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Topic subjectThe Official X-Men 2 Post
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9299, The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by benny, Wed Apr-30-03 06:27 AM
so...came out today (at least here in France). I'll prolly see it tomorrow. Though I thought the first one suuuuucked, and I'm way more psyched about Matrix, this one still looks one of this summer's interesting blockbusters.
9300, Supposedly...
Posted by BigReg, Wed Apr-30-03 06:52 AM
The special effects are good, and the badguys are better/Storm isn't corny, which pretty much covers the flaws of the first film. If they fucked up on the other shit however, ill have to wait for me to catch it to see.
9301, a future note in regard to Storm
Posted by SankofaII, Thu May-01-03 05:12 AM
>The special effects are good, and the badguys are
>better/Storm isn't corny, which pretty much covers the flaws
>of the first film. If they fucked up on the other shit
>however, ill have to wait for me to catch it to see.

she may NOT be in the next X-Men movie because Singer wants to introduce more mutants into future films, there basically wont be space for her in the next one. HOWEVER....there IS a Storm movie in development at Fox...*groan* I mean DAMN can Jean Grey get her own movie as Dark Phoenix?? dammit....

p.s. im kinda salty that Angel and Beast werent in this film..i know the CGI effects would have been crazy PLUS they already got two blue mutants..but that would have been effing HOT.

now if the other teleporting mutant thief Vanisher pops up in a future X-Man film, I will be satisfied beyond belief. he wont..but you never know.

9302, RE: a future note in regard to Storm
Posted by BigReg, Fri May-02-03 02:22 AM
Well, they dropped the ball imho with the females all around. A Storm/Phoenix movie would be an exellent story to tell, considering how much shit they've been through. However, the actresses currently playing the roles I don't believe have the acting chops to pull it off.

And I do think in the future Singer should slowly add and subtract mutants. The universe is rich enough so that you can change the cast and still keep the feelings of the film. Like as much as I love Wolvie(the only saving grace on the first one) It be nice if Gambit, or Bishop got some shine.

>she may NOT be in the next X-Men movie because Singer wants
>to introduce more mutants into future films, there basically
>wont be space for her in the next one. HOWEVER....there IS a
>Storm movie in development at Fox...*groan* I mean DAMN can
>Jean Grey get her own movie as Dark Phoenix?? dammit....
>p.s. im kinda salty that Angel and Beast werent in this
>film..i know the CGI effects would have been crazy PLUS they
>already got two blue mutants..but that would have been
>effing HOT.
>now if the other teleporting mutant thief Vanisher pops up
>in a future X-Man film, I will be satisfied beyond belief.
>he wont..but you never know.

9303, RE: a future note in regard to Storm
Posted by SankofaII, Fri May-02-03 04:57 AM
>Well, they dropped the ball imho with the females all
>around. A Storm/Phoenix movie would be an exellent story to
>tell, considering how much shit they've been through.
>However, the actresses currently playing the roles I don't
>believe have the acting chops to pull it off.
oh yes i do agree here. BUT...i like Famke Janssen as Jean Grey. It would have been lovely to have Julianne Moore as the red haired telekinetic...but I like Famke. out of all of the actors, she CLEARLY understands her character (i.e. feels like she's in the way most times...feels so "commonplace" among the other mutants whose powers are more flashier than hers, etc.). Halle--i can do without. It doesnt matter what she does as Storm, she fucked it way too much for her to all of a sudden DO the character justice. just like she's been tapped to play Catwoman--you dont see it and you know she wont come with it, but because she can fill out a catsuit (or look good as a weather witch in the X-Men franchise), she'll put butts in seats and that's all hollywood wants really.

>And I do think in the future Singer should slowly add and
>subtract mutants. The universe is rich enough so that you
>can change the cast and still keep the feelings of the film.
> Like as much as I love Wolvie(the only saving grace on the
>first one) It be nice if Gambit, or Bishop got some shine.
Bishop would be great..but WHO would play him? everyone's saying Michael Clarke Duncan, but im not seein ghim. I am actually seeing Gary Dourdan from CSI--not all that big but Bishop has gone through so many changes (i.e. how he's drawn over the years), pretty much anyone could do it. plus, Michael Clarke Duncan didnt wow me as Fisk in Daredevil (actually NO ONE stood out to me in teh film, save for Garner and Farrell and they honestly had LESS to do than Mr. Lopez, but I digress). oh well...

9304, Dark Phoenix saga demands to be made. well, at
Posted by poetx, Fri May-02-03 06:39 AM
least i demand it.

cosign to the nth power on your comment about halle/storm. she effed that character up for me -- the absolute low point of the first joint. writing her out of future x-movies? that ain't right.

if they do go w/ a storm solo flick, they should recast. halle can NOT carry a movie by her self.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike
9305, if only ving was younger
Posted by DrNO, Fri May-02-03 06:14 PM
he woulda killed as bishop. Im betting Gambit and Beast are higher on the list of priorities though. Jean could sit the next film out, pop up at the end as the pheonix and set up a new one nicely. Iceman needs to get his full fledged powers (body encrusted with ice, making those ramps etc.) i dug his character.
9306, Van Dame as Gambit
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Mon May-05-03 07:39 AM
Do you like that's a good cast?
9307, Beast made an appearance
Posted by CB Sparr, Sat May-03-03 11:40 AM
he was Dr. Hank McCoy that was on that tv in the bar when Mystique was about to drug that security guard for Magneto.

"drink drink drunk until I can't hack-it, until the little man falls off the horse on my Polo jacket"-J-Ro

"TIMEOUT!!!!!!.......shit."-Chris Webber
9308, Ha...
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Sun May-04-03 02:47 PM
I just saw it tonight with my bro...

and afterwards we were discussing cameos... and he mentioned that beast was on the TV in the bar scene... he remembers seeing "McCoy" and that being beasts name... sneaky.
9309, Why'd the recast Pyro and Shadowcat?
Posted by MrMick, Sun May-04-03 03:25 PM
I can understand Pyro, because he had a bigger part in the second one, but Shadowcat? In the first one she looked like she was in her late teens, in this she was a little girl, and she had like a two-second part.

9310, they also recast Jubilee
Posted by SankofaII, Tue May-06-03 04:44 AM
the girl in the first one was in her mid to late teens and didnt look Asian (a mix of Latina and Asian to be exact) but the one they used for this one is asian.

i havent seen it yet but that's wha ti was told.
9311, The Beast was introduced.....
Posted by jahmani3, Mon May-05-03 05:35 AM
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." EINSTEIN

"The President is a Bush and The Vice President is a Dick. So a whole lotta fuckin' is what we gonna get." Talib

"Women are like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped." Just some ish I found humorous.

"What's the difference between a Catholic Priest and acne.....Acne doesn't come on your face til you're 14." OUCH
9312, Hank McCoy was in it
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon May-05-03 04:03 PM
so im sure they will get to Beast eventually.
9313, I liked the first one
Posted by soundsop, Wed Apr-30-03 08:26 AM
it wasn't too campy and the special effects were cool. It doesn't really stand up to repeated viewings, though.
9314, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by Toothpick, Wed Apr-30-03 01:14 PM
I'm EXTREMELY hyped.

That is all.

9315, saw it today
Posted by benny, Thu May-01-03 01:12 AM
about 20 minutes into the movie, I turned to my bro and told him "dude, this is already a better flick than the first one". My beef with the first was that it was very underwhelming, and quite heavy-handed in the way it presented the characters. Here, we already know the characters, so the action can start straightaway.
Without spoiling it for anyone, a lot of very-well shot action sequences. An acceptable corniness level (eps. for a summer flick). Brian Cox, as William Stryker, is great, as is Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler.
Go see it
9316, RE: saw it today
Posted by benny, Thu May-01-03 09:50 PM
9317, X2 Semi-Review (MINI SPOILER)
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri May-02-03 10:04 AM
It's funny that people say that it was better than the original. I really didn't have any major problems with the first movie. I liked how it established who the X-Men were, as well as exploring the philosophical differences between Professor X and Magneto...and if you're a student of Black History, you'd identify who each man was a philosophical mirror of...

Now, onto the second movie. Very, very well done. I had no problems with the script. Very clean, very simple. Singer and company did a nice job reestablishing everyone in the first half hour or so...

I'm sure there will be folks who expect this to be the Halle Berry/Storm Show, since "she's the star." Those people should keep their asses at home. She did a fine job, as did Hugh Jackman, Famke Jannesen, Anna Paquin, Alan Cumming, (and as always) Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. The actors playing the young boys were also good as well. And Bryan Cox made for a great villain, with the perfect motivation for what he does.

Oh, and one last thing...those who were wishing for...a certain thing to happen may just get their wish, since there will almost certainly be an X3...

I won't say that this is "better than the original" for the reasons I've already stated. But I will say that this one "expounds and expands" the universe of the original, and that's what a sequel to this type of film should do, IMO...
"BDP in 1992 is KRS-ONE, Willie D and Kenny Parker! BDP in 1992 is not D-Nice, Jamal-ski, Harmony, Ms. Melodie and Scottie Morris. They are not down with BDP so stop frontin'. We roll tight and hard this year because too many people want something for nothing."
-from the BDP "Sex and Violence" liner notes
9318, excellent comments
Posted by Damali, Tue May-06-03 02:48 PM
i also agree that the first movie was just fine and did exactly what it was supposed to do. It had to establish the characters for the viewers who were not previously familiar with the X-Men comics. so of course "true fans" would think the first movie sucked cuz it really wasn't for them, per se


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9319, What are you refering to?
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Sat May-10-03 09:13 AM
You spoke of some special thing in X-men 3?

>It's funny that people say that it was better than the
>original. I really didn't have any major problems with the
>first movie. I liked how it established who the X-Men were,
>as well as exploring the philosophical differences between
>Professor X and Magneto...and if you're a student of Black
>History, you'd identify who each man was a philosophical
>mirror of...
>Now, onto the second movie. Very, very well done. I had no
>problems with the script. Very clean, very simple. Singer
>and company did a nice job reestablishing everyone in the
>first half hour or so...
>I'm sure there will be folks who expect this to be the Halle
>Berry/Storm Show, since "she's the star." Those people
>should keep their asses at home. She did a fine job, as did
>Hugh Jackman, Famke Jannesen, Anna Paquin, Alan Cumming,
>(and as always) Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. The
>actors playing the young boys were also good as well. And
>Bryan Cox made for a great villain, with the perfect
>motivation for what he does.
>Oh, and one last thing...those who were wishing for...a
>certain thing to happen may just get their wish, since there
>will almost certainly be an X3...
>I won't say that this is "better than the original" for the
>reasons I've already stated. But I will say that this one
>"expounds and expands" the universe of the original, and
>that's what a sequel to this type of film should do, IMO...
>"BDP in 1992 is KRS-ONE, Willie D and Kenny Parker! BDP in
>1992 is not D-Nice, Jamal-ski, Harmony, Ms. Melodie and
>Scottie Morris. They are not down with BDP so stop
>frontin'. We roll tight and hard this year because too many
>people want something for nothing."
>-from the BDP "Sex and Violence" liner notes

9320, There will be an X3!
Posted by Allah, Fri May-02-03 10:29 AM
they set it up real nice in the end for the
"new character".
9321, The first wasn't THAT bad
Posted by DanjaRuss, Fri May-02-03 10:39 AM
..sure it had its short comings in terms of casting(see Storm AND Magneto), but it had to progress the way it did in temrs of story line the NON comic book buffs could figure out who the hell these people were. We get caught up cause we believe these movies are for us and us alone..but they are created to make money..and to make money..a mass audience has to be captivated.

More to say, but will save 'till i see X2.

P.S- I have no rpob with Halle as an actress, hink she's one of the best young females out there..Storm is just an absolutely wrong fit for her.
9322, RE: The first wasn't THAT bad
Posted by benny, Fri May-02-03 10:41 AM
i am not a comic-book fan, i judged the first (and second) as a movie, and as such it failed to impress me. The second on the other hand...
9323, what's wrong with Magneto?
Posted by Allah, Fri May-02-03 10:43 AM
I thought boy did poifect.
9324, he was pitch perfect
Posted by DrNO, Fri May-02-03 06:18 PM
the way he smiled when he was killing those gaurds was great. Its not like magneto needs to be physically intimidating.
9325, RE: he was pitch perfect
Posted by jigga, Mon May-05-03 05:15 AM
>the way he smiled when he was killing those gaurds was
>great. Its not like magneto needs to be physically

Yeah Magneto & Mystique are tha shit. W/ Pyro teamin up w/ them in the next one...look out.

9326, The flaws of the first Xmen...
Posted by BigReg, Fri May-02-03 10:57 AM
Ill get into what they did right first...
Absolute genius in casting all around, exception being Halle Berry. If anything, I thought that was going to sink the movie, cause you figure thats the hardest to please for the comic heads. Your forced to match the childhood heroes in their head, with real people on the screen. Wolverine, Prof X etc, genius. And with the Halle Berry issue, while she's near to the LAST black actress id have picked to play the role, I don't completely blame her, I blame...

1)The Script. Just badly paced and the storyline overall was quite anticlimatic(leading to a wack fight in Statue of Liberty). Come on now, its a fucking comic book, having good fights should have been an easy one. Pacing overall wasn't good, and it made it hard to care about anyone but Wolverine. And some of the lines were absolutely groan worthy(aka Storm's lines).

2)Badguys. Magneto was the only good badguy here, rest were wack. Mystique could have been cool, but they wasted her character(and oddly enough totally changed the character from someone who hardly ever throws a punch into kung fu joe). The Toad. *laughs* Sabertooth should have been cool, comic story wise he's got nearly as much depth as Magneto, however they sold him out for cheezy comic relief(totally missing the fact that in the comics, he just represents how Wolverine would be if he fell to his urges).

3)Special effects, but supposedly they had a tight budget, and if anything the matrix bite offs have taught me, its only a small part of the puzzle.
9327, special effects...
Posted by Triptych, Sat May-03-03 03:32 PM
the first scene with nightcrawler was one of the dopest things I've ever seen on a movie screen.

Hail to the Thief
June 10, 20003
9328, RE: special effects...
Posted by jigga, Mon May-05-03 05:19 AM
>the first scene with nightcrawler was one of the dopest
>things I've ever seen on a movie screen.

Yeah that was sick. It would've been nice 2 see something on that level 2wards the end of the flick as well. Still a dope flick tho.

9329, CO_EFFIN sign!!!
Posted by Zorasmoon, Sat May-03-03 04:59 AM
>>P.S- I have no rpob with Halle as an actress, hink she's one of the best young females out there..Storm is just an absolutely wrong fit for her.<<<


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9330, Storm wasn't even black....
Posted by CB Sparr, Sat May-03-03 11:45 AM
they shoulda got Kianna Tom to play Storm.

"drink drink drunk until I can't hack-it, until the little man falls off the horse on my Polo jacket"-J-Ro

"TIMEOUT!!!!!!.......shit."-Chris Webber
9331, Dude, she's African
Posted by Mau777, Sat May-03-03 02:46 PM
9332, thats where she was born.....
Posted by CB Sparr, Sat May-03-03 08:16 PM
One of her parents were Asian though. She had way more of an Asian Appearance. Ororo, thats an Asian name.

"drink drink drunk until I can't hack-it, until the little man falls off the horse on my Polo jacket"-J-Ro

"TIMEOUT!!!!!!.......shit."-Chris Webber
9333, dude
Posted by Boromir, Sun May-04-03 03:23 AM
Where'd you get this info? Father was an American journalist. Mother was an African princess. Both black.
9334, I am an idiot......
Posted by CB Sparr, Sun May-04-03 04:06 PM
*politely bows out of conversation*

"drink drink drunk until I can't hack-it, until the little man falls off the horse on my Polo jacket"-J-Ro

"TIMEOUT!!!!!!.......shit."-Chris Webber
9335, RE: thats where she was born.....
Posted by Slejor, Sun May-04-03 07:47 AM

Ororo Munroe is descended from an ancient line of African priestesses, all with the potential to wield magic. Her mother, the princess of a tribe in Kenya, married an American photojournalist and moved with him to Manhattan.

9336, what happened to her "accent" from x1?
Posted by TRENDone, Sun May-04-03 09:06 AM

9337, RE: what happened to her "accent" from x1?
Posted by SPADE, Sun May-04-03 09:44 AM
I guess we weren't suppose to notice the absence of her bad accent. But how can we not notice it?

I think halle did better this time but she is still the wrong person to play Storm. I get the feeling every time when she trying to be tough\serious that she about to cry.
9338, I still don't understand why they didn't get Angela Bas
Posted by DawgEatah, Mon May-05-03 05:07 AM
I think she could've killed that role.

Back from the dead.


Disgust is an appropriate reaction to most situations. ~Jenney Holzer

Every battle is a chance to see another cat lose to me/I don't write battle raps. I write eulogies. ~Blueprint

Every dog has his day, and even more so in rhymin'/So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydrant. ~Blueprint

9339, timeline/age...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue May-06-03 03:19 AM
..with the makin' of the movie, they had the impossible challenge of introducin' the general public to the storyline in its infancy, while tryin' not to alienate its current comic book fanbase

besides, bassett is too old for the role (remember, this is s'posed to be the "early years")

if you ask me, halle is ok, but thandie newton would've been my ideal choice for the role...
9340, THANDIE? another whiny yellow girl!
Posted by ororo_munroe, Tue May-06-03 05:25 AM

storm needs to have a regal, commanding presence and a deep (for a female) resonating voice. halle is missing that. so would thandie.

on top of that, the script folk are treating her character like she's just another mutant, rather than one of the team leaders...that doesn't help either.
Posted by DMAGON, Sun May-11-03 04:30 AM
For some reason I think she would have been perfect as Storm. Maybe it's because she could look the most like the Storm portrayed in the X-Men cartoon.

9342, Not this Storm
Posted by Wendell, Mon May-12-03 08:37 AM
>storm needs to have a regal, commanding presence and a deep
>(for a female) resonating voice. halle is missing that. so
>would thandie.
>on top of that, the script folk are treating her character
>like she's just another mutant, rather than one of the team
>leaders...that doesn't help either.

You are looking for the Post-Morlock wars Storm, when they remade her persona and she became the leader of the X-Men. The one in the movie hasn't gone through that transformation yet. She's still guarded about using her powers, like the late 70's/early 80's Storm.


9343, RE: Not this Storm
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Mon May-12-03 08:46 AM

I think in part 3 they should touch on her powers being connected to her emotions, like they used to be in the comics. That could be an explanation for her lack of characterization so far. She's keeping herself under tight control.
9344, angela basset looks nothing like storm
Posted by yuckwheat, Mon May-12-03 06:19 AM
tomiko fraser or a younger version of iman would have been perfect for the role, rather than a mulatto or even angela.

storm had a statuesque model-like figure with a midnight black complexion.
9345, Not that bad? It was good
Posted by MrMick, Sun May-04-03 10:10 AM
I like the first X-Men a lot.

9346, Better than I thought it would be...
Posted by Riadbec, Fri May-02-03 12:01 PM
I really enjoyed this movie. Growing up an X-Men fan, this movie perfectly reflected what I thought an X-Men movie would look like when I was a kid. Well maybe not perfectly but this is pretty much how I've always imagined the movie to be. What I loved most about the X-Men during the 80s, was that they were shown interacting with normal people (i.e. Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Colossus going to a bar). This movie did a little bit of that. I'm they decided to make this movie instead of a Wolverine movie. This movie touched on hios past as well as developing and introducing other characters. The last 30 minutes or so were a little cheesy but it didn't bother me too much. Anyway, I recommend this movie to everyone that's in teh mood for a popcorn flick.
9347, I loved this movie
Posted by cantball, Fri May-02-03 12:27 PM
Because I was a huge X-Men fan as a child.For someone like me,it just feels soooo right.There weren't any glaring flaws,and the great stuff overshadows the bad(Yuriko wasn't supposed to be just hired muscle).

And I like the ending,especially because it points to what we all want,The Dark Phoenix Saga.
9348, A Damn Good Movie!
Posted by MrMajor, Fri May-02-03 01:59 PM
I liked the first one, it fixed a lot of the problems I had with the comic, but this one is infinitely better.


1. They dont sugarcoat Wolverine in the slightest. Badass.
2. Nightcrawler, Opening scene...dayum
3. Colossus cameo...dayum
4. Minor characters given some shine (iceman, rogue, pyro)
5. Mag's escape
6. Mystique was waaaayyyy better in this movie than the last one
7. Deathstrike, i could look at Kelly Hu all day mmmmmmmm...
8. Halle was surprisingly better and they killed that horrible "accent" she had in the first one


Cant even think of any but my roommate said it best "the worst part of that movie was that it ended". Not citizen Kane but a damn good entertaining flick.
9349, RE: A Damn Good Movie!
Posted by Rexdale, Fri May-02-03 05:36 PM
Everyone touched on it, but yeah GREAT MOVIE, didn't disappoint
9350, just saw it earlier today
Posted by thatgirl_08, Fri May-02-03 05:57 PM
and i must say, it was MUCH better than the first.
like someone mentioned before, the first X-Men was anticlimatic. there was little suspense and for the most part, boring. however, my dorky comic-fiend of a friend convinced me to see X2 and i was pleasantly surprised.
allan cumming as nightcrawler was almost perfect, and i like how mystique was more involved. unlike the first, there was a decent plot with a little twist at the end (although one can see it coming without knowing about the comics)...overall, thumbs up.
9351, it made me homesick
Posted by DrNO, Fri May-02-03 06:25 PM
the stuff at the base was shot like an hour away from my hometown. But it was a good popcorn flick, didnt get all self important like the first one. Pyro, Magneto, and Stryker stole all their scenes. The plot wasnt much but what can you expect when theres 12 main characters. Its a film that you basically stop thinking about after you leave the theatre, but i dont ask for more from comic book movies.
9352, and was it just me
Posted by DrNO, Fri May-02-03 09:57 PM
or a bad projector because at the end there seemed to be a faint red hazy birdlike shape superimposed on the water. I may have been looking too hard.
9353, naw, wasn't just u. It was there
Posted by Dove, Sat May-03-03 12:30 AM

9354, It was supposed to be there...
Posted by Riadbec, Sat May-03-03 04:30 AM
It was a hint as to what is coming next in X-Men 3.
9355, yeah
Posted by DrNO, Sat May-03-03 04:09 PM
it was just so damn faint
9356, After X-men...
Posted by MrMick, Sun May-04-03 12:50 PM
I could have lived without an X-Men 2, even though I really liked the first X-Men. But after X2, they damn well better make a third one!

9357, RE: and was it just me
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-11-03 04:57 AM
>or a bad projector because at the end there seemed to be a
>faint red hazy birdlike shape superimposed on the water.

A sign of things to come....Phoenix

9358, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by mayn1, Sat May-03-03 05:24 AM
this movie was so damn good. it took up one of my favorite story lines, hinted at another (can't wait for X3), and had some of the best character development. i was disappointed with the first one, but this one justified and redeemed it so much. i just can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

the one and only...
9359, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by chin, Sat May-03-03 05:36 AM
enjoyed the flick.
highlights: colossus
fight scenes (nightcrawler's, wolvie vs lady deathstrike, magnetos escape)
magneto and mystique punking rogue ("i like what you've done w/your hair" - hilarious, damn, they're so immiture)
mystiques taunting as she gets into the control room

wish they: had nightcrawler and wolvie drinking beer together
more colossus
more x-kids/gen Xer's do stuff

overall, good flick
9360, saw it last night and i'm still hyped.
Posted by poetx, Sat May-03-03 06:33 AM
the best was the foreshadowing of x-3...

halle was better. i've given up on her really capturing storm, and have settled for credible. (storm is regal, a goddess, halle be sashaying and all young acting).

MUCH props to bryan singer for how he pulled off the scenes w/ nightcrawler. i got more of an appreciation for kurt's power watching that one amazing sequence in the movie than from years of reading the comic book. (only nitpick -- kurt was a mutant living on his own, how would he ever honed his battle skills to be that sharp w/o prof. x and co.? also, his teleporting w/ other people was something that used to leave him drained, but he was really ho hum about it.). good point, his spirituality was touched on very nicely.

i love jean.

scott took a step back.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike
9361, not only that...
Posted by MikeLove, Sun May-11-03 08:05 PM

>his teleporting w/ other people was something that used to
>leave him drained,

it would almost KILL the person he teleported.

9362, illest line:
Posted by worms, Sat May-03-03 07:19 AM
magneto: you're a god among insects. never forget that.

dope and racist! just like me!

9363, corrupting the youth!
Posted by Allah, Sat May-03-03 10:00 PM
how fitting!
9364, dirtiest line:
Posted by MrMick, Sun May-04-03 09:44 AM
Wolverine (on Mystique): "She's good."

Magneto: "You have no idea."

9365, mystique: because we shouldn't have to.
Posted by ororo_munroe, Mon May-05-03 04:42 AM
in reply to nightcrawler's query as to why she didn't just shift shapes to blend in with everyone else...

i thought that was one of the tightest lines in the movie.
9366, that too! i forgot about that.
Posted by worms, Mon May-05-03 06:45 AM

9367, "Holy Shit":
Posted by Toothpick, Mon May-05-03 08:24 AM
Wolvie in response to Yuriko's claws.

Now *that*'s good screenwriting.

9368, Just how he said it, yeah
Posted by MrMick, Mon May-05-03 09:34 AM
Did anyone else notice that Hugh Jackman couldn't always hide his Australian accent?

9369, because
Posted by shockzilla, Wed May-14-03 04:47 PM
he shouldn't have to
9370, RE: illest line:
Posted by eldealo, Tue May-06-03 12:43 PM
the smirk he gave at the end was great also. just knew he had young pyro hooked.

overall, i think singer did an excellent job. balancing so many talents. halle, did better than the first. one thing that you don't see much, is that this cast and crew acknowledged some of their mis-steps openly and tried to pick things up in the 2nd without compromising too much of what the fans wanted or what fox wanted as a studio. gotta be real difficult to do. hugh jackman went to bat for some berserker rage. nightcrawler was dope. ian mckellen and patrick stewart, and brian cox did well also. i also think they did well with the young characters.

by the way, singer made rogue younger mainly because they chose to make jean grey older because they felt that the actor needed to be more mature to pull of the character. so rogue was kind of a sacrifice or trade-off. we may not all like the choice, but that has to be thought of as a director. overall, i am real pleased with the choices they made. i'm still laughin that hugh jackman came in as a replacement, and i think he is nailing it this time around as wolverine. learning the character, responding to fan suggestions, etc. they wanted originally cast the guy that played the villain in mission impossible 2.

9371, Bishop Could be played by
Posted by Clark Kent, Sat May-03-03 09:01 AM
DOC from Third Watch......Beast did make an appearance in this flick, you didn't see Hank Mccoy on the news. Famke Janseen doesn't know if she's gonna be in the next one. Nightcrawler was dope, Pyro was fucking great, that shit Magneto did in prison was amaaaazzzzziiiiing and that movie was just fucking incredible. I'd also love to have sex with Rogue, Jean Grey, Storm, and Mystique...when shes normal though not blue...but that move just blew me the fuck away.......waaay better than any other film, Marvel better find a new Frank Castle because that man is niot touching X Men 2. HOT SHIT!!!!!!!
9372, anybody else notice.....
Posted by CB Sparr, Sat May-03-03 11:49 AM
Gambit (Remy LeBeu) and Multiple Man's (Jamie Maddrox) name on the computer screen when Mystique broke into Lady Deathstrikes office?

"drink drink drunk until I can't hack-it, until the little man falls off the horse on my Polo jacket"-J-Ro

"TIMEOUT!!!!!!.......shit."-Chris Webber
9373, and
Posted by MrHotep, Sat May-03-03 11:59 AM
Dr. Hank McCoy (Beast) being interviewed on the TV in the bar.
9374, RE: and
Posted by Clark Kent, Sat May-03-03 12:02 PM
CHeck my post.
9375, Don't forget...
Posted by Boromir, Sat May-03-03 02:18 PM
the file on Franklin Richards, the son of one Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic
9376, see my post above =-P
Posted by CB Sparr, Sat May-03-03 08:19 PM
"drink drink drunk until I can't hack-it, until the little man falls off the horse on my Polo jacket"-J-Ro

"TIMEOUT!!!!!!.......shit."-Chris Webber
9377, yeah, i was like REMY LeBEAU!!!
Posted by ororo_munroe, Mon May-05-03 04:34 AM
made me excited for the next one, and it wasn't even halfway through...
9378, Saw it today
Posted by YardBird33, Sat May-03-03 12:14 PM
Singer did an excellent job. He definitely overcame the technical/story issues they encountered the first time around. They basically kicked everything up a notch. I dug it.

Not to mention, the number of clues/foreshadowing they through into the story. While they were VERY obvious, they intrigued me.

If I have any complaints to lodge, it's definitely the "Darth Maul Syndrome" of Lady Deathstrike. Much like the hype Georgey-boy slammed us with, they wasted Lady Deathstrike. Yes, she was kinda hardcore, but she reminded me of Jet Li's character in Lethal Weapon. He ain't say shit the whole movie and had like 2 scenes of action.

Overall though, I think they did a good job. Certainly better than the first time around. Can't wait for X3.

Peace-Like Stylee,

"besides that, the funny thing was this one cat who said "what's with the no cursing shit? this is HIP-HOP!" as if hip-hop was an art form carefully cultivated by a group of drunken monks who wanted to say "motherfucker" a lot." - Spirit

"Square: The shape of evil"

"Its a shame songs don't have that *sound* nowadays. a little pimp, a tad jazzy, a smidgen street." - illadelphgurl
9379, co-sign!
Posted by mistadobalina, Tue May-13-03 08:07 AM
What a waste of Kelly Hu and more importantly the Lady Deathstrike character! They should have waited for a side-project Wolverine film to really break down the character and show the significance of Wolvie killing her.
9380, This one was better than the first n/m
Posted by Shelly, Sat May-03-03 12:58 PM
He's magically delicious-
Damon !
9381, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by godman, Sat May-03-03 06:18 PM
It was hot banana cakes!
9382, Magneto
Posted by Frank Castle, Sat May-03-03 06:23 PM
was the shit!!!! I liked Pyro too. Can't wait til X3.
9383, excellent.
Posted by illadelphgurl, Sat May-03-03 07:21 PM
i just got back from the late show. i did not find myself in a single dull moment.

i love jean grey, and famke did an awesome job in stealing this movie. how magneto escaped, how wolvie finished off lady deathstryke, and how they portrayed nightcrawler were some of my highlights. it was such a pleasure to watch, i can't wait to see what they can build upon this movie as far as sequels. this kicked spiderman's ass.

*edit* and casting... top notch. sure some of the same characters from the previous movie, but all around visually awesome. couldnt imagine another prof x or magneto or wolverine. (except halle, sorry!! storm needs to be strong, bold yet mysterious in a way).

9384, well
Posted by Frank Castle, Sun May-04-03 06:38 AM
I don't think it's better than Spiderman because to be there was not enough action. I wanted to see more of Night Crawler and Collosus. I wonder why people don't mention Blade 2. I liked that shit.
9385, i want blade to pop up in spiderman lol
Posted by lay z boi, Sun May-04-03 12:01 PM

9386, RE: i want blade to pop up in spiderman lol
Posted by Frank Castle, Sun May-04-03 12:15 PM
lol. Blade would kick his ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9387, RE: excellent.
Posted by jaboonday, Sun May-04-03 09:06 AM
>this kicked spiderman's ass.

I thought I was alone in this opinion. They're both great movies, but I think X2 comes out on top...

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"please, don't show me that at this point in time!" © the Chubberly Lady
9388, I like how Wolverine killed, like, everyone
Posted by MrMick, Sun May-04-03 09:37 AM
I loved the movie, but it's funny how they seemed to overload it with all the things people complained the first one lacked (even though the first one was great, too).

This movie almost bursts with sexual tension and action.

9389, Am I the only one who thought...
Posted by Illgamesh, Sun May-04-03 02:20 AM
...that the Deathstrike Wolverine fight sucked? The scene was filmed so chaoticly you couldn't always tell what was going on. Ohter than that, I enjoyed the movie. Some parts dragged on, but overall it was cool.
9390, Welp, it was violent...
Posted by BigReg, Sun May-04-03 02:26 AM
And you can't ask for much more from a pg-13 movie.
9391, It still sucked.
Posted by Illgamesh, Sun May-04-03 02:41 AM
Deathstrike was a crap character, anyways.
9392, Yeah
Posted by BigReg, Sun May-04-03 02:55 AM
Although she was rolling with the Reaver's, she kicked ass. Well, the Reaver's in general kicked ass, one of my favorite stories was when they left Wolverine's ass literally crucified on a cross and left for dead for like 3 issues till someone found him.

She wasn't that bad, but I always thought of her as a bad Spiral substitute.
9393, RE: Yeah
Posted by OminousEther, Sun May-04-03 03:36 AM
This and Blade 2 are now my favorite comic book movies, I have seen this film 2 times now, once with my friend on Friday and once with my little brother on Saturday.

I give it a 5/5
9394, Batman was better.
Posted by Illgamesh, Sun May-04-03 05:27 AM
But this probably takes number 2...
9395, its my 3rd
Posted by DrNO, Sun May-04-03 06:04 PM
after spider-man and blade II.
9396, it needed to be bloody
Posted by DrNO, Sun May-04-03 06:06 PM
woulda been dope if you saw their claws bloody as hell with some harsher sound effects. Same when wolverine was taking out those soldiers. I mean that gaurd magneto killed got bloody as hell.
9397, DOPE! B+/A-
Posted by TRENDone, Sun May-04-03 09:17 AM
this movie totally blew the first installment out the water. like what the majority is saying, the opening action sequence with night crawler is off the hook. from first view, my only gripes about the movie are: what happened to storms accent and whats up with that gay ass shot at the end with 2 dudes crying and hugging each other?! jk. thats how good of a movie it is. only 2 stupid, childish complaints. some things i noticed:

-this makers of x2 came off as if theyre calling out the matrix team. i got this impression from dressing up cyclops in that all black fit in one shot (and with the nightcrawler fx).
-lady deathstrike, nuff said. bold and beautiful, she had a killer role. i wish she had a bigger role, though.
-i wish collosus(sp?) did help wolverine in the takeover scene. with a name like collosus, you gotta give him a 'bigger' scene.
-are mystique and nightcrawler related? my friend swears theyre mother/son.
-my friend said he saw gambits file in the background when they were looking through magnetos file on the computer.
-it was great seeing wolverine killing mfs.

blah blah. peace.
9398, RE: DOPE! B+/A-
Posted by godman, Sun May-04-03 10:05 AM
Yes, mystique is nightcrawler's mother. They probably won't talk about it in the movies though.
9399, The Storm accent
Posted by BigReg, Sun May-04-03 11:24 AM
Is thankfully gone. Yes, its unrealistic. However, considering how it turned out last time, it wasn't worth trying to pull it off, Halle barely gives off that Storm vibe from the comics/tv shows, trying to have her use a fake ass African accent would have made her head explode;)

And yeah, they had Gambit's real name on the computer file while Mystique/Deathstrike was going through it.
9400, *spits out drink*
Posted by illadelphgurl, Sun May-04-03 01:38 PM
trying to have her use a fake ass African accent would have made her head explode;)
9401, X-Men ain't never seeing Matrix...
Posted by DawgEatah, Mon May-05-03 05:34 AM
I liked X2 and all, but as far as calling out Matrix, that's like the Rappin Granny calling out Rakim. Matrix is gonna kill.

If anything, they were maybe just trying to take some pointers from the W. Bros.

Just my 2 cents.

Back from the dead.


Disgust is an appropriate reaction to most situations. ~Jenney Holzer

Every battle is a chance to see another cat lose to me/I don't write battle raps. I write eulogies. ~Blueprint

Every dog has his day, and even more so in rhymin'/So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydrant. ~Blueprint

9402, Where's Sabretooth?
Posted by MrMick, Sun May-04-03 09:43 AM
Why wasn't he hanging with Magneto and Mystique? He can't be dead, he's Wolverine's arch enemy, and doesn't he have similar healing powers? Whatever, though, Mystique kicked ass in this movie.

9403, not enough time
Posted by DrNO, Sun May-04-03 06:07 PM
they alredy have 12 characters, in the 4th one he and maverick should show up.
9404, you guys know......
Posted by Sadat, Sun May-04-03 12:01 PM
angela bassett was up for the storm role first (maybe that's why she had shit to say about halle). i think she fits that regal sense that storm had, but do u think she could have did it?
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9405, She could have done it as Tina...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Sun May-04-03 02:28 PM
...and still would have been better than Berry.

Kwesi K.
9406, why the middle man? tina coulda done it
Posted by ororo_munroe, Mon May-05-03 04:37 AM
herself...and it still would have been better. halle has NO presence...not enough of one to be storm. horrible miscast.
9407, good call...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Mon May-05-03 04:46 AM
"Well, ain't we a pair, Ragged Man-er-ah-um Nighcrawler..."

Kwesi K.
9408, Angela Basset said...
Posted by Riadbec, Sun May-04-03 04:29 PM
>angela bassett was up for the storm role first (maybe that's
>why she had shit to say about halle). i think she fits that
>regal sense that storm had, but do u think she could have
>did it?

She said that she wasn't even offered the role. I always thought she would've made a great Storm, but she's too old now. The cast is young so she wouldn't fit in.
9409, List of Cameos?
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Sun May-04-03 03:03 PM
So, I finally saw it... kick ass, saw it with my bro.

I was wondering if we could compile a list of cameo's and possible cameo's and hints and references of other mutants...

So far:
Colossus (self explanatory)
Beast (Dr. Hank McCoy, on tv in bar)
Gambit (file on computer screen)
Franklin/Richard Reed? (Mr. Fantastic? on computer screen)
Phoenix (obviously at the end)

Possible references/links/hints?

Did anyone else notice or suspect the girl that sits closest to Professer X at the end when the kids come in, she had the big hoop earrings, cut off gloves... that she was Jubilee? The resemblance is there...

When Nightcrawler mentions those emblems/necklaces he has... he says archangel... and the figurines look like an archangel... i know that's stretching it... but hey, i love angel/archangel lol

Wondering if there were anything else?

9410, RE: List of Cameos?
Posted by godman, Sun May-04-03 04:33 PM
yeah the girl at the end was jubillee. Prof. X called her Jubilee just to make sure everyone realized.
9411, but that wasnt the jubilee from the first
Posted by TRENDone, Sun May-04-03 04:59 PM
the jubilee from the first had a yellow jacket and the earrings, and she was cuter (imo).
9412, who was colossus?!
Posted by kid A, Sun May-04-03 06:53 PM
i'm not really a marvel head, but where did colossus pop up? actually, i don't even know his power so if somebody could point him out that would be nice.
9413, RE: who was colossus?!
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Sun May-04-03 06:56 PM
Colossus was the guy they shot at but the bullets just ricocheted of him when he went to save the kids.
9414, full bio here:
Posted by Grand_Royal, Mon May-05-03 05:36 AM
9415, also
Posted by illadelphgurl, Sun May-04-03 08:16 PM
(check out my avatar, i don't remember that particular shot in the movie... i may have missed it or it was cut. its from the museum in the beginning i believe.) AND, wasn't jubilee one of the students stuck in that room in stryker's basement... where storm looked down and found them? (the asian girl wrapped in a blanket?)

siryn - the girl who screamed during the invasion?

here's a few pics: http://movies.radiofree.com/reviews/xmen3.shtml
9416, Siren was the screaming girl right?
Posted by DawgEatah, Mon May-05-03 05:41 AM
I never consistantly collected any X books (i have a few here and there). Also, who was the little boy changing the TV set with his mind? Oh and the kid with the blue forked tongue?

Again I know the X-men basics and have followed some storylines, but I miss out on the subtle references and if it is from New Mutants or other X-books I am lost.

Back from the dead.


Disgust is an appropriate reaction to most situations. ~Jenney Holzer

Every battle is a chance to see another cat lose to me/I don't write battle raps. I write eulogies. ~Blueprint

Every dog has his day, and even more so in rhymin'/So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydrant. ~Blueprint

9417, Yeah...
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Mon May-05-03 09:14 AM
I forgot about the girl - d'oh...

And who was that blue forked tongue kid and blinking kid? Just random mutants?
9418, Who were the Blinking Kid and Forked Tongue Kid???
Posted by DawgEatah, Tue May-06-03 09:21 AM
>I forgot about the girl - d'oh...
>And who was that blue forked tongue kid and blinking kid?
>Just random mutants?

I was wondering the same thing. Anyone???

Back from the dead.


Disgust is an appropriate reaction to most situations. ~Jenney Holzer

Every battle is a chance to see another cat lose to me/I don't write battle raps. I write eulogies. ~Blueprint

Every dog has his day, and even more so in rhymin'/So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydrant. ~Blueprint

9419, The guy interviewing McCoy...
Posted by Illgamesh, Mon May-05-03 08:15 AM
If memory serves, was called Mr Shaw, I think.

In the X-world, there were multiple Mr. Shaws, the most memorable being Sebastian Shaw, leader of the HEllfire club...
9420, anyone else C the Beast on TV in the movie(Hank McC
Posted by jahmani3, Mon May-05-03 05:33 AM
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." EINSTEIN

"The President is a Bush and The Vice President is a Dick. So a whole lotta fuckin' is what we gonna get." Talib

"Women are like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped." Just some ish I found humorous.

"What's the difference between a Catholic Priest and acne.....Acne doesn't come on your face til you're 14." OUCH
9421, The sexual tension in this movie is insane...
Posted by al_sharp, Mon May-05-03 07:04 AM
Interactions between the following sets of characters just SCREAMED this...

Wolverine/Jean Gray
Jean Gray/Cyclops

Everybody just wants to fuck each other.

They should make a porno version...they could call it 'XXX Men'.


Going to the Field Day Festival? Wanna meet up with my friends and I and smoke some trees? Inbox a brotha.

aim: cflartey

Illgaluminati...We Suck Young Blood.
9422, lol it's true!
Posted by moonwrita, Mon May-05-03 08:02 AM
wolverine needs the love of a good woman *sigh*
9423, RE: lol it's true!
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Mon May-05-03 10:37 AM
>wolverine needs the love of a good woman *sigh*

Yeah, he just needs to watch where he pops the claws.
9424, ;-) n/m
Posted by moonwrita, Wed May-07-03 04:19 AM
heh heh
9425, You forgot
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Mon May-05-03 10:34 AM
Nightcrawler and Mystique. Did you check the way Kurt was whirling that tail?
9426, Eww
Posted by KingKahn, Mon May-05-03 01:06 PM
Mother and son? That wouldn't be right man...
9427, Dah Cons
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Mon May-05-03 07:50 AM
Great flick, but as mah man pointed out the story never explained the personal bond between Scott and Jean which would be very instrumental in dah Pheonix saga. I don't think introducing Jean as Phoenic seems a bit much. There's to much going on as is.
9428, I want to see all the marvel superheros in one flick
Posted by jahmani3, Mon May-05-03 09:00 AM
The X-Men, Hulk, Daredevil, and Spidey all battling a threat to the world. Like the old school jawns with Apocolypes, Sentinnels, etc.

Then have Batman, Superman, make special cameos.

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." EINSTEIN

"The President is a Bush and The Vice President is a Dick. So a whole lotta fuckin' is what we gonna get." Talib

"Women are like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped." Just some ish I found humorous.

"What's the difference between a Catholic Priest and acne.....Acne doesn't come on your face til you're 14." OUCH
9429, can someone summarize the last 20 minutes for me?
Posted by Afrotec, Mon May-05-03 09:43 AM
after they talk to the prez?

i .......fell asleep *ducks*
9430, theyre back at the mansion.
Posted by worms, Mon May-05-03 09:55 AM
cyke, wolvie, the professor and i think storm are talking about jean. blah blah blah.

wolvie and cyke walk out of the room together. wolvie says to cyke: she chose you.

then the professor starts to talk to a group of students. he asks if any of them have read The Once and Future King. fade out on that scene.

and then its back to the now flooded base. the camera goes over the water, and just dim enough to almost not be noticed, is a hazy red silhouette of a phoenix. roll credits.
9431, The Once and Future King
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Mon May-05-03 10:31 AM
I Never read, the Once and Future King. What about the novel is applicable to the X-Men story line.
9432, can someone explain wolverine's story pls
Posted by moonwrita, Mon May-05-03 10:19 AM
i am not really up on the x-men can someone tell me it? is he a man that got made into a mutant or a mutant that got enhanced..
also i read above that nightcrawler is mystique's son.. my friend told me that rogue is her daughter.. are they both her kids?
9433, RE: can someone explain wolverine's story pls
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Mon May-05-03 10:46 AM
>i am not really up on the x-men can someone tell me it? is
>he a man that got made into a mutant or a mutant that got
>also i read above that nightcrawler is mystique's son.. my
>friend told me that rogue is her daughter.. are they both
>her kids?

Wolverine's story's a little bit long so I don't wanna get too much into that. I'll give you some of the basic stuff I know from reading the comics. Wolverine is a mutant and somewhere in the comics, it is revealed that his claws were originally bone. His rival is Sabretooth who kills his lover and so on. Wolverine has had memories implanted into him so he doesn't know what memories are real and what aren't, so he's constantly searching for his identity. It's never revealed how old he is and I remember that once he even fought with Captain America in WWII. Nightcrawler is Mystique's son. Rouge is Mystique's foster child. She adopted Rouge after she ran away and put her into the Brotherhood of Mutants so she started out as a villian. It's never revealed who Rouge's parents are but I do know that she was raised in Mississippi.

9434, thanks, but I already knew that
Posted by Afrotec, Mon May-05-03 11:19 AM
I waned to know how they ended teh movie.
9435, thank u :) n.m
Posted by moonwrita, Wed May-07-03 04:22 AM
9436, RE: can someone explain wolverine's story pls
Posted by Scrapluv, Sun May-11-03 10:49 AM
didn't wolverine's lover, who was killed by sabretooth, come back as lady deathstrike?
9437, full bio here too...
Posted by jahmani3, Mon May-05-03 03:21 PM
>i am not really up on the x-men can someone tell me it? is
>he a man that got made into a mutant or a mutant that got
>also i read above that nightcrawler is mystique's son.. my
>friend told me that rogue is her daughter.. are they both
>her kids?

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." EINSTEIN

"The President is a Bush and The Vice President is a Dick. So a whole lotta fuckin' is what we gonna get." Talib

"Women are like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped." Just some ish I found humorous.

"What's the difference between a Catholic Priest and acne.....Acne doesn't come on your face til you're 14." OUCH
9438, wow.. thanks, he's lived a life! poor bloke n/m
Posted by moonwrita, Wed May-07-03 04:17 AM
9439, Van Dame as Gambit
Posted by Brooklynbeef, Mon May-05-03 10:32 AM
I think he'll make a good Cajan thief, how about you?
9440, people have to realise though..
Posted by nuszik, Mon May-05-03 11:23 AM
that a lot of the storylines and continuations from the comics will not apply to the movie
9441, co-sign but...
Posted by jahmani3, Mon May-05-03 03:28 PM
>that a lot of the storylines and continuations from the
>comics will not apply to the movie

Yeah if that was the case Beast & Iceman would have been headliners for tha get go n/m

but I can dream can't I?

I do like the similarities so far

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." EINSTEIN

"The President is a Bush and The Vice President is a Dick. So a whole lotta fuckin' is what we gonna get." Talib

"Women are like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped." Just some ish I found humorous.

"What's the difference between a Catholic Priest and acne.....Acne doesn't come on your face til you're 14." OUCH
9442, Van Dam
Posted by BigReg, Mon May-05-03 01:17 PM
Doesn't have the charisma to play it. Hell, save for the fact he's got a natural accent(which doesn't sound cajun tho) he's a horrible choice.

Imho, Brad Pitt circa fightclub would make a good gambit as far as attitude/looks go(since gambit had that scruffy whiteguy look in the comics). Its just I can't imagine him with a french accent(although he did pull off that cockney accent in snatch)
9443, nah. the dude from the transporter
Posted by TRENDone, Tue May-06-03 03:08 PM

9444, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by 6_1_flo, Mon May-05-03 11:26 AM
It was pretty good. I thought that the Nightcrawler character was the best. He was the savior of the movie. I thought that Cyclop's crying at the end was so fake though. I give it a 90 out of 100. I hope they put more characters in the next one. And I wish Prof. X had a hover chair cuz if he can come up wit a great invention that can control minds surely he can do that.
9445, what's phucking with the fight scene
Posted by Belief, Mon May-05-03 03:07 PM
between lady deathstrike and wolverine?? damn, she got some licks in before she went out...hopefully in some sick twist she'll come back - I like her! did she ever even talk??

pyro...I wasn't mad when he took out the cops, not at all

9446, RE: what's phucking with the fight scene
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Mon May-05-03 03:19 PM
The only time she talked was when Mystique was taking out the trash. And yes, I agree...we need more Kelly Hu!
9447, she was on some matrix type ish
Posted by Belief, Mon May-05-03 04:58 PM
man, a fight between her and trinity would be worth the ticket price alone. As a woman I don't encourage cat fights, but considering who we're talking about, I don't think it could be classified as such.

9448, Change of Direction: What DIDN'T U like?
Posted by Melanism, Tue May-06-03 04:30 AM
m e l a n i s m

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9449, RE: Change of Direction: What DIDN'T U like?
Posted by jigga, Tue May-06-03 05:17 AM
Cyclops crying. James Marsden didnt really sell it.

Would've been nice 2 see another scene w/ Nightcrawler kickin ass as well as Colossus joinin the fight w/ Wolverine during the intial invasion.

And more Magneto. I thought he would've kicked a lil mo ass this time around.

9450, Colossus AND Shadowcat
Posted by MrMick, Tue May-06-03 07:21 AM
Both of them would have been nice, but mainly Colossus. But hey, his 2 seconds in the movie still kicked ass.

9451, RE: Shadowcat?
Posted by jigga, Tue May-06-03 10:05 AM
Which one is that?
9452, The girl who fell through the bed
Posted by MrMick, Tue May-06-03 10:16 AM
I guess I just wrongly assumed that since in the first one she's like eighteen and in this one she's in the preview and like 12, they were going to do something with her.

9453, well...
Posted by ororo_munroe, Tue May-06-03 05:33 AM
the writing for storm. maybe they just don't have confidence that halle can carry it, but damn, she's a team leader people!!! and the part they have for her is barely more significant than the "cameo" mutants...seriously, siryn did more in this movie than storm did. i don't even see why the "storm" was necessary at the end when they interrupted the president's address to the nation. it was like they just threw her a bone to keep her busy...or to keep her from talking.

i also think that they should have used magneto more. i dunno for what, but i feel like he wasn't in it enough...

hmmm...i would have liked to get more of a preview of what colossus' powers in combat, but whatever...

i didn't like the direction in the wolverine/lady deathstrike fight. it was too chaotic, for lack of a better word.

hmmm...that's all for now, i guess. i'll probably wind up co-signing on other posts.

9454, Whu?? (mini-spoilers)
Posted by DawgEatah, Tue May-06-03 08:19 AM
>seriously, siryn did more in this movie than storm did.

siryn screamed for a minute and woke everyone in the mansion up. Storm knocked nightcrawler out of the Church rafters with lightning and created a half dozen tornados during the jet chase scene. how did siryn do more? you must be using new math...

;-) just playin'

Back from the dead.


Disgust is an appropriate reaction to most situations. ~Jenney Holzer

Every battle is a chance to see another cat lose to me/I don't write battle raps. I write eulogies. ~Blueprint

Every dog has his day, and even more so in rhymin'/So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydrant. ~Blueprint

9455, Storm also (major spoiler)
Posted by MrMick, Tue May-06-03 09:03 AM
Saved the entire human race at the end of the movie.

9456, okay, okay...
Posted by ororo_munroe, Tue May-06-03 09:16 AM
maybe it's because halle's not flying and waving her hands in the air, but i feel like storm comes off flat with her...that's all.
9457, What I didn't like...
Posted by DawgEatah, Tue May-06-03 08:40 AM
Standing overall complaints:

That the X-Men Movies are pg-13.
Movie could be grittier and darker.
Messed up line-up and story lineage mish mash.
(including the virtual absence of Beast and Angel)
Casting of Halle Berry

Specific X2 complaints:
The bizarre incorporation of the Pheonix storyline
(let's hope they can pull this off.)
Lady Deathstrikes lack of action sequences and abrupt "death"
(e.g. the darth maul syndrome)
The incestuous hinting b/w nightcrawler and mystique
the pacing of the film seemed off. Seemed like they are sqeezing a lot X-Men history into one film and thus leaving too much out.
Underuse of Colossus and Shadowcat
While this film was decidedly much better than the first, it still hasn't reached the "blow you away" effect that movies like Blade 2 accomplished. In other words.. even MORE action.

Honestly I really enjoyed the film. I was just nit-picking to fulfill Mynoriti's request. It was a fun flick. It's funny how comic films have had such a wretched history overall, so our tolerance for cheeziness and inconsistant adaptaions is higher today. Nah mean?

Back from the dead.


Disgust is an appropriate reaction to most situations. ~Jenney Holzer

Every battle is a chance to see another cat lose to me/I don't write battle raps. I write eulogies. ~Blueprint

Every dog has his day, and even more so in rhymin'/So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydrant. ~Blueprint

9458, RE: What I didn't like...
Posted by MrMick, Tue May-06-03 10:21 AM
>funny how comic films have had such a wretched history
>overall, so our tolerance for cheeziness and inconsistant
>adaptaions is higher today. Nah mean?

Thinking about it, they were doing comic book adaptations before they were ready. Movies like Spider-Man and X-Men, despite good use of characters, actors and story, just wouldn't fly without the sfx.

I agree on Colossus and Shadowcat, and I would say that in X3 (which there'd better be) they'll will probably expand Colossus' role (it seems like they were really teasing us with his scene). As for Shadowcat, I thought since she had an appearance in the first one and was recast for the second, she would have been utilized as a character.

9459, RE: What I didn't like...
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-11-03 05:09 AM
>Lady Deathstrikes lack of action sequences and abrupt
>(e.g. the darth maul syndrome)

ha...well put. This is probably my only complaint but I'm not a comic head so my standards aren't set as high. I just thought she was bad ass (not to mention fine as hell) and it was ashamed to see her go so quick

>Honestly I really enjoyed the film. I was just nit-picking
>to fulfill Mynoriti's request.

Assuming you meant "Melanisms request" right?
9460, Muwhahha! I got in on my computer...
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Tue May-06-03 09:01 AM
well...getting it as I type this. Found a real version and it's decent quality and watching the Nightcrawler scene over and over is great.
9461, questions, comments, concerns:
Posted by bukaruk, Thu May-08-03 04:41 AM
better than the 1st, and not just 'better', but they seemed to try and correct mistakes from the 1st one. nice.
still needs more action.
the PG-13 issue kinda hurts the franchise.
i always hated the nightcrawler character- until the opening scene of X2.
magneto pullin the iron outta dudes blood was sick.
if nbushe doesnt get storm next time, just get rid of the character. angela would work too, i dont see how her being a few years older than the rest of the 30+ year old adults presents a problem if she's one of the leaders
i wanna see any/all of the following- bishop,gambit,more fight scenes,apocalypse,sentinels,more colossus,more fight scenes,no halle berry, juggernaut,psylocke, sabertooth and wolvie to really wild out, jackie chan, and also more fight scenes.

aside: a blade cameo in spiderman would be CRAZY. just imagine wesley whoopin on lil tobey maquire.

what i ain get tho-
Explain Stryker's brain juice/spinal tap.
Let's see- he crakks open his son's skull, siphons off some neuron-rich bodily fluid, and when the stuff is applied to another mutant, stryker -like his son- can persuade whoever to do whatever?

i havent seen anyone bring this up but it dont make sense to me.

9462, RE: questions, comments, concerns:
Posted by SoulGlo, Fri May-09-03 03:20 AM
Why didn't they make them mutant looking? they were all like normal looking kids, etc, but they're supposed to be a threat to humans? why is someone like Hallie Berry upset? she looks fine to me! that kid with the blue tongue was green in the comic book. only people like Mystique or Nightcrawler may have a real issue
hallie is an oscar winner, so she took time away from the real leader, Cyclops(who took a paid 2 hour nap). Suddenly, t seems that Wolvie runs the show. in the comics, he tends to get his ass tossed around alot. though it's early, wolverine has free reign to go buck wild, trust me, it was cool to see finally, but Prof. X never reprimands him or teaches him anything. Jean Grey was good.
Deathstrike was a straight up model, not what comic book is. that Colossus scene was one of the best parts. that whole sequence at the school should have incorporated flashes of other known mutants; like Gambit throwing a charged card down the hallway; angel flying around the danger room or on mission overseas; some kind of mention is all, computer datbase........ it's a good setup for sequels. Iceman is no iceman; Rouge is nothing like comic book. Pyro was whatever stop with this Dawson's Creek business. BIG UP TO NIGHTCRAWLER!! Alan Cummings nailed it!!!!!! The ending was a lil drawn out. alright, we know, we know, Jean Grey becomes Phoneix. geez

more importantly, the was no impact put on "social issue". Xmen were supposed to be the victims, but they're blowing up jets & threatening the Prseident with thunderbolts. c'mon. fun movie theater experince though. at least they showed some respect to comic book characters unlike hollywood version of Daredevil or Spiderman. too bad we have to wait for next one. they have to avoid cramming people into movie; do spin-off movies.
9463, I thought the social emphasis was strong
Posted by MrMick, Fri May-09-03 05:24 AM
Especially if you think about the kids in the school being attacked by soldiers like they were terrorists or something.

Also, you ask why "normal" looking ones are mad, but they live in a world where they must suppress who they are in order not to be harassed. That's why that Iceman scene w/ his parents is so much like a "coming-out" scene.

But it is interesting that, with some exceptions, the weird looking ones tend to gravitate towards Magneto's side. Hmm, I wonder why they would have a gripe with humanity?

9464, RE: questions, comments, concerns:
Posted by LoopFactor, Fri May-09-03 09:07 PM
>hallie is an oscar winner, so she took time away from the
>real leader, Cyclops(who took a paid 2 hour nap).

i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed this

> Suddenly,
>t seems that Wolvie runs the show. in the comics, he tends
>to get his ass tossed around alot.

he gets his ass whooped in the movies too. he has a total of 3 major fights in the 2 movies and, while coming out the victor in all them, gets his ass thoroughly thrashed by his opponents


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9465, I thought it was good but the ending was weak
Posted by acidtabs, Fri May-09-03 06:23 AM
Get Rich Or Die Trying - 3.75/5

This is America and we're supposed to proud of the guys we elected and put in office - The Admiral

George Bush, your lookin like Zoolander, tryin to play tough for the camera - MCA

I've gone GOLD! - me
9466, how x-men movies have been officially contracted?
Posted by squeeg, Fri May-09-03 10:27 AM
I see everyone talking about what could happen in X5 and shit...but are you all sure they'll get that far? Or are you assuming each sequel will be monetarily successful enough to justify another?


The kid with the most knowledge will obtain and touch top dollars.
9467, Islamic group chastises X2 swipe
Posted by DrNO, Fri May-09-03 09:58 PM
The head of the civil rights group Project Islamic Hope has denounced the producers of X2: X-Men United for a scene in which the film's villain is seen wearing a ring bearing the description "Allah." "It's a major slap in the face to Muslims worldwide that this portrayal be made when the X-men in the comics and movies have always fought against prejudice in society," said Najee Ali in a statement. He called the scene, "another case of Islamic phobia in Hollywood which has always demonized Arabs and Muslims."
9468, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by bennyblanco, Sat May-10-03 08:45 AM
Does anyone realize that Lady deathsrike and Wolverine where once lovers in the comic, she was killed by Sabretooth...I thought they would touch on that in the film, but if Jackman gets the Wolverine franchise they've been talkin about i'm sure she'll return in the film along with Sabretooth and *gasp* Omega Red

Also. the Dark Phoenix saga must be touched in the next probable film in the franchise, I'm pretty sure the flick's already grossed 200 million nationwide in these past two weeks

one last thing...given the fact that these actors aren't gonna hold onto these roles forever there's a possibility of re-casting (never a fan of that but whatever works) or introducing some new mutants such as Gambit (if they have no wolvie then Gambit would fit in to add the "bad-ass factor"), Archangel, beast, psylocke, jubilee with villians such as Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, Hellfire Club...y'all know where I'm gettin at

that is all for now....
9469, Omega Red.....
Posted by KnowOne, Sat May-10-03 04:20 PM
That would be crazy! Not sure how well they could pull it off though. Just I'll have to wait & see how good a job they do with Doc-Oc in Spiderman 2.
9470, at the very beginning of the film
Posted by squeeg, Sat May-10-03 09:52 AM
I know I can't be the only herb who was thinking,

"Space...the final frontier."


The kid with the most knowledge will obtain and touch top dollars.
9471, *lol* nope....
Posted by KnowOne, Sat May-10-03 04:19 PM
me & my boys said that out loud! Every one started cracking up. *LOL*
Posted by Sadat, Sun May-11-03 10:37 PM
Dr. sebastian shaw. the cat who created the sentinels (shaw industries, right) and he was down w/ the hellfire club too (black king i think). somebody back me up.....
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Posted by Nieman5, Mon May-12-03 06:50 AM
Didn't know if anyone got this, but when she was on the computer looking up the info on magneto, Omega Red was one of the files. Just something I found interesting.

But I agree Gambit would be awesome. Nightcrawler was a great addition.
9474, Archangel...
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Mon May-12-03 11:19 AM
I guess people spotted a diagram of archangel's wings in the weapon x lab... i'll have to check for it second time around.
9475, My only issue
Posted by Wendell, Mon May-12-03 09:14 AM
is that the director/producer/whoever still doesn't have a good understanding of their powers.

Either Jean or Storm could have lifted the plane while inside of it or just flew everyone to safety without even straining their powers.

They didn't have to kill Lady Deathstrike like that. I was hoping to see her again. How she died, there is no coming back.

Otherwise, a good movie.


9476, Even if they couldn't have...
Posted by MrMick, Mon May-12-03 09:41 AM
Say you are just going by the movie, and Jean needed to stop the water while the plane got started. Couldn't Nightcrawler just have picked her up once they were in the air?

9477, she could. have
Posted by Wendell, Mon May-12-03 10:22 AM
picked herself up.

Yep, Nightcrawler could have got her.

There are a number of things that could have happened that would have been true to the characters.

It's interesting, cause the people who made the stories used their ignorance of the characters abilities to their advantage. I contend that these movies aren't for the X-Fans, but for movie goers.


9478, RE: she could. have
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Tue May-13-03 08:01 AM
You can't make a movie just for "X-fans".

Their power range in the movies are set at a more believable level...they don't coexist with Norse gods, aliens, etc. etc.

Comics and movies are seperate, just like they should be...making a movie straight from the comics would be pretty stupid not to mention impossible.
9479, RE: she could. have
Posted by Wendell, Tue May-13-03 08:34 AM
>Their power range in the movies are set at a more believable
>level...they don't coexist with Norse gods, aliens, etc.

The point was, the writers don't have them using their powers correctly, whatever level they may be. Jean could have held the dam together. The strain from that could have triggered the Phoenix in her and set up the next movie. Storm (or Jean) could have flown everyone to safety. All of this could be done.

To me, the Blackbird stalling is akin to a car not starting in a Jason movie. That's hokey.

>Comics and movies are seperate, just like they should

The story lines can and should be seperate. The abilities of the characters should be consistent. Example, I have no problem with Halle's Storm, cause I remember when Storm was unsure about her powers. She guarded her emotions tightly, so that she wouldn't loose control. That's consistant with what I understand of the character. Wolverine is 6' plus, but it doesn't bother me, cause his character's demeanor is close enough to what I know of the character.

>making a movie straight from the comics would be pretty
>stupid not to mention impossible.

In todays world, nothing is impossible. See Lord of the Rings...


9480, RE: she could. have
Posted by LoopFactor, Wed May-14-03 08:42 PM
>Yep, Nightcrawler could have got her.

he tried she somehow used her powers to block his
9481, Why though? n/m
Posted by MrMick, Thu May-15-03 04:40 AM
9482, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by 7thwardhardhead, Tue May-13-03 05:49 AM
I liked the first one but the second was better. How many more X-men movies has the studio comitted to make?

I'm not like you and I cannot pretend. Cee Lo

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Shit on that Shit! ???

Don't compare me to you nigga you ain't this! Malice

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was the shit!
9483, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by KUHL_BREZ, Tue May-13-03 06:05 AM
I saw if yesterday afternoon and I thought it was killa. The opening sequence with Nightcrawler set the stage for the whole movie. I thought the action sequences made the movie. Bryan Singer did an excellent job telling the story and setting the stage for the next X-Men movie. There were several great performances, which is rare for sequels. Looking forward to part three.
9484, Much better than the first movie....
Posted by mistadobalina, Tue May-13-03 08:21 AM
....but I think that's b/c they took some time to explain who
the characters were in the original and slowed things down - this time they could just get right into it.

A few dislikes (includes spoilers):
** wasting the Lady Deathstrike character (and of course fine ass Kelly Hu!) - let's hope they have a side Wolverine film and tell the Yuriko/Wolvie story the right way....did anyone notice
she didn't say ONE thing the whole movie except her name??

** they never explained how Stryker actually controlled the mutants with Jason's liquid - sure, he dropped it on their necks, but when he wasn't around, who was giving them orders?

** Halle Berry back as Storm. She's fine, but what happened to the terrible accent she tried to use in the first flick? It was bad, but at least stayed true to the character....

Other than that, I loved it and am hella excited for X3 when the Phoenix saga begins! Imma have to check it again to notice the names on the files, etc....looks like I missed a few things.

9485, Arizona Capital
Posted by rawlakid, Tue May-13-03 12:16 PM
that is where this movie is heading next, I hope....

Midnight Marauders™ starting line-up 2003 keepin yo’ ass

-RawLa- (c) 2003

The resident oKchicAno =)
9486, Only flaw I didnt really understand
Posted by Nieman5, Wed May-14-03 02:46 AM
Gene cant deflect two rockets but she can stop a entire lake? Seems that it doesnt make much sense. Ohhh and how magneto walked right in celebro when the prof was using it, but when cyclops wanted to "No Scott It could fill him and everyone hes connected to!" that didnt make much sense either.
9487, RE: Only flaw I didnt really understand
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Wed May-14-03 07:00 AM
Jean's Phoenix powers were increasing throughout the movie. I guess at the end she was powerful enough to hold the water back. You noticed she started bursting into flames...

As for Magneto, he shut Cerebro down before he entered. Remember the part where Xavier said "That's strange" and started messing with the controls. Plus Jason/Little girl was surprised and worried because something had gone wrong (and all the mutants stopped writhing in pain because Cerebro was shut down)
9488, is there an online faq/comic geek corrections?
Posted by k_orr, Wed May-14-03 08:45 PM
Cause I caught shadowcat, siryn, and colossus, but missed
Beast, Gambit, and Lord Shaw. I was wondering if I missed
anything else.

Truly an excellent film.
9489, RE: The Official X-Men 2 Post
Posted by Tukuma, Thu May-15-03 12:02 PM
I also didn't care much for Halle as Storm, but oh well.
I think if and when they do the next sequal they should touch on her clostraphobia.
I wish they could have dealt with Rogue being Mystiques daughter and her relation with Miss Marvel, so she could fly and kick ass as well.
I would be very happy if they brought on Gambit, that would make my day, but I can't think of anyone who could do it. They'd probably have to get a newcomer like they did for Pyro (who was great)
Mr. Sinister would be a great addition too.
I don't think it would be good to have apocalypse though, they would need to have really good effects that don't look cheesy.

The part where Mystique and Magneto was taunting Rogue about her hair was soo cruel, childish but hilarious.

Overall I loved it, plus I was happy DeathStrike kicked Cyclops ass early because I never could stand his character.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No not me, you.