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Topic subjectMy ideas for indie movies that have never been done before:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=60328
60328, My ideas for indie movies that have never been done before:
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Aug-27-08 07:37 PM
Most of these would probably have to be short films.

-In a prank gone wrong, a group of friends accidentally kill someone. They immediately confess to the authorities.

-A college professor is a good husband and father with a happy home life.

-A group of lovable losers decide not to commit a crime.

-A young man feels a clarity of purpose and a strong sense of self after graduating from college. This helps him excel in his chosen career. (HOLY SHIT THIS COULD BE PREQUEL TO THE COLLEGE PROFESSOR MOVIE)

-A road trip goes according to plan.

60329, What about one where a group of local yokels finds a bunch of money
Posted by Marauder21, Wed Aug-27-08 07:40 PM
divide it up perfectly amongst themselves, and see their lives improve in every way imaginable?
60330, Prudent investments and such? I like it.
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Aug-27-08 07:41 PM
60331, there's room for a sequel here...
Posted by Af-1, Thu Aug-28-08 04:08 AM
in the follow-up, a local gangster tracks down the yokels who found his money and asks politely for it back. in their embarrassment, they willingly hand it over with their apologies, and receive a series of friendly hi-fives from the gangster and his gangster buddies.
60332, lol. they return the principal but have already made money from it.
Posted by Doc Maestro, Thu Aug-28-08 03:17 PM
60333, Teenage girl dates sweet, sensitive guy instead of asshole jock.
Posted by bignick, Wed Aug-27-08 07:43 PM
They split up half-way through their freshman year of college and never see each other again.
60334, A bank robber prudently decides agaisnt one last score.
Posted by bignick, Wed Aug-27-08 07:43 PM
60335, he then applies for a job at a reputable law firm. Hilarity ensues...
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 07:10 AM
60336, and immediately regrets his decision after score proves successful
Posted by theprofessional, Thu Aug-28-08 07:20 AM
the entire movie is him walking through a best buy looking at various HDTVs like, "man, i knew i shoulda got in on that."
60337, Quirky outsider proves doubters right.
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Aug-27-08 07:46 PM
60338, A white teacher at an inner city school is just in it for the paycheck
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Aug-27-08 07:54 PM
She doesn't really care about the kids. Well, except for the one with the cute dad.
60339, the best one...
Posted by The Analyst, Wed Aug-27-08 09:12 PM
60340, Beat me to it.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Aug-27-08 10:24 PM
60341, n/m
Posted by Wordup, Fri Aug-29-08 04:49 AM
>She doesn't really care about the kids. Well, except for the
>one with the cute dad.

60342, Selfish rich people face life-changing event; take nothing from it
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Aug-27-08 08:00 PM
Although if the event is the death of their parents, they are very interested in when the will is going to be read.
60343, Depressed cynic makes lame and pointless insights on life.
Posted by Madvillain 626, Wed Aug-27-08 09:11 PM
Titled: The Wasted Life of an Insufferable Douche. Directed by Kevin Smith.
60344, Ouch!
Posted by El_Pistolero, Thu Aug-28-08 11:41 AM
60345, Suburban white people actually have more problems than they let on.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Aug-27-08 10:25 PM
60346, ^^^Six Feet Under: The Cliff's Notes^^^
Posted by bignick, Thu Aug-28-08 04:23 AM
60347, a shitty Youth Sports team gets their asses kicked and NEVER wins.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 07:09 AM
they don't qualify for the post season, and they don't get the local tough kid or undiscovered phenom to save their season. And the coach is an upstanding quality guy who has the respect of all his peers.

60348, and it's OK because sports don't represent any greater struggle
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 10:13 AM
60349, Bookended, of course...
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 12:42 PM
By losing to the best team in their league.
60350, in Mercy Rule fashion, even...
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 01:11 PM
>By losing to the best team in their league.

nobody cares, and praise is heaped on winning team.

60351, two awkwardly mismatched cops don't get along
Posted by theprofessional, Thu Aug-28-08 07:12 AM
and never really find a way to resolve their differences, not even when one of their family members are kidnapped and they have to solve the crime together. the whole thing only leads to more awkwardness and resentment. oh, and the case is never solved.
60352, does the cop with the drinking problem ever quit?
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 07:23 AM
60353, A car full of college kids breaks down. They call for help. and Wait.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 07:21 AM
they don't decide to explore the dilapidated house in the middle of nowhere. They don't sneak off in pairs to get laid in the woods. They heed the Gas station attendant's warning to "not hang around in these parts".

They simply call a tow truck, and wait patiently in the car until he comes and gets the car to a repair shop. In the interim, they amuse each other with Music Trivia and humorous anecdotes.

Later, it is revealed that their road trip to South Padre was a success.

60354, mild mannered everyman discovers he has superhuman powers
Posted by theprofessional, Thu Aug-28-08 07:36 AM
but decides he'd rather continue writing for the local paper. he wins a regional writing award for his article on the destruction of new york city by a megalomaniacal villain.
60355, nebbish high school student gets bitten by a radioactive spider, dies.
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:12 AM
60356, Alternate:
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 10:16 AM
Gets bitten by radioactive spider, but because the spider is dying from radiation poisoning, it's jaws are too weak to pierce the skin. Spider dies when student brushes it off.
60357, LMAO!! oh shit
Posted by Wrongthink, Fri Aug-29-08 07:03 PM
60358, Group of loveable underdogs enter dance contest to save their rec center
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:15 AM
They come in 8th place and all get jobs at the Applebee's where the rec center used to be
60359, In feudal china, two rivals settle their difference with clumsy slapping
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 10:18 AM
60360, Average Joe gets mistaken for a highly trained CIA operative
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:27 AM
From 30 feet away. Once his pursuers get a little closer, they realize that he looks nothing like the highly trained CIA operative they were hired to kill. Oh well, guess they had better keep looking.
60361, Everything in small, suburban town is exactly as it seems
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:29 AM

60362, Unpopular nerd tries to win over the heart of the head cheerleader
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:32 AM
She's flattered by this, but politely declines his advances. Besides, she's already dating the star quarterback, who happens to also be class president, valedictorian, and just an all around great guy.

Sequel: Cheerleader and Quarterback get married and move to quiet suburban town where everything is as it seems. He sells real estate and she's a stay at home mom with a lucrative home business making scented candles.
60363, thisshit BEGS for a Trilogy:
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 11:39 AM

>Sequel: Cheerleader and Quarterback get married and move to
>quiet suburban town where everything is as it seems. He sells
>real estate and she's a stay at home mom with a lucrative home
>business making scented candles.

Part III:

Nerd spends the majority of his adult life pining away for the Cheerleader ( even though he has a high paying job in a major metropolis). So as his ten-year reunion approaches, he and his portly yet charismatic best friend throw every ounce of effort into going back to the small town where they went to high school, and hatching an elaborate plan to sweep her off her feet with his new found 'coolness'. Only to find out she's happily married to the Quarterback, and has totally forgotten about him. As have most of his classmates.
60364, she doesn't even attend the reunion.kids had a violin recital that night.
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:14 PM
Unpopular nerd gets really drunk and heads back to his hotel with Miss Olendorff, the school librarian. Which is okay, too, he always sort of had a thing for her anyway.
60365, Subplot:
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:31 PM
and his nerdy female counterpart ( who had eyes for him in High School but never told him) decides that he's kind of a dick now that he's a Big City dweller and she's glad she never let him hit.

and rather than wind up with a Hot guy as a result of some comical mishap where her glasses come off and her hair falls down, she decides to just go home and call it a night.
60366, Spin-off: Nerdy girl returns to apartment with her 12 cats
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:34 PM
The cats aren't really all that mischievous or sassy, and we cannot hear their thoughts in the form of a voice over monologue. They are, after all, just cats.
60367, this film unveils the newest technology Smell-O-Vision
Posted by janey, Thu Aug-28-08 01:44 PM
to make sure that the audience appreciates that there are TWELVE cats.

~ ~ ~

Grrr (c) Tatiana
60368, Family road trip gets cancelled due to increasing gas prices
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:33 AM

60369, Veteran cop teams up with rookie partner, and they get along GREAT
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:36 AM
Turns out they both love sports and fishing, so they talk about that a lot.
60370, Rookie cop sees corrupt vet plant evidence, thinks it's kinda cool
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Aug-28-08 11:29 AM
60371, Ex-Mob enforcer decides to walk the straight and narrow
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:37 AM
Adjusts to his new lifestyle with ease
60372, Undercover cop does not form genuine friendship with criminal(s)
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 10:48 AM
No conflicted feelings occcur.
60373, Couple has car trouble in the middle of nowhere, find an old motel
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 10:51 AM
But just as they are pulling in the parking lot to check in, their car starts working again. Huh. That was weird.
60374, On a related note: Car starts immediately in time of peril
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 10:54 AM
60375, Hitman is hired for 1 last hit. Right before he pulls the trigger he...
Posted by jigga, Thu Aug-28-08 11:25 AM
...thinks twice & decides not to go through with this 1 last hit.

Puts his sniper rifle away

Pulls out his street sweeper instead & proceeds to just go on killing random people throughout the rest of the movies 3 hour running time.

You see it was never really all about the money for him.

It was for...

...wait for it

...it's also the title of the movie

...The Love of the Maim
60376, Likable guy finds money, stalked by killer, killed 2/3rds into the movie
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 11:28 AM
Oh wait.
60377, Local Dimwit runs for major political office, gets less than 5 votes.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 11:44 AM
Incumbent Douchebag ( with nefarious business dealings) gets re-elected in a landslide victory, and carries on with plan to raze Senior Citizens home and replace it with luxury Condominiums.

Hot chick who was helping Local Dimwit comes to her senses and follows the status quo and applies for a job in a law firm.

60378, White Girl Runs From Maniac Killer, Does Not Trip and Gets Away...
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:10 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60379, A hunter comes across the remains of a drug deal gone wrong...
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:12 PM
...after carefully surveying the scene, he backs away slowly and files incident away for storytelling night at the bar.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60380, A group of African-American gentlemen in a barbershop.....
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:14 PM
....have a civil and entertaining discussion on the day's politics and local happenings.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60381, and the main characters actually DO get haircuts...
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:35 PM
60382, in fact, very little conversation is had at all
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:46 PM
They just get their haircuts and go. People do have lives, you know.
60383, The dead come to life but because they're slow, weak and dumb
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 12:17 PM
They are unable to multiply and are quickly defeated.
60384, Young waif with powerful imagination pines for young man....
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:19 PM
....young man senses the inherent crazy in her eyes and avoids her at all costs.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60385, Manic pixie dream girl feels no attraction to low-key troubled guy
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 12:29 PM
60386, Upstart rebel in small town is different...and is summarily shunned.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:21 PM
and manages to change no one's mind about anything.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60387, he is also beat to a bloody pulp at the local teen hang out.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:33 PM
the OTHER local loner decides not to befriend him.

60388, Man wakes up one morning earth's sole survivor of a nuclear holocaust
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:22 PM
Man realizes that all his debts and responsibilities have been erased and he can now do pretty much anything he wants. Man proceeds to have the time of his life.
60389, Sequel: Turns out a hot chick across town survived, too
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:29 PM
They hook up every now and then for dinner, a movie, and some no-strings-attached sex. The nuclear fallout left them both sterile, which is just as well since they weren't really interested in having to repopulate the earth anyway.
60390, meanwhile, Flesheating Zombies are nowhere to be found.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:34 PM
60391, and they do not find a survivor camp when going camping for the weekend
Posted by Hopats, Wed Sep-03-08 01:50 PM
so they proceed with the weekend and eventually travel back to the city.
60392, Young couple heed advice not to buy charming but haunted house....:
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:30 PM
.....and opts for a new 2br condo in the market district with parking and access to good schools and a Harris Teeter.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60393, Inheritance contingent on man spending night in Haunted Mansion
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:32 PM
This proves to be impossible, however, as Disneyland closes at 10.
60394, Ex-convict is freed from prison, and is left alone by local authorities
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:39 PM
The Sheriff understands that he has paid his debt to society and is in fact NOT looking for any trouble. The Ex-con understands that the People don't take too kindly to that sort of thing around there.

his old crime buddies also see that he's no longer interested in a life of crime, and respect his privacy. There are no offers of "A job with Big Frank if you ever want it..."

60395, ex-con quickly lands a good job,works his way up to middle management
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:41 PM

60396, Small town church leaders and government officials outlaw dancing
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:40 PM
Local high school kids decide they're basically okay with that and fill their time in other productive ways
60397, Boy's parents are killed by a mugger, boy swears to take vengeance
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:48 PM
But after a few weeks he loses interest and turns to building model airplanes instead
60398, Report: Mysterious Superhero sightings at all time low
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:52 PM
60399, Man and woman amicably divorce, man is left to raise daughter.
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 12:48 PM
She turns out to be a good kid who chooses to stay away from mischief and such.
60400, Shadowy group lacks technology to remotely monitor and manipulate
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 12:48 PM
every aspect of a regular man's life.
60401, A group of southern belles are genuinley happy for one another...
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:53 PM
...and supportive of each other's relationships, taking time out to remark on what wonderful husbands they all have and complimenting each other's adequate cooking.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60402, Design of draw bridge makes any kind of car jump impossible
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 12:55 PM
60403, and local MADD chapter wields enormous influence.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 01:06 PM
which keeps teen drunk driving and alcohol related chicanery at minimum levels.
60404, Superhero falls on tough times in city saturated with costumed heroes
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:55 PM
Local city newspaper ignores emergence of said hero as town has more than enough masked crusaders. Public indifferent.


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60405, Rag-tag band of musicians set out to set the world on it's ear.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 12:55 PM
realizing that getting signed is difficult,stressful, and expensive. Apparently, nobody in the music business is interested in their desire to Rock out with their collective Cocks out.

They all quit the band to pursue various vocations and settle for a life of financial stability.
60406, Or: They encounter enormous success and keep focused on the music.
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 12:58 PM
60407, And: All agree that drugs are bad.....performs at D.A.R.E rally.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 01:00 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60408, they then retire with their dignity and remain friends.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 01:04 PM
and refuse all requests for reunion tours and/or documentary/biopic offers.
60409, New kid in town gets picked on by gang of bullies
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 12:59 PM
Concerned parents opt for home schooling
60410, Rag tag band of misfits form special strike squad...mission fails.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 12:59 PM
Upper command chooses trained cohesive unit not taken from military prisons and psych wards upon further reflection.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60411, sorry to break the trend, but LMAO.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 01:10 PM
>Upper command chooses trained cohesive unit not taken from
>military prisons and psych wards upon further reflection.

60412, Popular jock bets friends he can make any girl in school Prom Queen
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 01:03 PM
Loses bet
60413, and his friends think he's a jagoff for playing with girls hearts.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 01:05 PM
and want no part of it.

60414, RE: Popular jock bets friends he can make any girl in school Prom Queen
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 01:07 PM
>Loses bet...due to his severe acne
60415, Whorish Divorcee is ignored by men in subdivision
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 01:09 PM
particularly the married ones.

As a result, she spends a lot of time alone.

60416, Man tries to regain custody of his son in an arm wrestling match
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 01:16 PM
Court declares man to be fucking insane.
60417, Nerdy girl removes glasses, lets hair down, still ugly.
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 01:22 PM
60418, also, has terrible personality
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 01:24 PM

60419, and, despite nerdiness, is actually kind of stupid, with
Posted by janey, Thu Aug-28-08 01:45 PM
a poor sense of humor

~ ~ ~

Grrr (c) Tatiana
60420, Schemer tries to talk friends into half baked get rich quick scheme
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 01:26 PM
Friends sit down with schemer and point out some of the weaker points of his business plan. Schemer returns in 2 weeks with a revised proposition, and the venture proves successful.
60421, Up and coming career woman doesn't have time for relationships
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 01:30 PM
Dies alone, but content with the life she's led.
60422, Black athlete in the 1950s never once encounters racism
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 01:35 PM

60423, Veteran cop is 2 weeks from retirement...
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 02:12 PM
He retires in 2 weeks.
60424, And in those 2 weeks...
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 02:17 PM
...he writes a few traffic tickets, has coffee with the partner he's had for a few months (they get along...oh, and his old partner got promoted. He was okay.), and does some paperwork. His sergeant is a nice enough guy...he gets him a card for his retirement.
60425, Lieutenant assigns him to desk duty to ensure his safety.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 02:32 PM
60426, ..and accordingly uses 2 weeks use or lose leave.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 02:46 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60427, Bigot encounters person that reinforces stereotypes
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 02:15 PM
60428, ...they made this movie. It was called Crash.
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 02:21 PM
60429, I should have finished it, I guess. I figured everyone comes togehter
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 02:31 PM
by the end.
60430, Local mentally retarded fellow has no redeeming qualities whatsoever
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 02:17 PM
But everyone in town seems to embrace him just the same.
60431, he is played by some retarded guy.
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 02:20 PM
60432, his portayal is critically panned for being inauthentic
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 03:52 PM

60433, Cool teen decides to follow society's rules rather than make his own.
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 02:19 PM
He also drives a Prius.
60434, Phenom joins a sports team.
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 02:24 PM
All the veterans love him and there is instant chemistry. The young gun is good enough to give the old, nearly retired captain of the team his much needed rest. Despite a great regular season performance, they lose in the championship game...but still feel like winners.
60435, In his last ditch effort to save his prestigious job...
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Aug-28-08 02:31 PM
...he fails.
60436, Street Smart teen somehow finds himself at Ivy League university
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 02:36 PM
proceeds to flunk out after receiving subpar grades in EVERY course. Apparently, Classwork counts for 100% of his grades, and being insightful, precocious and smart alecky does NOT.

Local Hottie in college town later dumps him, as he has no future aside from insulting local stuffed shirts.
60437, the College version of Rushmore?
Posted by KINGGS, Sat Aug-30-08 04:05 PM
well....sort of.
60438, In Olde England, teen questions the status quo and her arranged marriage
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Aug-28-08 02:36 PM
but after being threatened with abandonment and the loss of her upper-class lifestyle, she relent, marries the man, and lives happily ever after.
60439, Stranded couple receives ride from non-murderous truck driver
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 02:50 PM
...who has remarkable hygiene and regales the two with jaunty tales of local lore before dropping them off at a well lighted gas station.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60440, Outsider Has No Idea How Local Teens Spent Last Summer.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 02:51 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60441, Struggling Black family realizes that Jesus is no help at all.
Posted by bignick, Thu Aug-28-08 02:52 PM
Instead of going to church, the spend Sunday morning going for a long walk and reading the paper.
60442, Sherriff Believes Cockamamie Story, Gets Off Fat Ass, Saves Two
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 02:55 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60443, ^^^^!!!^^^^
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 02:58 PM
Hypothetically, if, and I stress IF a sheriff did the opposite of that in a movie, in would hypothetically be one of the most annoying things I might possibly see in movie after movie.
60444, Tough guy DOESN'T investigate sounds coming from basement
Posted by bignick, Thu Aug-28-08 03:06 PM
Instead, he calls the police who arrive and shoot and kill a mentally ill man armed with a machete.
60445, Murderer waits in closet for victim that never shows. Develops joint pain
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 03:08 PM
60446, I just pictured a dude w/ a mask and axe cramping up.
Posted by bignick, Thu Aug-28-08 03:22 PM
60447, and falling through the French Doors groaning loudly...
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 03:24 PM
60448, RE: I just pictured a dude w/ a mask and axe cramping up.
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 03:39 PM
A long time ago I wrote a story about a murderer hiding in a closet, savoring his revenge, when he gets a severe diarrhea attack. The New Yorker passed on it.
60449, Bitchy Widow befriends neighborhood Children
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 03:12 PM
offers them Lemonade and tells them not to play too long in the hot sun.

gives them open permission to retrieve stray baseballs from her Rose Garden.
60450, Precocious Youth Gleans Nothing From Childhood Friend's Death
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 03:38 PM
...with the possible exception of Swingin' Rope safety and awareness.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60451, Doesn't blame self for a second
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 03:45 PM
60452, White Man Fails in Life Due To Absence of Magical Negro Friend
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 03:47 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60453, Characters' separate story lines don't converge in the end
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 03:48 PM

60454, Pulp Fiction?
Posted by KINGGS, Sat Aug-30-08 04:39 PM
60455, Time travel experiment goes off without a hitch
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 03:53 PM

60456, Hooker with a heart of coal robs wealthy businessman in his sleep
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 03:54 PM

60457, Story About Robot Boy Wraps Up 20 Minutes Earlier.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:03 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60458, "You're the dog now, man!"
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:04 PM

60459, RE: "You're the dog now, man!"
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 04:20 PM
60460, family man gets re-incarnated as family pet
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:23 PM
Spends the next 90 minutes licking his own balls
60461, Tiny dog brain cannot process predicament
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 04:32 PM
60462, wife beats him with newspaper for eating his own poop
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:34 PM

60463, He responds by humping her leg.... just like before
Posted by janey, Thu Aug-28-08 04:51 PM

~ ~ ~

Grrr (c) Tatiana
60464, Scientist discovers forthcoming calamity, Military heeds his advice.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 04:05 PM
60465, Honest Italian-American Family Epic Lacks Use of N Word.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:05 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60466, Mexican-American Urban Drama devoid of Gang activity.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 04:06 PM
60467, Historical Native American Narrative Devoid of Pelts.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:08 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60468, Urban Crime Story devoid of Rappers , has Jazz soundtrack.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 04:18 PM
60469, Zach Braff Stars Young Man Who Knows What He Wants in Life
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:07 PM

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60470, there are no close-ups of his face,and the soundtrack is all Top 40 hits
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:08 PM

60471, Never gazes at anything, either.
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Aug-28-08 04:09 PM
60472, Black President in Office, Yet Impending Doom Curiously Absent.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:11 PM

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60473, I Have A Smart, Sensible White Partner starring Danny Glover
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:13 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60474, Morgan Freeman plays an incompetent misanthrope
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:14 PM
who teaches no life lessons
60475, Poker Face starring Jim Carrey
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:14 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60476, The Wacky Adventures of Smiley McGee starring Clint Eastwood
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:21 PM

60477, I Don't Like Repeating Myself starring Robert DeNiro
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:15 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60478, I Don't Like Yelling! starring Al Pacino
Posted by jigga, Fri Aug-29-08 02:18 PM
60479, costarring Samuel L. Jackson
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Fri Aug-29-08 03:11 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60480, The Scholar starring Frank Vincent.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:16 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60481, lol
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 04:18 PM
60482, martini sipping Fashionistas fail to catch attention in cafes and bars.
Posted by disco dj, Thu Aug-28-08 04:17 PM
eventually they get tired of hanging out only with each other ( aside from random bedmates, of course) and decide to pursue other interests, including reading, cooking and not being so fuckin' whiny all the Goddamned time.

60483, ex navy seal turned chef winds up on a hijacked cruise ship
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:20 PM
Uses his military training to sneak off ship and swim back to safety.
60484, lol!
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:24 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60485, Quirky Characters Know Nothing About Pop Culture by Q. Tarantino
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:33 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60486, but what they lack in hipness they make up for in racial sensitivity.
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:42 PM

60487, war hero is assigned to watch two small children.
Posted by duD, Thu Aug-28-08 04:33 PM
children are well behaved and spend most of the afternoon reading quietly.
60488, Evil robots go on rampage, killing few.
Posted by Madvillain 626, Thu Aug-28-08 04:53 PM
Before running out of battery power 15 minutes into the movie.
60489, An Ang Lee Joint
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:35 PM

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60490, Dysfunctional family embark on cross country road trip
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:36 PM
No one speaks to each other the entire time
60491, when would-be pilot finds out he is color blind
Posted by KINGGS, Sat Aug-30-08 05:30 PM
he decides he'd rather be a lawyer anyway.
60492, An eccentric millionaire devises a theme park featuring live dinosaurs
Posted by duD, Thu Aug-28-08 04:36 PM
Scenario A)

Scientists all over the world tell him that such an idea is impossible. The old man realizes it was a silly idea and retires.
60493, scenario B) the next day, a meteor hits earth and kills everyone
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:39 PM

60494, Business man hires hooker who he proceeds to sleep with,
Posted by calij81, Thu Aug-28-08 04:37 PM
doesn't develop any emotions for her and kicks her ass out of the hotel once he is done with her.
60495, she requests 'no kissing' before he slaps her with a $100 bill
Posted by Af-1, Fri Aug-29-08 04:19 AM
she then concedes.
60496, Sober Sorority Girls Form Chastity Empowerment Group.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:38 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60497, Family is about to lose house because the mortage went up
Posted by calij81, Thu Aug-28-08 04:39 PM
little boy tries to find mythical treasure in order to save house. Doesn't find the treasure because it doesn't exist. Family loses home and is forced to move in with grandma and grandpa. Dad develops drinking problem.
60498, The Feast starring Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:41 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60499, OUT of Africa starring Madonna
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:42 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60500, Tagline: In the future, tax evasion costs you your life.
Posted by Madvillain 626, Thu Aug-28-08 04:43 PM
Staring Tom Cruise as a Christian science teacher deep in debt, and Wesley Snipes as the homicidal IRS auditor.

Soundtrack by the Isley Brothers.
60501, Trilla starring Sir Anthony Hopkins
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:43 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60502, Two young boys from Chicago dream of being reaching the NBA
Posted by duD, Thu Aug-28-08 04:46 PM
With the support of their communities, both stay out of trouble, perform well in school, reach the pros and retire several years later as millionaires.

All of their family members adjust to wealth very responsibly and lead long, successful lives.
60503, Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy eats ham sandwich
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:48 PM

60504, Gay Male Finds His Advice Unwelcome At Beauty Salon.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:49 PM

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60505, Malevolent aliens visit Earth.
Posted by Madvillain 626, Thu Aug-28-08 04:50 PM
Swiftly leave after gaining deep sense of empathy from watching Bush speeches and listening to top 40 radio.

Twist Ending: Aliens came to destroy Earth after watching Pluto Nash.
60506, Two friends of similar body types and personalities have an average day
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:52 PM

60507, Two guys carry around their boss's corpse pretending he's still alive
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 04:56 PM
Everyone sees through the twisted charade and immediately alerts the authorities. Their dead boss is given a proper and respectful burial and the two guys are sent to a mental institution.
60508, Couple Breaks Up and Retain Painful Memories Like Grown Ups
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 04:57 PM

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60509, Ocean liner crashes into iceberg, band gets the fuck up outta there
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:01 PM

60510, Gas Actually Cheaper & More Plentiful in Post-Apocalyptic America
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 05:02 PM
Barbarians rejoice!


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60511, Road Warriors bored to death in utopian post-Obama future
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:09 PM

60512, apathetic teens could give two shits about attending some house party
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:05 PM

60513, Black Male Eschews Crack Sellin' To Flip Burgers, Gets Mad Props
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 05:14 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60514, married man meets blonde seductress in a bar
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:17 PM
But he gets kind of weird vibe from her so he excuses himself to the bathroom and sneaks out.
60515, Small Town Girl In Big City Realizes Mistake in Leaving Comfort Zone.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 05:24 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60516, Reese Witherspoon is... Mediocre Jane
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:27 PM

60517, When Santa goes missing, one boy has to find him and save Christmas
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Aug-28-08 05:24 PM
Then the little boys parents tell him Santa's not missing, because he's not real. Boy adjusts to this fact and moves on with life.
60518, New Yorkers Realize City Isn't Center Of Universe.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 05:25 PM

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60519, struggling sports franchises...continues to struggle
Posted by dgonsh, Thu Aug-28-08 05:26 PM
60520, Clipper Is As Clipper Does
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 05:28 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60521, nebbish neurotic jew dates plain jewish women
Posted by dgonsh, Thu Aug-28-08 05:30 PM
60522, Husky Man Fails To Win Thin Woman With Obscure Pop Culture References
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Aug-28-08 05:33 PM


R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
60523, man finds 8 heads in a duffle bag...found bludgeouned
Posted by dgonsh, Thu Aug-28-08 05:33 PM
60524, Cop in dystopian near future is mortally wounded in the line of duty...
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:36 PM
Scientists have been making great strides in the field of cybernetics, but they are still a few years way from having a prototype ready. Cop dies.
60525, RE: Cop in dystopian near future is mortally wounded in the line of duty...
Posted by electricflower, Sat Aug-30-08 03:01 PM
60526, Man's cough foreshadows nothing
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:37 PM

60527, imprisoned thief fails at one last big score
Posted by dgonsh, Thu Aug-28-08 05:38 PM
60528, Declaration of Independence contains hidden, encrypted treasure map
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:46 PM
But nobody ever finds it because it's such a stupid fucking place to hide a treasure map
60529, Boy in bubble won't stop whining about being in a bubble
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Aug-28-08 05:53 PM
Alienates himself from friends and family
60530, man gets unjustly arrested and tried,
Posted by andrewX, Thu Aug-28-08 06:05 PM
city appointed lawyer puts in time but no extra effort given. upon prisoner transport, bus runs as scheduled, experiences no delays and arrives safely.

man stays in jail; lawyer continues mundane life, eventually dies of alcoholism.

the revolution will not be inboxed.
60531, A rich boy witnesses his parents death in an alley......
Posted by rorschach, Thu Aug-28-08 08:29 PM
robbers point gun at kid and accidentally kill him when startled by bats flying overhead.

The OKP® King of the Late Pass™
60532, Cyborg travels back in time to kill a woman.....
Posted by rorschach, Thu Aug-28-08 08:32 PM
finds her at home watching Lifetime and promptly kills her.

The OKP® King of the Late Pass™
60533, Cuban immigrant comes to Miami....
Posted by rorschach, Thu Aug-28-08 08:35 PM
gets deported after giving authorities an insult after they ask of the origins of his scar.

The OKP® King of the Late Pass™
60534, A group of teens at Saturday detention ignore each other all day.
Posted by rorschach, Thu Aug-28-08 08:37 PM


The OKP® King of the Late Pass™
60535, A kid gets left at home one Christmas....
Posted by rorschach, Thu Aug-28-08 08:40 PM
burgulars rob the house and drop the kid in a lake.

The OKP® King of the Late Pass™
60536, Family adopts charming pet that is unable to think or talk like a human
Posted by janey, Fri Aug-29-08 02:15 PM
It just wags its tail and does doggie things. Much of the action is the dog sleeping under the table while the family watches TV and ignores the dog.

~ ~ ~

Grrr (c) Tatiana
60537, Gay man comes out to his family. They have no issue with it.
Posted by bignick, Fri Aug-29-08 02:27 PM
60538, Tough as nails principal wants to turn things around @ inner city school
Posted by buckshot defunct, Fri Aug-29-08 02:42 PM
Until his third day when he gets stabbed in the parking lot by a crack smoking 9th grader, and decides "Fuck this shit!"
60539, I think I'll wear a sweater this time starring Tyrese Gibson
Posted by jigga, Fri Aug-29-08 04:10 PM
60540, Aliens invade earth, destroy humanity w/ vastly superior weaponry
Posted by celery77, Fri Aug-29-08 04:40 PM
Running time about 10 minutes or so.
60541, Kid goes to summer camp, gets bullied, makes no friends
Posted by celery77, Fri Aug-29-08 04:43 PM
and generally has a terrible time.
60542, RomCom where the female lead DOESN'T work in ads or fashion
Posted by celery77, Fri Aug-29-08 04:45 PM
60543, Black guy falls for white girl
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Fri Aug-29-08 06:40 PM
nobody gives two shits.
60544, friendly old priest with irish accent turns out not to be a pedophile
Posted by theprofessional, Sat Aug-30-08 08:15 PM
after years and years of no one ever suspecting him of it.
60545, mentally challenged man fails to overcome challenges
Posted by theprofessional, Tue Sep-02-08 03:14 PM
and has a really bad attitude about the whole thing. truly uninspiring stuff.
60546, Invisible man decides not to spy on naked girls in the shower
Posted by jigga, Tue Sep-02-08 03:33 PM
60547, Hitman/cop doesn't have long-winded philosophy about killing/guns.
Posted by stylez dainty, Tue Sep-02-08 11:16 PM
60548, Brash young fighter pilot takes one too many risks
Posted by Arch Stanton, Wed Sep-03-08 10:16 AM
and crashes into control tower. Millions of dollars and several lives are lost. Calm and cautious fellow pilot proven right. Investigation reveals latent homosexual crush as the cause for foolish behavior.
60549, Young hacker has normal clothes, taste
Posted by Arch Stanton, Wed Sep-03-08 10:22 AM
Upon being approached by a man offering a plain, uneventful life or joining a dangerous revolutionary gang bent on taking down the system/Man, decides that a lucrative career in programming sounds just fine.
60550, Promising and attractive young person experiments with drugs
Posted by Arch Stanton, Wed Sep-03-08 10:40 AM
manages to quit before it interferes with his personal and work life. Looks back on it fondly and is richer for the experience.