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Topic subjectRE: you needed 2 simultaneous kicks to jump up from level 3.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=68985&mesg_id=69391
69391, RE: you needed 2 simultaneous kicks to jump up from level 3.
Posted by LA2Philly, Thu Jul-22-10 01:12 PM
>i believe Yusef or Eames mentioned this when Cobbs brings up
>the idea of jumping down to level 3 with such a heavy

I honestly do not remember that.

>the music was to warn the dreamer that the kick is about to
>occur and when to kick.

Right, it's the countdown to coordinate the kicks.

>once Arthur heard the music, he set up the explosives to
>detonate at the same time the van hits the bridge. they miss
>this kick. why HE doesn't wake up from it? i can only guess
>that the kick wasn't strong enough. (i need some of this
>sedative! got lean?) the free-fall into the water was the
>fail-safe. since Ariadne designed it this way, Arthur knows
>how much time he has before the van hits. i believe he says he
>has X minutes. this was needed to sync his elevator kick with
>the van to water impact.

Yeh, why wouldn't JLG wake up? If that was the planned kick, then he should have been kicked back to level 1 when the van started falling right?

>why they designed a kick in level 3? idk. maybe in case level
>4 wasn't limbo? i have no clue. maybe another fail-safe?
>either way, i think Eames had music too.

They were never planning on going into a level 4.....Leo says that they are done once Fischer died, Ariadne is the one who brings up the idea of going to a level 4/limbo.

>but yes, the kicks had to be "simultaneous". otherwise, Arthur
>wouldn't have waited 'til the final second to kick them down
>the elevator.

They have to be simultaneous because of how dangerous the kicks are....he has to make them wake up from level 3 before the crumbling building actually kills them.