Carol has over her still-missing daughter. She also sent poor Glenn back on another errand to town, this time to pick up some morning after pills (helpfully labelled “morning after pills” to avoid confusion). Unfortunately for Glenn — and for Maggie’s tanktop — the pharmacy either gained a zombie infestaton since last time or maybe the creeping tom was just bummed that he wasn’t going to get another live sex show and decided to take it out on someone.

Luckily, Glenn is quick with a wooden shelf and even quicker with a machete, as he rescues his occasional girlfriend with a more vicious necking than the one she gave him. It was the episode’s only moment of clarity, both as a visceral rebuke to Herschel’s sentimental theory that these peckish monsters are still human and an opportunity for Maggie to tell Glenn the truth: that he’s more than genial walker-bait. (He’s also an efficient salesclerk, taking the time to package each item he takes from the drug store in its own individual white paper bag. Servicey!)

If Glenn is slowly developing into a real hero, the rest of the cast is quickly moving in the opposite direction. Shane may be angry at himself but he’s ugly when taking it out on the fairer sex, screaming “you’re too damn emotional!” and “you shoot like a damn girl!” at Andrea when she’s unable to shoot a moving target. (In fairness, it’s a flirtation strategy that pays carnal dividends. After a pointless home invasion in search of Sophia — this show’s impossible white-girl whale — culminates in some brain-splatter, Andrea is excited enough to grab’s Shane’s package on the drive home. Unfortunately for Dale, what happens in the Hyundai Tucson doesn’t stay in the Hyundai Tucson.)

Actually women in general were treated as less than human throughout last night, from Herschel’s smug, sexist proclamations (“Be grateful you don’t have a daughter. If things were only as simple as wanting to learn to shoot.” Yes, if only!) to Glenn’s invocation of the holy “don’t women’s periods tends to synch up when in a group?” bunkem. (The constant threat of the undead ripping your loved ones limb from limb got you down? Must be that time of the month! Am I right, fellas?) Whether it’s Lori’s hysterical pregnancy or Otis’s widow’s suddenly ravenous appetite for glocks, the message was clear: someone needs to protect these poor helpless women, or at least keep them in the kitchen cooking up Dr. Herschel’s former patients. (That “Secrets” was written by the talented Terriers vet Angela Kang suggests that this is an institutional problem, not a personal one.) Lori’s over-the-top anguish over the secret bun in her oven made me want to stick my finger down my throat long before she did. Still, at least she has some perspective: when Dale mused that Lori’s been reunited with her loving husband so “what’s your concern” she correctly points out that they are marooned in a death-scarred zombie apocalypse and child-rearing is low on the list of priorities. Luckily for her, so is petty jealousy. The episode’s non-climactic ending featured the over-simmered revelation of her past with Shane. Rick, the calmest cuckold in history, takes it well, claiming he already knew and walks off, thus taking a rare pass on an opportunity to explain how he’ll do anything for Lori and Carl.

The Walking Dead is literally going nowhere, its stunted storytelling so egregious that it’s bordering on the satirical. (Next week: Daryl begins individually carving maps of the surrounding areas into each tree in the forest in the hopes that Sophia might find it, and T-Dogg sends Glenn back to the pharmacy for some gum and a 5-hour Energy Drink.) It’s unclear whether the pace was slowed due to the tumult at the top — we’re nearing the end of the episodes produced before creator Frank Darabont got his own wooden shelf to the neck, professionally speaking — or due to monetary constrants (not even Korean car sponsorships can bring the budget back to where it was before Matt Weiner got his new contract), but something has to change, and fast. It’s maddening that the only zombies remaining on The Walking Dead are safely locked away in a barn, stumbling in stultifying circles and feasting on chickens instead of the bitter, brittle bones of Lori or any of the other miserable humans who so desperately deserve to be devoured.
58247, Pretty much. And the dissatisfaction is spreading...
Posted by Mole, Mon Nov-21-11 02:55 PM
... More and more I hear from people IRL/read on Twitter that people who were fans of the first season and who defended the first few episodes of season two are getting increasingly frustrated with the show. I'm not sure if it's reflective in the ratings at all, but the distaste a lot of critics/OKPs who get accused of "over-analyzing" things had regarding the second half of S1 is spreading among the general audience. People are getting anxious for SOMETHING to happen.
58248, yeah. I'm one of those folks you described.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Nov-21-11 03:12 PM
i wasn't even looking at season 1 hella deep like that, so i had NO problems with it. some folks started hating back then...i really enjoyed the WHOLE season.

but man, after episode 1 of this season, all of the following eps have become an increasing drag on my enjoyment of this show. this week just kind of piqued my annoyance with the sudden appearance of a gaggle of zombies in the housing development when previously there were none...and then cheesy culmination of that scene with her turning into a sudden badass and puttin her safety at risk just to pop a few more zombies in the head.

the day after pills being clearly labeled as such? C'MON!!!
58249, Yuppers
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-21-11 03:20 PM
Although, Ill say this much: a show having all unlikable characters doesn't necessarily mean it's not working. Id argue that Survivor, which is probably the shows spiritual heir at this point, pretty much EVERYONE is unlikable. Which is why I thought yesterday was actually an improvement with the characters betraying each other.

Your show can be filled with despicable characters as long as they are believable and something is happening to them with weight; be it a zombie raid, working on a common problem but finding an angle to help themselves, or just colluding beneath the scenes to fuck each other over. See any Shakespeare tragedy, lol.

It's why the only one left I 'like' is Shane since he's got clear motivations, and hopefully will help move the plot along as far as the betrayals are concerned.
58250, oh yeah. in fact, i love people i LOVE to hate in the shows i like.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Nov-21-11 03:26 PM
it usually makes me MORE involved in the show cuz i watch hoping they'll get their's at some point, or that even if they're not evil, their ridiculousness or idiocy is eventually pointed out.

the problem lies in your second point: very few of the characters are believable, or at least the writers & producers aren't putting them in believable situations.

if this continues much longer, it might be the most artistically meteoric rise and fall of a show ever (or at least that i can remember).
58251, the first half of the article was pretty funny
Posted by Grand_Royal, Mon Nov-21-11 10:59 PM
I wondered about the ammo myself. It seemed like such a waste, esp the kid shootin' with the gangsta grip. At least let them find some kind of ammo surplus somewhere. I wouldn't have wasted that ammo on Hershel's people since he doesn't like guns on his property.

58252, i cannot stand Dale's face. Shane Shamrock needa kill him already.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Nov-21-11 04:01 PM
58253, I think this show has become kinda stupid.
Posted by doyawanacookie, Mon Nov-21-11 05:41 PM
The first season was exciting, they changed it up enough to keep you glued to the tv. This season.. well, it's just kind of boring. Things are becoming predictable and I can't some of the terrible performances.

- Lol @ the kid taking a near fatal gun shot and being up a few days after. Come on. People go through month's of rehab if they survive shit like that.

- The drama they are going through, oh god.. can people cap these actors emotional range cause some of it is so forced and contrived that it's just painful.

I am basically saying that I hate to see a good plot get twisted up with so much unrealistic bs.. i know it's already an unrealistic context.. ie. zombies. but.. when you stray too far from what is real and what isn't... you lose track of the sense of fear and adventure behind their experiences as characters... and so they just become bad actors acting out a bad script and it's difficult to see past it.
58254, - Lol @ the kid taking a near fatal gun shot and being up a few days after. Come on. People go through month's of rehab if they survive shit like that.
Posted by MonkeyAss, Mon Nov-21-11 05:49 PM
RIGHT!!!!! His little ass was up and playing! lol
58255, with guns no less. lol
Posted by doyawanacookie, Mon Nov-21-11 06:19 PM
58256, not sure of the timeline though...
Posted by PROMO, Mon Nov-21-11 06:48 PM
i got the impression that the time from when he was shot til the time in last night's episode was AT LEAST 2 weeks...maybe 3 or 4.
58257, There is no damn way...
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Nov-21-11 07:55 PM
...they think Sophia is still out there if they waited three weeks. Plus, Daryl's still recouping from his shot. This is only a day or two later.
58258, i mean...yeah...Daryl was just from the last episode...
Posted by PROMO, Mon Nov-21-11 08:09 PM
but the kid got shot in episode 2 or 3. had to be at least a week from the kid til last nights episode.

shit, they didn't even go to the school til a couple days after he was shot.
58259, no, that was the next day. what the fuck show are you watching?
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-21-11 10:14 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58260, You're right, I understand bitching but people got their facts wrong
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Nov-22-11 10:34 AM
The ep where they went to the school was the day after carl got shot

Have no idea why people are saying they've been looking for the girl for a few weeks, shits only been a few days maybe not even a full week yet.

and they call the show stupid, yesh!
58261, okay. jeez. what do you want, a fucking cookie?
Posted by PROMO, Wed Nov-23-11 01:35 AM
shit FEELS like it's been months. read post #281. i was originally speaking to how long it seems.

they need writers that can add pace and still cover the important shit.
58262, no i'd rather you get your shit straight
Posted by Paps_Smear, Wed Nov-23-11 10:06 AM
that way when you bitch it makes sense

or would you rather them put "the next day" captioned at the bottom of the screen every episode to make it simple for you?

face it, that shit you were complaining about was stupid
58263, and i quote:
Posted by PROMO, Wed Nov-23-11 01:14 PM
"i get the IMPRESSION..."

also, where was i complaining? i was making an observation.

why you so fucking sensitive? do work on this show or something?
58264, Here ya go. It's been four days
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Nov-22-11 10:37 AM

58265, that's how much of a pussy Rick is. he goes into a coma after shot.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Tue Nov-22-11 10:57 AM
his son up and feeding the chickens two days later.
58266, man i screamed that at least 3 times last night
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Mon Nov-21-11 10:48 PM
like how was he walking round not even a week after he was almost in a coma?!
58267, In the book carl being shot was only given a few pages
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Nov-22-11 10:31 AM
then everything was cool and he was recovering

also people don't go through months of rehab after getting shot, dunno what medical school you went to. Was a life threatening injury yes, but not the type that has you laid up for months. I've known and SEEN people shot and up and walking around a few days later.
58268, maybe not everything translates well onto screen?
Posted by doyawanacookie, Wed Nov-23-11 12:27 AM
also, if you take a gun shot where you need someone else's blood to survive, you're not getting up a few days later. kid didn't take a flesh wound, he took a mortal wound.
58269, Blood los is blood loss. It really isn't THAT serious.
Posted by ansomble, Mon Nov-28-11 05:24 PM
He was on bed rest an appropriate amount of time for that gun shot. It was one bullet and clearly didn't hit any vital organs.
58270, do zombies need to be fed?
Posted by s_dot_miles, Mon Nov-21-11 09:13 PM
and if you are going to keep zombies around why not chain them up or duct tape their mouths so they cant bite people?
58271, yeah who knew the zombies liked chicken?
Posted by Grand_Royal, Mon Nov-21-11 11:04 PM
58272, when i saw that i thought
Posted by doyawanacookie, Tue Nov-22-11 05:10 AM
"oh their eating well too..."
58273, Everybody likes chicken.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Nov-22-11 06:47 AM
And, zombie beggars can't be zombie choosers.
58274, the only thing i could of is that they're delusional view of
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-22-11 12:30 PM
zombies as still being people makes them think the zombies still need to eat regular food.

these zombies dont need to feed but they'll basically eat anything...they tore that horse up something crazy in the first season.
58275, criticisms aside, I'm fuckin riveted
Posted by kevlar skully, Tue Nov-22-11 09:15 AM

It has been a slow season, looking for Sophia for so many damn episodes, but alot of characterization and future plots been further set-up. The Mid-season finale should be a doozy

58276, As a reader of the comic I'm confused on some things
Posted by Cineno, Tue Nov-22-11 11:55 AM
In the comic, people didn't only turn into zombies when they got bitten. They also turned when they just died right? Which is why they were called walkers.

If that's true, it doesn't make sense for Hershel to think they're just sick. Also being insulated isn't an excuse for him not knowing, he said he was listening to the coverage when it happened.

Since the comic doesn't focus on zombies/action, and instead is about survival and what people would do in a world like this, it's annoying that the show doesn't convey as hopeless a situation as it really is.

I mean, it adds something to the story that they have to be quite all the time. It makes it feel like anything could happen at any time. But in the show, they set up a loud ass firing range?

It also adds something to the story that they don't have a lot to eat, or much supplies in general, and it's a huge risk trying to find any. But they're eating thanksgiving size meals last episode? And this episode they're firing bullets like they have a lot to spare, and wasting whole chickens on zombies, who as noted above, are the walking dead and don't need to eat which Hershel should already know.

Also, in the comic, I thought Rick never knew about Shane and Lori getting together? That provided a great feeling of Rick being a flawed leader, who in some cases you almost pitied for his ignorance, but still rooted for. It provided a good undertone for the following parts of the story. Instead, in the show, she just told him and now they can't use any of that conflict.

I also thought there was a chance that the kid may have been Shane's? Maybe they'll explore that in the show too, but the way Lori was just like "Nope, it's Rick's" kind of just brushed off that whole developing conflict too.

It's frustrating that parts of the comic that contributed to the story's overall environment are either left out, or introduced and quickly brushed off without having any impact.

Can any of you who read the comic imagine a character as dark as the Governor making sense in this show? Or by extension Michonne? They haven't developed the world being hopeless enough where characters like that would even make sense, and some of those characters are who made the comic great.
58277, I love the comic & think you're being unfair to the show
Posted by kevlar skully, Tue Nov-22-11 12:34 PM

some of the criticism of the show is fair but in general people are trippin

Rick "knew" about Shane & Lori in the book. Shane kinda spilled the beans as he was about to kill him. Rick talked about the situation with Dale who basically told him to forget about it. I don't know why you thought Rick never knew. The baby possibly being Shane's was never a major conflict in the book.

Why do you expect Hershel to have a understanding of the zombies and how they work like us reading the comics? For all he knows, this is all a test from God.

Besides all that, you shouldn't let plots that are explored much later in the timeline of the comic get in the way of what the show is doing. Clearly they are going to change some things to keep fans of the comic on our toes. That's why we have Daryl and not Tyrese, yet at least.

Why you tripping off the Governor and they still haven't left Hershel's farm? You're not letting them develop the world yet. Rick should do some questionable things before the Governor should show up. Rick hasn't done shit. We have to build up the more hardcore Governor shit
58278, I see your points but..
Posted by Cineno, Tue Nov-22-11 01:30 PM
>some of the criticism of the show is fair but in general
>people are trippin
>Rick "knew" about Shane & Lori in the book. Shane kinda
>spilled the beans as he was about to kill him. Rick talked
>about the situation with Dale who basically told him to forget
>about it. I don't know why you thought Rick never knew. The
>baby possibly being Shane's was never a major conflict in the

I read the comics when they came out, so it's been a minute. That's why I was asking and more talking about how I remember the story going.

>Why do you expect Hershel to have a understanding of the
>zombies and how they work like us reading the comics? For all
>he knows, this is all a test from God.

As I remembered, by around this point in the story they've seen enough and people have died so he could be aware. He said he was listening to the coverage. I'm sure people died and turned around that time and would be mentioned.

>Besides all that, you shouldn't let plots that are explored
>much later in the timeline of the comic get in the way of what
>the show is doing. Clearly they are going to change some
>things to keep fans of the comic on our toes. That's why we
>have Daryl and not Tyrese, yet at least.
>Why you tripping off the Governor and they still haven't left
>Hershel's farm? You're not letting them develop the world yet.
>Rick should do some questionable things before the Governor
>should show up. Rick hasn't done shit. We have to build up the
>more hardcore Governor shit

No one's tripping off anything. I don't expect a character like the Governor to be in episode 7. I'm saying that at the pace the show is going, and the way it's being presented I really can't see them developing a word where darker storylines are even understandable.

I'm not hoping that they'll make the show exactly like the book. It's just that the show's story is not developing too well. If you're going to make a story about people do whatever to survive, then put them in a world where that is supported.
58279, nope. go back and re-read it.
Posted by ninjitsu, Thu Nov-24-11 09:07 AM
>>Why do you expect Hershel to have a understanding of the
>>zombies and how they work like us reading the comics? For
>>he knows, this is all a test from God.
>As I remembered, by around this point in the story they've
>seen enough and people have died so he could be aware. He
>said he was listening to the coverage. I'm sure people died
>and turned around that time and would be mentioned.
58280, Careful...
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Nov-22-11 12:39 PM
>In the comic, people didn't only turn into zombies when they
>got bitten. They also turned when they just died right?
>Which is why they were called walkers.

This could be a huge potential spoiler as it was an idea explored AFTER Hershel's farm.

>I mean, it adds something to the story that they have to be
>quite all the time. It makes it feel like anything could
>happen at any time. But in the show, they set up a loud ass
>firing range?

They did this in the comic too, just at the first campsite instead of at Hershel's farm. In both the comic and show, they made it pretty clear that they were far away from their home base though; in the comics they walked for a few hours and in the show they needed cars to get to wherever they were shooting at.

>It also adds something to the story that they don't have a lot
>to eat, or much supplies in general, and it's a huge risk
>trying to find any. But they're eating thanksgiving size
>meals last episode? And this episode they're firing bullets
>like they have a lot to spare, and wasting whole chickens on
>zombies, who as noted above, are the walking dead and don't
>need to eat which Hershel should already know.

Hershel's on a self-sustaining farm... if you read the comics, doesn't it seem obvious in both mediums that at the very least, Hershel & co. can take care of themselves? The lack of resources is a very big reason why Hershel would want them *gone* right? And probably why Hershel was against them cooking a big meal like that in the first place?

What are you reading/watchign? It's very firmly established Hershel has hope that his family members might be "cured"... why WOULDNT he want to feed them for that slim hope?

>Also, in the comic, I thought Rick never knew about Shane and
>Lori getting together? That provided a great feeling of Rick
>being a flawed leader, who in some cases you almost pitied for
>his ignorance, but still rooted for. It provided a good
>undertone for the following parts of the story. Instead, in
>the show, she just told him and now they can't use any of that

.... what are you reading? The reason why he didn't know about them was because **massive comic spoiler**

Shane got capped in like 5th issue!!!

****end spoiler****

How could they develop anything further in such a short time?

>I also thought there was a chance that the kid may have been
>Shane's? Maybe they'll explore that in the show too, but the
>way Lori was just like "Nope, it's Rick's" kind of just
>brushed off that whole developing conflict too.

If you were in that situation, of course she's going to be dismissive of the chance it's Shanes. Does she KNOW know? Of course not. But she can damn well believe that it's Rick's while also being 100% wrong.

>It's frustrating that parts of the comic that contributed to
>the story's overall environment are either left out, or
>introduced and quickly brushed off without having any impact.
>Can any of you who read the comic imagine a character as dark
>as the Governor making sense in this show? Or by extension

Why don't you let the show do that first? They're barely on Hershel's farm. Do you expect them to get through 60 issues of comics in a (short) season and a half?

> They haven't developed the world being hopeless
>enough where characters like that would even make sense, and
>some of those characters are who made the comic great.

Dunno, people wanting to off themselves (Andrea) or people that already offed themselves (zombie that hung himself) or parents that think maybe their kid shouldn't survive (Lori) makes things sound pretty hopeless to me.

I get that the show has a ton of issues, but you're griping about things that aren't even problems at all.

58281, RE: Careful...
Posted by Cineno, Tue Nov-22-11 01:38 PM
>>In the comic, people didn't only turn into zombies when
>>got bitten. They also turned when they just died right?
>>Which is why they were called walkers.
>This could be a huge potential spoiler as it was an idea
>explored AFTER Hershel's farm.

Sorry for any spoiler. I read the comics when they came out, so I'm going off memory from a while ago. I thought this was already established.

>>I mean, it adds something to the story that they have to be
>>quite all the time. It makes it feel like anything could
>>happen at any time. But in the show, they set up a loud ass
>>firing range?
>They did this in the comic too, just at the first campsite
>instead of at Hershel's farm. In both the comic and show,
>they made it pretty clear that they were far away from their
>home base though; in the comics they walked for a few hours
>and in the show they needed cars to get to wherever they were
>shooting at.
>>It also adds something to the story that they don't have a
>>to eat, or much supplies in general, and it's a huge risk
>>trying to find any. But they're eating thanksgiving size
>>meals last episode? And this episode they're firing bullets
>>like they have a lot to spare, and wasting whole chickens on
>>zombies, who as noted above, are the walking dead and don't
>>need to eat which Hershel should already know.
>Hershel's on a self-sustaining farm... if you read the comics,
>doesn't it seem obvious in both mediums that at the very
>least, Hershel & co. can take care of themselves? The lack of
>resources is a very big reason why Hershel would want them
>*gone* right? And probably why Hershel was against them
>cooking a big meal like that in the first place?
>What are you reading/watchign? It's very firmly established
>Hershel has hope that his family members might be "cured"...
>why WOULDNT he want to feed them for that slim hope?
>>Also, in the comic, I thought Rick never knew about Shane
>>Lori getting together? That provided a great feeling of
>>being a flawed leader, who in some cases you almost pitied
>>his ignorance, but still rooted for. It provided a good
>>undertone for the following parts of the story. Instead, in
>>the show, she just told him and now they can't use any of
>.... what are you reading? The reason why he didn't know
>about them was because **massive comic spoiler**
>Shane got capped in like 5th issue!!!
>****end spoiler****

Haha, bruh calm down with the what are you reading lol. I tried to word my post by asking if that's what happened, because I read them when they came out a while ago. If I remembered things wrong I was cool with that. If that didn't come across, fine.

>How could they develop anything further in such a short time?
>>I also thought there was a chance that the kid may have been
>>Shane's? Maybe they'll explore that in the show too, but
>>way Lori was just like "Nope, it's Rick's" kind of just
>>brushed off that whole developing conflict too.
>If you were in that situation, of course she's going to be
>dismissive of the chance it's Shanes. Does she KNOW know? Of
>course not. But she can damn well believe that it's Rick's
>while also being 100% wrong.
>>It's frustrating that parts of the comic that contributed to
>>the story's overall environment are either left out, or
>>introduced and quickly brushed off without having any
>>Can any of you who read the comic imagine a character as
>>as the Governor making sense in this show? Or by extension
>Why don't you let the show do that first? They're barely on
>Hershel's farm. Do you expect them to get through 60 issues
>of comics in a (short) season and a half?
>> They haven't developed the world being hopeless
>>enough where characters like that would even make sense, and
>>some of those characters are who made the comic great.
>Dunno, people wanting to off themselves (Andrea) or people
>that already offed themselves (zombie that hung himself) or
>parents that think maybe their kid shouldn't survive (Lori)
>makes things sound pretty hopeless to me.
>I get that the show has a ton of issues, but you're griping
>about things that aren't even problems at all.

As I said above, my points aren't necessarily talking about current issues. I don't expect a Governor like character to be appropriate now. It just doesn't seem like the world they are presenting could really get to that point. I don't want the show to be exactly like the comics. I'm just saying that the hopelessness of the comics to me was way further established than the show at this point.
58282, My bad, I thought you had read the comics more recently
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Nov-22-11 02:14 PM
I can definitely see why certain things are hazier on your end (could also be because I recently re-read them, haha)
58283, No problem man, I appreciate you clearing some things up
Posted by Cineno, Tue Nov-22-11 02:56 PM
I've been enjoying the show as is, but I'm really hoping it develops into something great.
58284, you must not remember the comics...
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-22-11 02:45 PM
cause they had a firing range in the comics too...they just made sure to have it be far from the camp which they didnt bother explaining in show but could also be the case.

hershel felt the same exact way about the barn zombies in the comics. also, the fact that they turn just from being dead was discovered much later by Rick when he went back to dig up Shane. the show hasn't really explained whether it is going in that direction or not but it wouldn't change hershel's motivations, as it didn't in the comics.

rick knew about shane and lori...i dont think he found out until later but he knew...there was a convo between him and lori when he basically told her that no matter what he was going to raise that baby like it was his.

at this point you should be done comparing the show to the comics though...shane isn't dead so anything that happens involving him is already nothing like the comics. there are also a bunch of new characters that are game changers as well...its not the same thing anymore. it hasn't been since the 3rd or 4th episode of the show.
58285, Yeah I said I read them early in a follow up post
Posted by Cineno, Tue Nov-22-11 03:01 PM
that's why most of my post was asking if that's what happened because it's been a while.

>at this point you should be done comparing the show to the
>comics though...shane isn't dead so anything that happens
>involving him is already nothing like the comics. there are
>also a bunch of new characters that are game changers as
>well...its not the same thing anymore. it hasn't been since
>the 3rd or 4th episode of the show.

I'm really trying to not compare it to the comics. I actually don't want shows/movies to always stick to the original comic because it doesn't always translate well to a different medium.

My point is that the the sense of danger and survive at any cost that I felt while reading the comics I don't really feel from the show. I don't care if they change the story, but that environment I feel is important, and to me the show has to establish it better.

Still like the show, I'm just hoping it'll develop better.
58286, i agree with that point...
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-22-11 03:33 PM
they don't do a good job of conveying the imminent danger. i mean you get that they can be attacked at any point when it happens but in between those moments it often feels like everything is all good. whenever they show them hanging out at the barn they seem to be chilling...and its all sunny and nice out...yeah i get what you mean. there isn't that constant tension that you feel when you're reading the books.
58287, uh
Posted by AZ, Tue Nov-22-11 09:05 PM
>also, the fact that they turn just from being dead was
>discovered much later by Rick when he went back to dig up
>Shane. the show hasn't really explained whether it is going in
>that direction or not

Isn't this possibility (people who died without being bit turning into zombies) effectively eliminated in the TV show? They've shown hundreds of (non-zombie) dead people, at least.
58288, yeah pretty much but who knows...
Posted by gumz, Wed Nov-23-11 12:11 PM
i mean they have zombies who climb fences in the show lol
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Tue Nov-22-11 12:54 PM
And I'm lovin it, LOL. Fuck Dale's hating ass, Shane shoulda choke-slammed his bitch ass.

58290, but he's right tho. They making stupid decisions right now.
Posted by spades, Wed Nov-23-11 11:15 AM
58291, If Dawson's Creek and Dawn of the Dead had a baby
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Nov-22-11 06:50 PM
The Walking Dead would be it.
58292, hahahhhah.
Posted by doyawanacookie, Tue Nov-22-11 08:25 PM
58293, you ain't lyin.
Posted by spades, Wed Nov-23-11 11:16 AM
58294, Spot on!
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Wed Nov-23-11 05:11 PM
58295, what's with all the fuckin and discussin
Posted by osu_no_1, Thu Nov-24-11 07:21 AM
they need to get their asses out there and find sophia, quit dwelling on who fucked who! and quit wasting all that goddamn ammo, there better never be another scene in an episode where they run out again!

smh @ tdog's only appearance.

was this episode a commentary on the state of sexual education in the south? the morning after pill only works a few days later right? pretty sure you can't just multiply the dose by the number of days after you got pregnant.

god i hate lori, she or andrea need to go. best part was when farm girl blasted her when they got back from the pharmacy. btw how many pharmacy trips are they gonna make this season? just fucking take it all the first time!

andrea's little smirk after she clipped darryl was hilarious though. good to see darryl back cracking jokes.

dale needs to stop hatin, or be fucked up.
58296, T-Dog correcting the wigger's gun holding technique
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Nov-25-11 10:36 AM
at this point, why not?!

58297, and i think that was his only line in the episode, smh.
Posted by osu_no_1, Fri Nov-25-11 02:58 PM
58298, come on make it good
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-27-11 08:53 PM
58299, Once again this show waits until the last 5 minutes
Posted by nipsey, Sun Nov-27-11 09:41 PM
for something good to happen. And during his rant, Shane sounded more like a high school football coach than anything else. I don't see how they can let Shane ride on this. He should be kicked out of the group.

They wasted ALL that time looking for that stupid little girl! LOL! She on that walkin' tip now baby!
58300, Fuck them for waiting this long in this episode for this.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-27-11 09:41 PM
That's way fucked up.
58301, LOL! At least something good came out of these 6 weeks of meandering
Posted by nipsey, Sun Nov-27-11 09:43 PM
shullbit. I guess they can go to Fort Benning now.
58302, about damn time
Posted by walihorse, Sun Nov-27-11 09:45 PM
i'm a fan again
58303, That's not enough for me
Posted by nipsey, Sun Nov-27-11 09:48 PM
You can jerk me around for 55 minutes and then give me a payoff in the last five minutes. Oh wait....

But really, every episode this season has been some talky talk nonsense about faith, philosophy, love, yada, yada, yada, and then at the end something good happens. Just good enough to get me to check it out the next week. But I'm really gonna need some advancement of the plot this season or I'm done for season 3.
58304, Did I miss the explanation for why the farm didn't need to
Posted by Teknontheou, Sun Nov-27-11 10:18 PM
be guarded vigilantly in the first place?

I must just have missed it, because even Rick & Co. didn't seem to question it at all until they found out there were walkers in the barn.
58305, Ain't no explanation for that
Posted by nipsey, Sun Nov-27-11 10:21 PM
Another reason why this season has been anus. Why haven't zombies overrun that little farm like they have every other place? No explanation from the writers for their continued lazy story telling.
58306, why would they?
Posted by woe.is.me., Sun Nov-27-11 10:24 PM
it's a secluded farm that doesn't make a lot of noise and was't well populated.

it's not as if zombies track and find human beings wherever they go. it's conceivable that some secluded areas would not have been overrun.
58307, also if we are following general zombie rules here
Posted by RobOne4, Sun Nov-27-11 11:45 PM
dont zombies go to places they know. Like in the pilot episode when the wife was still hanging around her home. Remember her turning the door knob trying to get in. This is a secluded farm and the only zombies that would come to it are the ones that knew about it. Those ones seemed to all be locked up in the barn.
58308, Came back just in time
Posted by lfresh, Sun Nov-27-11 11:24 PM
This show is pretty tortuous

Came back tonight for a final peek
ie they had better have found...

Wellwellwell (c) little ninjai
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58309, so Herschel and his people had Sophia the whole time
Posted by RobOne4, Sun Nov-27-11 11:37 PM
and they knew Rick and his people needed a girl who was lost in the area. Yet instead of saying they have her, they just let them keep going out and looking for her? Or maybe the writers didn't think of that and just decided it would make for a cool last 5 minutes. Fuck this show...

see you guys in February.
58310, Kirkman just explained it on Talking Dead
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Nov-27-11 11:51 PM
Blame #TeamShane
58311, have they been doing this Talking Dead all season?
Posted by s_dot_miles, Sun Nov-27-11 11:54 PM
its good to hear them fill in the gaps of the terrible stories.
58312, Yep, all season.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Nov-28-11 12:12 AM
58313, why would I want to watch a show about the shitty show I just watched?
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-28-11 06:02 AM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58314, lol. pretty much my sentiments exactly...
Posted by al_sharp, Mon Nov-28-11 03:04 PM
plus chris hardwick already sucks so that just makes it worse.

58315, I wholeheartedly agree
Posted by nipsey, Mon Nov-28-11 04:41 PM
I should not have to watch ANOTHER show to fill in the gaps for poor screen writing of a television show. I don't need the creators to come on television to explain to me what's going on and their wacky logic. Also, I don't need any references to the comic as explanations for stuff that happens in this show. They are too completely different entities. I never read the comic (nor heard of it before this show) and don't plan on reading it. I'm watching the show. It doesn't matter what happened in the comic. They are presenting us a television drama. I expect it to be well made and thought out. The fact that it was based on a zombie comic does not absolve them of that responsibility to television viewers.
Tumblr: http://thisisonlyinnewyork.tumblr.com/
XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer

Last 3 things I watched:

Bridesmaids: C+
Dexter Season 5: B+
True Blood Season 3: B
58316, ^^^doesnt understand sarcasm.
Posted by s_dot_miles, Mon Nov-28-11 06:23 PM
58317, I wasn't disagreeing with you, just talking.
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Nov-30-11 08:22 AM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58318, basically.
Posted by basslinewonder, Sun Dec-04-11 11:05 PM


58319, Kirkman just broke it down on the post-show thing
Posted by Brother Grifter, Sun Nov-27-11 11:53 PM
>and they knew Rick and his people needed a girl who was lost
>in the area. Yet instead of saying they have her, they just
>let them keep going out and looking for her? Or maybe the
>writers didn't think of that and just decided it would make
>for a cool last 5 minutes. Fuck this show...

Hershel said Otis captured all the zombies. Since Otis was killed before he had the chance to find out they were looking for a little girl, no one knew she was in the barn...or something like that.
58320, booo
Posted by RobOne4, Sun Nov-27-11 11:54 PM
58321, tell tale sign of bad scripting--
Posted by bloocollar, Mon Nov-28-11 12:27 AM
when you have to explain gaps in your story first hand

i wish this was just a zombie show and not based on the comic

then i could relax my expectations and enjoy it as mindless entertainment

58322, Even though the scripting is shoddy I thought that was implied when...
Posted by Ghetto Black, Mon Nov-28-11 06:39 PM
Herschel explained that rounding up the zombies was Otis' job?

I could be mistaken since I am an idiot.

*Maybe not considering the timeline. That would be a bit too convenient.
58323, LMAO.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Nov-28-11 12:44 AM
58324, 'cause then they'd have to say they had walkers in the fucking barn.
Posted by ansomble, Mon Nov-28-11 11:09 AM
I mean, I know this show has done some re-negging from S1 to S2 but I feel like people are finding faults in the show to find faults in the show.

Let the whole season air out. Every season has good episodes and bad episodes. Breaking Bad certainly did.
58325, and there it is.
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Nov-28-11 12:30 PM
58326, please
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Nov-28-11 04:28 PM
there are plenty of ways they could have played it through out the season with out giving up the secret. But the writers are just making shit up as they go along.
58327, that's what writers do
Posted by ninjitsu, Tue Nov-29-11 07:41 AM
they make up shit.
58328, No. It's still dumb.
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Nov-28-11 05:25 PM
> 'cause then they'd have to say they had walkers in the fucking barn.

Because if anything would've swung the opinion Herschel's way on the "Zombies = People" tip, it would've been "The little girl's in there. If you don't think they're people, kill her first."
58329, That could have worked too.
Posted by ansomble, Wed Nov-30-11 11:57 AM
I think the way they did it worked fucking fine. I just wish they had did it way earlier. The build up didn't justify the payoff imo.
58330, I said this a long time ago
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Nov-29-11 07:28 AM
but this type of thing happens all the time on here when new shows come out, almost like clockwork.
58331, lol but the faults are so fucking easy to see in TWD.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Tue Nov-29-11 04:22 PM

58332, I agree. I'd rather for the people who've been complaining for 12 ep.
Posted by ansomble, Wed Nov-30-11 11:55 AM
straight however to fall the fuck off already and go watch something else.
58333, I just realized that zombies in the barn are "Herschel's Walkers"
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Nov-28-11 04:04 AM
58334, +1
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-28-11 06:01 AM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58335, i think we found the title for the spin-off.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Nov-28-11 10:00 AM
58336, exactly what I was thinking.
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Nov-28-11 04:28 PM
58337, http://i39.tinypic.com/jzux4i.jpg
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Nov-28-11 05:42 PM
58338, *DEAD* Let's start writing this bitch!!
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Nov-28-11 05:46 PM
58339, Excellent...
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Mon Nov-28-11 11:06 AM
58340, haha. genius
Posted by haj20, Mon Nov-28-11 05:03 PM
58341, LMAO
Posted by basslinewonder, Sun Dec-04-11 11:00 PM


Posted by KosherSam, Wed Dec-07-11 04:49 PM
58343, Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm coming back with this
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Nov-28-11 08:59 AM
These last two eps have been okay, but I just don't care about any of these characters.
58344, Evil Shane rises up and gives us a GOOD *gasp* Episode
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-28-11 09:03 AM
People are nitpicking at the missing girl being in the barn, and I understand, but im willing to let shit like that slide if they give me good tv to ease in the bullshit.

And they pretty much delivered:

Dale made a reasonably smart play of making himself de-facto gun guardian since he's the only one that knows they have a full fledged psychopath in the group. And like his past reasonably smart plays, it was long term stupid and blew up in his face.

Daryl and Carol was kind of cheezy, but they made it work. I lol'ed at him calling her a stupid bitch out of nowhere tho.

Shane embraces his extreme Darwinism and fucks up their paradise. Leaving him alive in the storyline to stir the pot is the only smart deviation the show writers have made.*

And even tho it was someone we had no emotional connection to (even tho they did a shitty job trying for half the season) they killed that blond girl dead! WE WANT MOAR OF THESE ASSHOLE SURVIVORS TO DIE, LET O-DOG BE NEXT.

*I read the first 20 or so comics before I decided to focus on the tv show...didn't they just leave the farm after they found out they were hiding zombies or did a similar execution scenario go down in it also.

58345, Little of column A, little of column B
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Nov-28-11 09:46 AM
>*I read the first 20 or so comics before I decided to focus on
>the tv show...didn't they just leave the farm after they found
>out they were hiding zombies or did a similar execution
>scenario go down in it also.

There was an execution scenario, but it wasn't controlled and a lot of Hershel's folks died (there were a few more heads on his farm in the comic).
58346, that argument that he and Lori had was cringe-worthy.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Nov-28-11 10:03 AM
sounded like two little kids on the playground arguing who said "not it" first.
58347, wait? which blonde girl? ANDREA GOT GANKED?!
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Nov-28-11 01:01 PM
58348, Nope one of the kids. Andrea's in for the long haul
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-28-11 01:32 PM
Laurie Holden's loving that consistent paycheck.
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Nov-28-11 03:06 PM
yea Laurie Holden is in it for the long haul, though they give her *NOTHING* to do as Andrea...

i mean, damn, she MORE than held her own on THE SHIELD...

and she gets to be the sorta strong but whiny chick on the show?

58350, they're setting her up to be a badass.
Posted by ninjitsu, Tue Nov-29-11 07:44 AM
58351, they try so hard to make Shane seem crazy...
Posted by gumz, Mon Nov-28-11 10:50 AM
way he walks, talks and all that but all the while he's making fairly logical decisions...he's just leaving emotion out of it. the funny thing is they've essentially split Rick from the comics into two characters on the show...he was both Rick and Shane in one in the books. It works for tv this way though, I just wish they didn't make Shane act so insane...he should just be doing all this stuff on some "this is what we need to do!" without all the bugged out eyes and evil looks.

lol @ them fools hesitating to kill the barn zombies too...come on now.

Not a bad episode though.
58352, RE: they try so hard to make Shane seem crazy...
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Mon Nov-28-11 11:28 AM
I noticed this as well. His "By Any Means Necessary" attitude and Travis Bickle/Remy from Higher Learning haircut gives the appearance that he's lost it, but actually he's pretty clear-minded and logical. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, and in this world, there are few right or wrong rules. But he's not crazy. Intense, but not crazy...
58353, they just want to make it clear that he's the villain
Posted by gumz, Mon Nov-28-11 02:35 PM
its weird...they dont need to spoon feed the audience who they should cheer for and root against. it makes their characters too plain cause they come off as charicatures (ex. T-Dog).
58354, this i agree with
Posted by forte, Tue Nov-29-11 10:43 AM
i don't need to be told who a villain is in a post apocalyptic zombie world. unless you are spoon feeding people to zombies, can there really be a villain or bad guy? it's just about survival at this point. shane doesn't seem any more/less crazy to me than herschel. shane just "looks" crazy but his views aren't anymore out of the ordinary than herschel's. i mean herschel wants to feed, house and care for walkers but wants real live living human beings gone off his property. think about it.
58355, this i agree with
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-01-11 12:43 PM

>to zombies, can there really be a villain or bad guy? it's
>just about survival at this point. shane doesn't seem any
>more/less crazy to me than herschel.

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58356, It wasn't Shane's call
Posted by Oneironaut, Tue Nov-29-11 08:59 PM
Killing Otis was a logical decision. Breaking open the barn and killing all the walkers was not. The walkers in the barn were on Hershel's farm. It was his choice of what to do with them. I'm pretty sick of them spending so much time on the farm, and now I just wish Dale shot Shane when he had the chance. And for someone with no emotion Shane sure did have problems putting down the little girl.
58357, whether you agree with it or not there was nothing crazy about it
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-29-11 09:53 PM
they are on the farm and want to stay so if they're going to stay they need to make it safe and get rid of the barn full of zombies that could attack them at any moment...he got tired of people walking on egg shells around it and handled it. if he was crazy he'd be killing people for no reason...dude is making fairly reasonable decisions.
58358, Not crazy, selfish and stupid
Posted by Oneironaut, Wed Nov-30-11 12:13 AM
You think that decision is gonna make it easier for them to stay on the farm? Pretty sure saying fuck you to your host is one of the quickest ways possible to get evicted. There was nothing dangerous about that barn situation, Shane couldn't even open it himself without a crowbar.
58359, Yeah, he was overreacting
Posted by BigReg, Wed Nov-30-11 08:41 AM
>You think that decision is gonna make it easier for them to
>stay on the farm? Pretty sure saying fuck you to your host is
>one of the quickest ways possible to get evicted. There was
>nothing dangerous about that barn situation, Shane couldn't
>even open it himself without a crowbar.

Plus he put them in a worse situation cause nobody knows how Hershel is going to ultimately react...Shane effectively took over the barn with force...what are they gonna do, lock Hershel and his people up w/ guards?

58360, exactly not logical in the least
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-30-11 10:13 AM
and exactly the point where this supposedly "logical" character should be the most logical and put the other cast member out of their misery and shoot that little girl

the truly logical character steps up to the plate

major logic fail

dude is simply cowardly, emotional and self serving
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58361, I'm pretty sure he was just overwhelmed at the situation
Posted by AceTales, Wed Nov-30-11 10:18 AM
This little girl basically put them over the deep end and was the catalyst for all the shit they been thru including the other little boy being shot. And this whole time her ass was a zombie up in this barn? I mean none of them were gonna let the little girl up on them and bite so it was just a moment to take in the moment before doing what had to be done.

And honestly I agree with Shane, plus if the old man has a problem with it he can talk to my gun too. This is an apocalypse, I don't understand why we're pretending like the "normal" rules of society apply.
58362, thats exactly what it was
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-30-11 10:33 AM
so again for a supposedly logical character
his weaknesses showed through majorly
unless the decision works as an outlet his anger and serves a selfish purpose he is immobile
not logical at all and pretty much an emotional character like the rest
he only knows how to deal with anger and agression
very weak
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58363, But he's not supposed to be a logical character I don't think
Posted by AceTales, Wed Nov-30-11 02:34 PM
He said as much when he was teaching Andrea how to shoot moving targets. The only logical person in this entire show is Dale probably. But even he was making illogical decisions. However they're trying to make Shane out to be crazy when he's the only one making any logical decisions in this situation. Why are we looking for a girl for 2 weeks when its clear that she's dead and now we're sacrificing other people in the group. Why are we kow-towing to a deranged old man when there's more of us than his people, we're armed, younger and stronger? Its clear that everyone's first priority is to live since they had a chance for an out at the CDC center and decided they rather live in the Zombie world. If thats the case then reality needs to set in and start making some decisions that make sense in the context of the world they're in.
58364, then why are you trying to make him out to be one?
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-01-11 10:18 AM

stop trying to make him more than what he is
an idiot, a coward and an asshat

the main reason they are there is because no one wants to move on
except for him and the other idiot woman
why, not because the situation is dangerous out there
but because the woman he was fucking husbands is back and the woman is suicidal
that little girl is an excuse

but yes listen to those two...


btw that deranged old man?
saved that little boy
and could possibly deliver that potential baby thats on the way
and heal any other medical emergencies that are likely to pop up
so along with it being his farm
lets not antagonize the closest thing to a dr they have

how's that for logic?

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58365, I never said he was logical, but you can't deny he's made the most
Posted by AceTales, Thu Dec-01-11 10:55 AM
logical decisions concerning the situation they were in.

Everyone has been wrapped up in emotion up to this point, Shane however is the one that has kinda slipped back and realized the gravity of the situation they are in.

They are in survival mode and Shane is trying to survive. Yeah the woman he was fucking isn't fucking him any more but that was also his best friend's wife. There's tons of emotions wrapped up in that on every side. That has nothing to do with the zombies in the barn tho, they needed to be killed. When Glenn first came up on them I was like are they stupid? Have they not seen what those things are capable of? I agreed with Shane that all this prancing around and observing rules of etiquette because they are "guest" is absurd. The whole group mentality up until this point has been severely flawed and they've lost more lives than they should have because no one wanted to make reasonable tough decisions. I'm glad someone finally is.
58366, just stop
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-01-11 12:04 PM
he isn't making logically sound decisions in the least

he's making decisions that make him a less scared

thats not logical

there was no need to rush into killing the LOCKED UP zombies
this wasnt situation critical

he COULD have left like he originally planned to if he felt that threatened

no we have a scared man who shoots guns at anything and everyone when he feels threatened absolutely NOT making logical choices

like placating the owner of the property he currently resides on
the owner who also happens to be the closest thing to a Dr they have

no he goes off half cocked, illogical and angry when he gets upset

ya'll are talking about abandoning the rules of civilization and failing to understand those rules are what is maintaining the trust and keeping them from each others throats
those rules don't dissolve one rule at a time
you get the wrong person with the wrong rule and you wake up a zombie because you pissed off the wrong person
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58367, don't forget rick standing there like a moron w/ the walker in the noose
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Nov-30-11 11:14 AM
while all this is happening. he's just. standing. there.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
58368, he was still working on the my wife is pregnant logic
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-30-11 11:41 AM
lets apease/work with the owner of the place we are staying at

there are 4...5 guns behind him shooting

they got this...or they had it until they ALL faltered

these oh SO logical asshats faltered

rick got stuck at shit where we gonna stay now

as a matter o fact technically he didn't kill any of those things just the little girl
separating him from the shooting group
he and the pregnant wife still have a place to stay technically
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58369, But how is it illogical?
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Wed Nov-30-11 01:49 PM
He's a cop. There's a threat. He's eliminating it. This isn't some cop vs. terrorists that you try to talk down and make deals with. Zombies will chew that ass like termites through wood. There is no reasoning with them.

It was brutal and painful to watch, considering it was Hershel's family, and Hershel having to watch his family be killed all over again. But it was a logical move. Perhaps not the one you'd have chosen, but it's an acceptable option in a world where the rules are being torn up and rewritten EVERYDAY...

>and exactly the point where this supposedly "logical"
>character should be the most logical and put the other cast
>member out of their misery and shoot that little girl
>the truly logical character steps up to the plate
>major logic fail
>dude is simply cowardly, emotional and self serving

And as far as Rick being the one to shoot Sophia, he had to. It begin with him and Sophia, and it ended with him and Sophia. Shane for all of his gruff loudmouth behavior still recognized that "OH SHIT....that's Sophia..." No matter how much shit he talked, he knew that little girl. The search for her led them to the farm. How many of us could really do what Rick did, if confronted with someone we know and/or loved?

Random zombies on the street are getting blasted all day. Even that irking next door neighbor who you suspect has been using your water hose to wash his car at 3am...He's getting BLASTED with the quickness for boosting my water bill...

But your little zombie niece rocking a bloody Strawberry Shortcake t-shirt and some jellies? You'd cry and think about it, or maybe even escape so you didn't have to kill her...
58370, it wasnt a threat
Posted by lfresh, Wed Nov-30-11 03:12 PM
they didn't even know they were there
it wasn't a threat until he got emotional about it and opened the doors
then he got emotional again and froze

ya'll tryna throw logic at truly emotional guy
it simply doesn't work

what you have is emotional vs emotional
and shane got just as frozen as the dr when it came to shooting one of his own
dude was so upset right before
now what?

dudes a hypocrite and a coward
a non thinking one at that
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58371, It's easier to kill when the hostile is foreign to you.. Like I said...
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Wed Nov-30-11 04:39 PM
...random person vs. loving relative. The decision might not be so easy with a loving relative...
58372, might?
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-01-11 10:05 AM
it absolutely wasnt

which makes him a thoughtless cowardly moron at this pioint

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58373, I don't think he overreacted at all. What he did was no more crazy
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Wed Nov-30-11 01:02 PM
...than Hershel keeping zombies in his barn. People are trying to make sense of what's happened to their world, and coping with it the best way they know how. Both Shane and Hershel have been trained to save lives, and they are performing their jobs. Hershel as a vet, Shane as a cop.

Shane sees the imminent danger, and logic tells him to remove the threat before it kills them. Regardless of whether they stay or leave the farm, there is a massive threat sitting 100 yards away. Remove the threat, that's one less thing to worry about. Plus who's to say the zombies wouldn't have found a way out?

Hershel sees the zombies as sick/wounded/scared animals. Hell, they use snares to trap them, lock them in a barn, and feed them. Hershel's faith in this being the result of a disease and therefore curable is noble and optimistic, but naive. You've seen your neighbors tearing each other to shreds and returned lifeless and limbless, vicious, and compelled to attack and kill.

They're both doing their jobs. One uses force, one uses sympathy.

But which one sounds like the crazier thought process in this zombie apocalypse? I gotta ride with Shane on this...
58374, The bigger picture wasn't the zombies, but staying on the Farm.
Posted by BigReg, Wed Nov-30-11 04:41 PM
If it was a matter where they were guaranteed to co-exist with Hershel's people and Shane was like, 'Fuck it, these things can kill us any time' then cool, id buy Shane being logical.

But knowing the situation was delicate, after Rick specifically warning him about it... Shane rounded everyone up, gave a ten year old a gun, and had em go berserk, lol.
58375, lol @ Hershel being able to kick them out at this point
Posted by gumz, Wed Nov-30-11 04:45 PM
if they refuse to leave he can't do a thing. they might leave out of respect or whatever, im sure Rick will offer to, but they dont have to leave at all.
58376, everyone needs to sleep at some point
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-01-11 10:04 AM
hes the closest thing they have to a Dr

but oh no
ya'll continue along this line of thought

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58377, yall buggin and completely missing my point
Posted by gumz, Wed Nov-30-11 03:56 PM
first of all, if i was in a zombie apocalypse i sure as hell wouldnt feel "safe" with a bunch of zombies locked up in a barn right next to where i was sleeping.

second of all, my point wasn't to say that what shane did was right...my point is that he's not this crazed maniac that the show is trying to make him out to be. the way they depict him is as a man who's lost all humanity and will kill anybody who gets in his way but he hasn't even done anything that crazy. most of what he's done isn't all that shady or off base considering the situation...they want us to think he's completely lost it but he's acting somewhat normal...just making crazy faces and walking tough while doing it.
58378, I agree. EVERYTHING (except for the psycho rape blowup)...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Wed Nov-30-11 04:40 PM
...has been completely within the realm of logic. In fact,
I'd even say that sacrificing Otis was done with the well
being of the entire group in mind. He wouldn't have been
out there with Otis if he didn't care about saving Karl in
the first place. The only thing that keeps me from liking
the guy is the fact that dude went all rapist on Lori last
58379, yeah he showed more signs of turning crazy last year than he does now
Posted by gumz, Wed Nov-30-11 04:43 PM
but they keep making him do them crazy eyes so everybody keeps thinking he's a maniac
Posted by astralblak, Thu Dec-01-11 02:59 AM
the zombie apocalypse ever comes, keep people like ifresh the hell away from me. he'd keep us in the same meandering overly moral handcuffs Rick and these other idiots have for the whole damn season
58381, Top Ten Ways To Make The Walking Dead Less Stupid *swipe*
Posted by CaptNish, Wed Nov-30-11 12:45 PM
Yep. Pretty much.


Top 10 Ways To Make 'The Walking Dead' Less Stupid
Column by Rob W. Hart November 30, 2011 11 comments

The Walking Dead
Top 10

Every week I watch The Walking Dead and I hope it turns into a good television show.

Sadly, it does not.

The first two episodes of the first season were great. Since then it's gone down a very steep hill. There's a myriad of problems, but I think they all come back to the writing. This is a poorly written show, with meandering plots, contrived speeches, and obnoxious characters. There are a few shining moments, which is probably why I keep coming back, but I'm very close to giving up on it when the season starts again in February.

And I want this show to be good. I really do. This is the golden age of television. Breaking Bad, Community, Mad Men, Doctor Who. There is so much awesome stuff to watch on TV. And yea, I want a cool zombie show too. But this is not a cool zombie show. This is a mess. And I'm not saying it needs to follow the comics, which are also meandering and plagued by long stretches of boring. It just needs some good writing so that I don't hate every character except Daryl.

After Sunday night's mid-season finale, the show is on break for two months. I don't know how much of the second half of this season has been shot, or whether the show will continue to suffer from AMC's rough handling of the budget and showrunner. But as a television viewer and a fan of all things related to zombies, I do have some suggestions on how to make this show more engaging when it comes back in February:
10. Stop with all the monologues and serious talks.

At least four times per episode, everything grinds to a halt so a character can tell a story, or relay some information, or give an impassioned speech (I'm looking at you Rick, and everything you've ever said). I get that a zombie apocalypse is a vehicle for telling human stories, but there needs to be less 'telling' and more 'things actually happening'.
9. Hire more female writers and directors.

The women on this show are sexist caricatures. Carol does nothing buy cry. Maggy acts crazy around Glenn, because girls who like boys are crazy. Andrea is angry all the time, not for any real reason, but so there can be tension in lieu of character development--and so she could "come out of her shell" by shooting guns and fucking Shane. This show's attitude toward women was summed up when Glenn asked Dale if all the women were on their periods. Get it? Because ladies on their periods are nuts! You know why Mad Men has good, interesting female characters? Because the writing staff is predominantly female.
8. Give Lori a break.

I know I addressed the problems with the female characters, but this deserves special mention: Lori is reprehensible. Everything she says is mean or terrible. "I hate my husband because I got angry at him for nothing and he responded by being understanding and compassionate." CHRIST! Unless the goal of this character is to set back gender equality, please give Lori something nice to say, for once.

'The Walking Dead'
7. Give T-Dog something to do other than be black.

All T-Dog does is stand in the background and sometimes say something. He's there for the sake of diversity. That's it. Writers, please give T-Dog something to do. Please justify the existence of this character outside of filling a racial quota. IronE Singleton deserves better than that. Also, give him a name that's less racist than 'T-Dog'.
6. Address this season's massive logical fault.

(This item comes with a SPOILER ALERT). I refuse to believe that not a single person on the farm knew Sophia was in the barn. Comic series creator Robert Kirkman has said that Otis had been putting the zombies in the barn and then Otis got killed, so that's why nobody knew. I call bullshit on that. They were feeding the zombies. Nobody noticed the little girl? That's weak. And the timeline doesn't make a great deal of sense. There may be a very good, logical explanation for all of this. We need to hear it. Because otherwise the writers are showing contempt for the audience by pole-vaulting logic in favor of an emotional payoff.
5. Stop making characters do stupid, illogical things in every episode.

The whole "zombie down the well" thing was pretty funny, but stands as television's worst example of problem solving, ever. The second they lowered Glenn into the well, it was obvious what would happen, therefore robbing the moment of any tension. And really, the only way their plan could have been worse is if they stood in a circle hitting each other with hammers. When you put characters in a completely illogical situation to give the illusion that something is happening, that's lazy writing.
4. Kill all the survivors; replace them with new ones.

Keep Daryl and Glenn and Shane. That's it. I'm really tired of the rest of them. They're all so annoying and I hate their faces. But failing that...
3. Put Daryl in charge.

Of the survivors, and the farm, and the writing staff, and everything ever, from this point forward.
2. Introduce Michonne.

Soon. Daryl is great, but he can only carry the show for so long. Michonne, a sword-wielding character from The Walking Dead comic book, is a strong black woman--something this show desperately needs (see points 7, 8 and 9).
1. Try to include some zombies.

It is very easy to forget this is a show about zombies, and not about people whining on a farm. So far in this season, there has been one legitimately scary zombie moment--on the highway in the first episode. Other than that, how many other cool zombie moments have we had? Besides Well Zombie and High School Zombie Attack, I can't come up with anything. These zombies aren't a threat. They're just sort of there and they happen and they're gone. Again, zombies are a vehicle for telling a story. They are the ultimate MacGuffin. But they still need to be there if the show is about them.
58382, yup, all valid
Posted by astralblak, Thu Dec-01-11 02:57 AM
58383, 10, 9, 7 spot on
Posted by forte, Thu Dec-01-11 08:57 AM
58384, I agree with all of it, but with all of it said, I still love this show...
Posted by phenompyrus, Thu Dec-01-11 09:46 AM
I'm a sucker for TV finally giving a show like this the room to exist.

Yes, it's nothing like the comic, which is MUCH better, but c'mon, not all that can translate on the screen.

Michonne will be great to see on camera finally, but will she really be a samurai sword wielding, zombie capturing, badass like in the comic? I really hope so, but doubt it. I tried telling somebody who only watches the show that, and they looked at me like I was a crazy.
58385, disagree with #6 re: Sophia
Posted by JtothaI, Wed Dec-07-11 03:23 PM
>6. Address this season's massive logical fault.
>(This item comes with a SPOILER ALERT). I refuse to believe
>that not a single person on the farm knew Sophia was in the
>barn. Comic series creator Robert Kirkman has said that Otis
>had been putting the zombies in the barn and then Otis got
>killed, so that's why nobody knew. I call bullshit on that.
>They were feeding the zombies. Nobody noticed the little girl?
>That's weak. And the timeline doesn't make a great deal of
>sense. There may be a very good, logical explanation for all
>of this. We need to hear it. Because otherwise the writers are
>showing contempt for the audience by pole-vaulting logic in
>favor of an emotional payoff.

I think the old man knew she was there and planned on letting them all stay on the farm from the get go but wanted them out and about looking for other non-walkers/supplies etc under the premise they are looking for the girl. I think there could be some other creative ways to explain that the old man knew she was there and I'd like to see that happen instead of asking u to believe no one knew.
58386, Shane does make sense at times, but let's not pretend what he did was
Posted by Grand_Royal, Thu Dec-01-11 02:12 AM
...just for the sake of the group. He was pissed about that shyt with Lori; as soon as they got into it, he went for the guns. I wouldn't be surprised if he just wanted them kicked off the farm.

And I've been tryin' to keep race outta this, but how is T-Dog THE weakest character in this show? I might like him more if he was stereotypical, but he ain't particularly fast, tough, angry, magical or tryin to fuck any white women. If anything T-Dog is too good of a name for him; he should just be Thurgood or some shyt.
58387, having NEVER read the comics, the only thing i kept thinking
Posted by forte, Thu Dec-01-11 09:02 AM
when they went ham on the zombies in the barn is what if they find some sort of cure for the walkers later on down the road, or at least find that there may be a potential cure for the walkers later on down the road. who carries that guilt knowing herschel was somewhat right.
58388, a cure would only be effective for the recently bitten.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Thu Dec-01-11 10:29 AM
rotted flesh and organs, looking like Freddie Kruger, they'd be dead as soon as they were cured. the only thing the fully infected are good for are to be test subjects. and guess what, there's a shitload of them elsewhere. the writers would be fucking insulting our intelligence again if these fuckers magically regenerate after receiving the cure.
58389, lets not forget that this is a show about the walking dead
Posted by forte, Fri Dec-02-11 08:21 AM
i tend to put scientific logic aside. like are there levels to unbelievability? just saying. if a dead nigga can walk, surely regenerating skin tissue and bone over a period of time shouldn't be thought of implausible.
58390, let's not forget about Test Subject 19.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Fri Dec-02-11 10:37 AM
Jenner explains that the virus KILLS the host and only revives part of the brain that allows the body to move. he says "the human part" is long gone - this means it MUST be treated before the body dies. why? because that "human part" of the brain is now dead - in other words, those parts do not receive blood or oxygen. how long can parts of brain survive without oxygen? minutes. it's why some people become vegetables or how some parts just don't function anymore. it's the reason why Jenner didn't give a fuck. there was NO WAY to revive his wife.

but you know, they can just throw all that shit that they talked about in the CDC out the window.
58391, Y'all need to explain to me exactly how Hershel can kick them out
Posted by AceTales, Thu Dec-01-11 09:39 AM
the farm.

Cuz the way I see it, they're really being nice by even asking him to stay.
58392, He can't, but the group is clinging to a semblance of humanity...
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Dec-01-11 10:06 AM
...and civilization by respecting his property.

We all know that the survivors we've been following could stake their claim whenever they wanted too, but in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, I take it that some sort of humanity remains.

All though it might be different if push comes to shove. On the road fighting zombies versus chill life on a fenced in farm, I think I'd have tell Herschel to get used to it...

"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
58393, The show must go on
Posted by Oneironaut, Thu Dec-01-11 11:58 AM
Not saying Hershel can make them leave. But a TV show like this can't stay on the farm forever. I have no idea what's going to be the thing that gets them to leave, but there's no way they stay on that farm. Not very logical in the real world, but for a TV world they can't stay. Not enough conflict.
58394, he constantly goes off like this
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-01-11 10:12 AM
>...just for the sake of the group. He was pissed about that
>shyt with Lori; as soon as they got into it, he went for the
>guns. I wouldn't be surprised if he just wanted them kicked
>off the farm.

they are trying to make sense of the actions of an asshat
he did it for blah blah

no dumb asses he did all that shit for himself
and you want him on "our team"
the ass hat that will shoot you because he's pissed at some dumb shit?

yeah ok
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
58395, thats the thing though...he's throwing fits over being heartbroken
Posted by gumz, Thu Dec-01-11 11:12 AM
but the show is trying to make us think he's turning into some psycho killer because of the zombies...he's just a regular jealous guy.
Posted by SankofaII, Thu Dec-01-11 05:47 PM
*I just posted this in the Television Thursday post at GD*

a MAIN character on the show is about to get GANKED (i.e. MURKED/KILLED OFF, etc.) this season because...

wait for it....

Wait for it....



What's funny is said person tried to back out, AMC said NO.

I'm not saying WHO it is...y'all can find out.

Posted by FortifiedLive, Thu Dec-01-11 05:59 PM
if it really is ***********, i'm just about done.
58398, i wish they would lose a few of these characters and pick up
Posted by forte, Fri Dec-02-11 08:22 AM
a few
58399, how is that a spoiler
Posted by bloocollar, Fri Dec-02-11 10:53 AM
58400, nigga its a spoiler because
Posted by SankofaII, Fri Dec-02-11 11:03 AM
I said its a spoiler! LOL!

but, you'll just have to wait and see who it is.

58401, Please god let it not be Shane. Who else is going to kill the rest of em
Posted by BigReg, Fri Dec-02-11 11:45 AM
>OUT OF THEIR CONTRACT....and AMC and the other companies that
>What's funny is said person tried to back out, AMC said NO.

And it's like, while I applaud the 'If he's going IM GOING.' mentality, Frank's done well with himself over the years, I think he's gonna be fine.

That said, I hope it's T-Dawg. Sorry homie!
58402, That would be great but we all know it's not him
Posted by OldPro, Fri Dec-02-11 02:43 PM
>That said, I hope it's T-Dawg. Sorry homie!

I mean dude isn't even in the comic so it would be too easy to just kill him off. I don't think they'd be dumb enough to kill off Daryl. Can't be Rick, Glenn or Andrea because that would fuck up a lot of storylines moving forward. My guess is it's someone that got killed off in the books already.
Reunion Radio Podcasts
Bringing Together Five Decades of R&B/Funk/Soul/Dance

58403, umm...
Posted by FortifiedLive, Fri Dec-02-11 02:56 PM
>>I don't think they'd be dumb enough to kill
>off Daryl. Can't be Rick, Glenn or Andrea because that would
>fuck up a lot of storylines moving forward. My guess is it's
>someone that got killed off in the books already.
58404, Dale or Andrea (swipe)
Posted by CaptNish, Fri Dec-02-11 02:53 PM

Which Frank Darabont Loyalist Will Be Killed Off From THE WALKING DEAD Season 2?

November 24, 2011 3:21 pm
Matt Holmes

It seems that the explosive exiting of former showrunner Frank Darabont from The Walking Dead has still left some ripples and the aftershock could be the killing off of a major character soon.

TV Line reports that a regular member of the cast wasn’t too happy with the way that Darabont was treated by AMC this summer and they asked for their release from their contract, which was eventually granted by the network. The cast member’s character was then written to be killed off but the actor/actress have now reportedly changed their mind believing they acted a little hastily and want to stick around. Problem is it may now be too late and AMC may very well kill them off anyway now that the idea is there.

Keep an eye out on The Walking Dead as the season progresses and if a major character is killed off, we might have an idea of who it was. My guess would be either Jeffrey DeMunn (Dale) or Laurie Holden (Andrea) as they have both worked with Darabont before and were both part of the cast for The Mist. Of course DeMunn actually goes back all the way to The Shawshank Redemption and has appeared in all of Darabont’s productions in the past 18 years, so he has huge loyalty with the director.

Who do you think will be granted the request to walk from The Walking Dead before Season 2 is out?
58405, i read that it was *SPOILER*
Posted by FortifiedLive, Sat Dec-03-11 10:41 PM
Daryl. googled it and that's what i got from a forum.
58406, If that's true, well then.... fuck.
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Dec-04-11 01:20 AM
58407, lol @ all the nitpicking. i <3 this show to death
Posted by Peabody, Tue Dec-06-11 09:57 AM
58408, You & Me both
Posted by OldPro, Tue Dec-06-11 12:27 PM
I record a bunch of shows on Sunday night but it's always the first one I watch.
Reunion Radio Podcasts
Bringing Together Five Decades of R&B/Funk/Soul/Dance

58409, Ok...Give me the Late Pass!
Posted by July_ Jones, Mon Dec-19-11 07:18 PM
I live in Western Samoa so
I have an excuse.

Shane killed Otis and lied about. SMH

I hate that guy.
58410, Frank Darabont's Original Walking Dead s2 Opener! (swipe)
Posted by kennymack, Sun Jan-08-12 08:08 AM

What Could Have Been: Frank Darabont Speaks About His Original Walking Dead Season 2 Opener!
Published at: Jan 07, 2012 12:10:46 PM CST

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I’ve long been fascinated with creative near-misses. Perhaps it’s my alternate timeline loving geek brain, but I adore sitting back and thinking about what could have been, which is why I’ve been threatening to do a regular column on unproduced geek stuff for years now. I have hundreds of scripts, just haven’t gotten on the ball enough to actually follow-through.

You’ll get that column some day (probably sooner than later if a few irons I have in a few choice fires are any indication), but in the meantime I have an interesting What Could Have Been for you today and one that’s a little more timely than, say, an unproduced Hitchcock or De Palma film.

Recently, this article at CraveOnline was brought to my attention in which Sam Witwer unveils Frank Darabont’s proposed Walking Dead Season 2 opener, including some rather startling revelations on just how far in advance this Season 2 opener was being planned.

Witwer worked with Darabont on The Mist and is now the star of the successful American version of Being Human. I’ve spent some time with the man (starting on The Mist set, actually) and he’s exactly how he comes across in the below video interview. Very cool, very geeky (he’s wearing a Cyberdyne shirt, for God’s sake!) and very passionate about his craft.

I reached out to Frank Darabont for more details on his plans for the Season 2 opener and got a very detailed letter back, going step by step on what his original plans were for the episode. It was much more than I hoped for and gives a fascinating insight to Darabont’s creative process.

First, here’s video of Witwer’s interview posted by place called Paranormal Pop Culture:

Now here’s Frank with the follow-up, which sounds like it would have been fantastic:

Dear Eric,

Sure, I’ll confirm that storyline. Why not? Big caveat here though:

CraveOnline is much mistaken in saying this was for a “web series.” This was never meant as a web gimmick, this was intended for use in the actual TV series. I wanted to kick off the 2nd season with the flashback episode Sam describes, which would have followed a squad of Army Rangers getting trapped in the city and trying to survive as Atlanta falls. 

The idea was to do this with a very focused “you are there” documentary feel. Not going all shaky-cam, but still making it a bit rawer and grainier than the rest of the show. We’d start with a squad of maybe seven or eight soldiers being dropped into the city by chopper. They have map coordinates they need to get to; they’ve been told to report to a certain place to provide reinforcement. It’s not a special mission, it’s basically a housekeeping measure putting more boots on the ground to reinforce key intersections and installations throughout the city. And we follow this group from the moment the copter sets them down. All they have to do is travel maybe a dozen blocks, a simple journey, but what starts as a no-brainer scenario goes from “the city is being secured” to “holy shit, we’ve lost control, the world is ending.” Our squad gets blocked at every turn and are soon just trying to survive. I wanted to do a really tense, character-driven ensemble story as communications break down, supply lines are lost, escape routes are cut off, morale falls apart, leadership unravels, mutinies heat up, etc. (Yes, this approach owes a spiritual debt to a number of great films, including Walter Hill’s Southern Comfort.)

Along the way, I thought we could briefly dovetail this story with a few established characters from the show. Not to overdo that, mind you, because it could get silly and too coincidental if you load too much into that idea. But I thought it would be great to veer off on a quick narrative detour that brushes our soldiers briefly up against some people we know. Picture our squad arriving at a manned barricade where some civilians are being held back from leaving the city on shoot-to-kill orders to stop the spread of contagion, it’s a panicked high-intensity scene, and in this crowd of desperate people we find Andrea and Amy. The barricade gunners panic, the civilians start to get mowed down by machine gun fire, and in this melee the girls get pulled to safety by some old guy they don’t even know. It’s Dale. He’s nobody to them, just some guy who saw the opportunity to do the right thing and reacted in the moment. This would have been perhaps a minute or two of the episode, just a cool detour like the various outposts the soldiers encounter in Saving Private Ryan, but we would have witnessed the moment that Dale meets Andrea and Amy, seen where that relationship began. I also felt it would be a great way to get Emma Bell back into the series for a moment, because she was so wonderful and we were all so sorry that her character died and she had to leave the show. (Of course if this “brush with established characters” idea didn’t work in the script stage, I’d have tossed it out. You try a lot of ideas like that as you go, see how they play. But I thought this one stood a pretty good chance of being engineered to work well.) 

So the story follows these soldiers through hell as the city falls apart and the squad implodes, with Sam’s soldier being the main character and the moral center of the group. He becomes the last survivor of the squad, and he finally gets to the map coordinates they’ve been trying to get to from the start: it’s the barricade at the Atlanta courthouse intersection from the pilot where Rick later finds the tank. The soldier is still alive when he gets there, but he’s been bitten. He’s accomplished his “simple” mission, but he’s gone through seven kinds of hell to do it (including being forced to frag his squad leader), and now he’s dying. And he crawls off into the tank just to get off the street and under cover. As his fever builds and the poor guy starts to hallucinate, he pulls his last grenade and considers ending his life. He sets the grenade down on that shelf for a moment to reflect on all the shit and misery that brought him to this sad end-point of his life, and to dredge up the courage to pull the pin...but before he can act, the fever burns him out and he dies. 

The kicker comes in the last moments of this episode:

After the soldier dies this squalid, lonely death...and after a quiet lapse of time...we do a shot-for-shot reprise from the first episode of the first season: Rick comes scrambling into the tank to escape the horde...blows that zombie soldier’s brains out...now Rick’s trapped...fade out...the end.

The notion was to take the “throwaway” tank zombie Rick encountered in the pilot, and tell that soldier’s story. Make him the star of his own movie, follow his journey, but don’t reveal who he is until the end. The idea being that every zombie has a story, every undead extra was once a human being with a life of his/her own...was, in a sense, the star of his own life’s movie. And we’ve followed this one particular guy and seen how his life ended; we witness his struggles, see his good intentions and his failures, and we experience his godawful death in this tank. That’s why I cast Sam as that tank zombie in the first place instead of just casting some extra. I had this story in mind while filming the pilot, and I knew I’d need a superb actor to play that soldier when the time came.

And then starting with Episode 202, we’d be back with Rick’s group and back in step with the flow of the established story from last season.

I always had in mind to throw in a “wild-card” episode every season, maybe as a season opener or closer. Just a separate story more in the feel of an anthology series, one that appears completely off the track of the regular series but actually does wind up tying in somehow by the fade-out. They did that sort of thing on LOST on occasion, and I really respected it. It always seemed like a bold choice that trusted the audience and rewarded their loyalty with a totally unexpected surprise episode every so often.

That’s it from me. I hope things are well on your end.



I love the secrecy behind this proposed episode idea. Witwer went uncredited for his brief appearance in the pilot just so there could be that extra level of surprise once they actually got to shoot this “wild card” episode. I also love Frank’s idea to set Dale’s meeting with Andrea and Amy in such a way that absolutely establishes their relationship as we’ve come to know it in the show.

Alas, it wasn’t meant to be, but it’s cool that we get a glimpse into what could have been.


You cannot conquer what you will not confront.
being a company man never pays off.
you can love the company, the company will never love you. © okp illegal
58411, man I think that would have been awesome
Posted by walihorse, Sun Jan-08-12 12:33 PM
because that isn;t something typically seen.

and having the chance to let a lil thing like that develop is great thinking.

I agree with the every zombie was someone that had their own story.
58412, FUCK.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Jan-08-12 01:33 PM
that sounds SO ILL.
58413, even if they decide to film this as a DVD bonus, I wouldn't be mad.
Posted by kennymack, Sun Jan-08-12 04:14 PM
it won't happen, but this story should be told.


You cannot conquer what you will not confront.
being a company man never pays off.
you can love the company, the company will never love you. © okp illegal
58414, wow
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Jan-09-12 03:47 AM
reading that description was better than watching everything that was shown on AMC this season...so far.
58415, true dat
Posted by Frank Mackey, Mon Jan-09-12 10:38 AM
58416, People would still have bitched
Posted by OldPro, Mon Jan-09-12 12:01 PM

Reunion Radio Podcasts
Bringing Together Five Decades of R&B/Funk/Soul/Dance

58417, That's why Darabont is great, as a writer and director...
Posted by phenompyrus, Mon Jan-09-12 01:02 PM
And filmmaker in general.
58418, Walking Dead 2012
Posted by ACIDSE7EN, Tue Jan-17-12 11:31 PM
Um..who dis?

58419, my man with no hand and the fat guy that got chewed by geeks?!?!
Posted by d_Benjamin_m, Wed Jan-18-12 04:07 PM

but i do see a sorta stub on that left hand, did he get handcuffed on his left hand?!

oh and maybe that fat guy is too short to be the one that shane double crossed, but what other fat guy could it be? probably a new character
58420, i take that back, I DONT KNOW!!!
Posted by d_Benjamin_m, Wed Jan-18-12 04:08 PM