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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectAll The Critics At OKP
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=18738
18738, All The Critics At OKP
Posted by bob, Thu Aug-09-01 12:50 PM
hey you...yeah you...you with the so called "constructive criticism". what have you contributed lately to the better good of arts & entertainment. what's that?...nothing?...that's what i thought. you critics are all the same. too concerned with everybody elses life to get one of your own.

this site is filled with too many people who talk big and do little. you either make things happen or you watch those who do.
criticizing is easy. it's making a contribution that's hard. and thus we have the creators(rather bad or good) and then you...the critic.

now i realize i have just criticized the critics. somewhat making this post a contradiction...but fuck it.

18739, _
Posted by _, Thu Aug-09-01 12:54 PM
18740, Yeah!
Posted by dba_BAD, Thu Aug-09-01 01:07 PM
What he said!

No, but really, what do I think? Umm, not much, I don't really care.
They were wrong: ignorance isn't bliss - it's indifference. Whheeeeee!

Puttin it down fo'
The City of Dope
The 'Town
The 'O
18741, Relax man,
Posted by misteranonymity, Thu Aug-09-01 01:27 PM
It's just a website.

And why do you necessarily need to make a profound contribution to arts and entertainment in order to support your opinion. Elaborate on that, please.

anonymubiquity (Au)
18742, RE: i agree
Posted by madwriter, Fri Aug-10-01 05:01 AM
cause i am a professional music critic and we do make a contribution exposing the music to the masses and giving our opnion as objectively as we can. of course so many of us give people liek me a bad name

The Homelands at http://geocities.com/rl7611
BP: http://members.blackplanet.com/madwriter
yahoo messenger name:RL7611
My record collection (still updating):http://recordcollection.net/show.pl?id=11557.

"See, a kiss don't start when lips meet! It starts when you first think you want to kiss somebody. That's a fact, and I know it!"-- J California Cooper from "When Life Begins!"

"This country has more books, information, reasearch data, theories, and ideas on nutrition and the human body than anywhere on earth, yet its citizens possess the worst health on the planet."-- utamaroho

"We love because it's the only true adventure."-- Nikki Giovanni, poet.

18743, But to be honest
Posted by Nesta, Fri Aug-10-01 05:11 AM
I dont trust most music reviews. (1) How in the hell are you really gonna convey what an album is about in 200 words (2) Music critics get too cozy with artists sometime (3) Some critics have become institutions so they feel liek they can make or break someone and that shit takes on a life of its own and (4) Soem critics are just parts of label's hype machine. How else can you explain all the glowing reviews that Alicia Keys' booty album got. Clive Davis is the man and somehow he got everyoen to write how great an album that is when its really mediocre at best.


Frank: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had -- but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.
Kramer: What happened to the doll?
Frank: It was destroyed. But out of that, a new holiday was born -- a Festivus for the rest of us!

In the spirit of Festivus, I will use this sorry board to occasionally air my own grievances. As Frank put it so eloquently in that immortal "Seinfeld" episode three Festivuses ago, "I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!" I'll spare you folks the feats of strength.

"it is now the mission of myself and a million others to not just stop at downloading music. we will continue to download en masse, but we will physically steal cds if we have to. anything to make sure the record companies go out of business. burn and sell, give away free stuff in front of record stores. anything. they've pissed millions of americans off by spitting in their face. not only will i stop contributing any money i will make sure i steal it in different ways. down with corrupt businessmen." - some genius who goes by the name of mission

"Give it up Biggie is dead, Eminem is what you have" - Paraphrasing Sarah Jones in Surface Transit
18744, agreed...
Posted by SankofaII, Fri Aug-10-01 06:05 AM
i have YET to read a non-biased critique of a cd...everyone KNOWS that music (and movie critics, depending on WHO they are) are LIVING in the pockets of the artists' and their record companies..that's why you saw all that glowing praise for alicia keys and her album isnt all that...she'll make a LOT of money cause clive and market the FUCK out of an artist. but her first album wasnt that great...STRONG debut but for all the hoopla, alicia coulda CAME with it.

remember music critics are the ones who celebrate stuff like trick daddy, limp bizkit (fred and lethal are wack, but wes borlanand and the other band members: pure genius) but will ROUTINELY trash strong and consistent musicians like Me'Shell (i swear ifi EVER read another review spending more time on her sexuality and NOT on her music..i mean DAMN she isnt caring about it, why do you?), Joan Osborne, Joi, etc.

music critics dont really do nothing of importance but wax poetic about the questionable talents of particular performers and very RARELY do they ACTUALLY get into breaking the music down for what it is genre wise, etc.


New Sig:

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust, sweat, and blood...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great
devotions...who spends himself in a worthy cause...who in the end knows the
triumph of high achievement. and if he fails...at least he fails while daring
greatly. Theodore Roosevelt.
18745, RE: Nesta...
Posted by madwriter, Fri Aug-10-01 06:15 AM
in all honesty a write is given the word limit and ther is nothing we can do about that. and teh nif u give certain poeople too many words it can becoem longwinded. And to be honest, at leats in the "urban" realm of music publications, there are only so many good and objective writers.
Anyway reviews are opinions in the end.

The Homelands at http://geocities.com/rl7611
BP: http://members.blackplanet.com/madwriter
yahoo messenger name:RL7611
My record collection (still updating):http://recordcollection.net/show.pl?id=11557.

"See, a kiss don't start when lips meet! It starts when you first think you want to kiss somebody. That's a fact, and I know it!"-- J California Cooper from "When Life Begins!"

"This country has more books, information, reasearch data, theories, and ideas on nutrition and the human body than anywhere on earth, yet its citizens possess the worst health on the planet."-- utamaroho

"We love because it's the only true adventure."-- Nikki Giovanni, poet.

18746, I'm going to edit
Posted by Dove, Sat Aug-11-01 11:03 AM
your reply

just for practice

~Sheepish Lordess of Chaos~

"My polite indignation knows no bounds" ~ Apu

18747, U r full of shit
Posted by Nesta, Fri Aug-10-01 05:08 AM
This is a website. by and large we are talking and agreeing and disagreeing with each other. You don't like it move on. Folks dissed your favorite artist? So what. The sun still rises in the east tomorrow morning.

Most professional music critics couldn't make one good song if you gave them $5 mil cash. But they will talk about what is good bad or indifferent. And far too many of these fools are cozy as hel witht he artists they cover so finding a cat that will give u an objective opinion is damn near impossible. Especially in hip-hop where cats are worried about retribution.

So take that bullshit somewhere esle. It aint that deep. We love music and if you love music and PURCHASE music you have every right to critique. My $14.99 makes me emminently qualified to critique music.


Frank: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had -- but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.
Kramer: What happened to the doll?
Frank: It was destroyed. But out of that, a new holiday was born -- a Festivus for the rest of us!

In the spirit of Festivus, I will use this sorry board to occasionally air my own grievances. As Frank put it so eloquently in that immortal "Seinfeld" episode three Festivuses ago, "I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!" I'll spare you folks the feats of strength.

"it is now the mission of myself and a million others to not just stop at downloading music. we will continue to download en masse, but we will physically steal cds if we have to. anything to make sure the record companies go out of business. burn and sell, give away free stuff in front of record stores. anything. they've pissed millions of americans off by spitting in their face. not only will i stop contributing any money i will make sure i steal it in different ways. down with corrupt businessmen." - some genius who goes by the name of mission

"Give it up Biggie is dead, Eminem is what you have" - Paraphrasing Sarah Jones in Surface Transit
18748, RE: U r full of shit
Posted by madwriter, Fri Aug-10-01 06:18 AM
>This is a website. by
>and large we are talking
>and agreeing and disagreeing with
>each other. You don't
>like it move on.
>Folks dissed your favorite artist?
>So what. The sun
>still rises in the east
>tomorrow morning.

>Most professional music critics couldn't make
>one good song if you
>gave them $5 mil cash.
> But they will talk
>about what is good bad
>or indifferent. And far
>too many of these fools
>are cozy as hel witht
>he artists they cover so
>finding a cat that will
>give u an objective opinion
>is damn near impossible.
>Especially in hip-hop where cats
>are worried about retribution.
never generalize. a question how many critics do u know?
and do u know whta really goes on with how things go. I do agree on some counts a lot of writers are too cozy with certain artists. But tehre are some liek my boy Neil Drumming who wil not write about any artists he gets cool with.

>So take that bullshit somewhere esle.
> It aint that deep.
> We love music and
>if you love music and
>PURCHASE music you have every
>right to critique. My
>$14.99 makes me emminently qualified
>to critique music.

and u are right u have a right to critique.

18749, I do speak generally
Posted by Nesta, Fri Aug-10-01 07:24 AM
>never generalize. a question how many
>critics do u know?
>and do u know whta really
>goes on with how things

I do know a few critics and one of them is a critic who is widely known and gets hated on constantly. So I know not all critics are in folks pockets. But you would have to admit that the critics in t e R&B/hip-hop world that practice a strict I don't critique artists that I'm cool with are not the norm.

There are critics out there who I really respect even though I disagree witht hem at times (Gary Giddins, Greg Tate - I diasgree with him a lot actually) butaI don't find too many music reviews that are actually critical today.

Like I said it may because some folks only have 200 words to write. But folks seem more apt to talk about a person's personna than their music.


Frank: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had -- but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.
Kramer: What happened to the doll?
Frank: It was destroyed. But out of that, a new holiday was born -- a Festivus for the rest of us!

In the spirit of Festivus, I will use this sorry board to occasionally air my own grievances. As Frank put it so eloquently in that immortal "Seinfeld" episode three Festivuses ago, "I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!" I'll spare you folks the feats of strength.

"it is now the mission of myself and a million others to not just stop at downloading music. we will continue to download en masse, but we will physically steal cds if we have to. anything to make sure the record companies go out of business. burn and sell, give away free stuff in front of record stores. anything. they've pissed millions of americans off by spitting in their face. not only will i stop contributing any money i will make sure i steal it in different ways. down with corrupt businessmen." - some genius who goes by the name of mission

"Give it up Biggie is dead, Eminem is what you have" - Paraphrasing Sarah Jones in Surface Transit
18750, RE: the problem is
Posted by madwriter, Fri Aug-10-01 08:37 AM
i notice looing at writers who write for like spin as opposed to Vibe or Source is that they hold a higher standard. wheteher u agree or not Spin has dope writers-- u may disagree about the subjects they cover, but to get down with spin u have to have credentials, a reffereal from a respectable publication. That's how hard it is to get down with them.

But really it comes down to the politics of "urban" mags and teh fact that in essence black/latino writers have it harder just to get in to something like Rolling stone or Talk--

but my issue is that alot of peopel who are editors don't know how to edit (ie Vibe) and never get trained and in turn don't guide their writers teh right way or make sound decisions.

The Homelands at http://geocities.com/rl7611
BP: http://members.blackplanet.com/madwriter
yahoo messenger name:RL7611
My record collection (still updating):http://recordcollection.net/show.pl?id=11557.

"See, a kiss don't start when lips meet! It starts when you first think you want to kiss somebody. That's a fact, and I know it!"-- J California Cooper from "When Life Begins!"

"This country has more books, information, reasearch data, theories, and ideas on nutrition and the human body than anywhere on earth, yet its citizens possess the worst health on the planet."-- utamaroho

"We love because it's the only true adventure."-- Nikki Giovanni, poet.

18751, RE: I do speak generally
Posted by madwriter, Fri Aug-10-01 08:45 AM

>There are critics out there who
>I really respect even though
>I disagree witht hem at
>times (Gary Giddins, Greg Tate
>- I diasgree with him
>a lot actually) butaI don't
>find too many music reviews
>that are actually critical today.
that is true and the issue is very complicated and said especially with the rash of beatdowns and threats that come our way. There is not real system of checks and balance.
even i when i was at Platform wroet a news pice with soem Suge Knight quotes from this year. And i got some message the next day from soem person at Death Row (now know nas Tha Row) asking where i got them from.
>Like I said it may because
>some folks only have 200
>words to write. But
>folks seem more apt to
>talk about a person's personna
>than their music.
>and again that's the editor's fault for not being strict about what a review is (unless of course it's the Voice). and like what badu said in taht one world interview (which was done by someone who is very close to her and proof tah ta story can be doen by someone cool with an artist without being pandering). She said she can tell when a white or black writer is on the phone by the questions they ask. A black writer will ask about her love life while a white oen will ask her about the music. I mean there is soem truth to taht. but i think it comes down to teh fact that writers comign up now in the urban aspect of media are not being trained to be good journalist- especialy does who have no real journalistic background

18752, RE: U r full of shit
Posted by misteranonymity, Fri Aug-10-01 09:51 AM
My $14.99 makes me emminently qualified
>to critique music.

Damn straight!!!

anonmubiquity (Au)
18753, you need to
Posted by SankofaII, Fri Aug-10-01 06:07 AM
SHUT THE FUCK UP...people will agree and disagree with each other...last i checked i DO live in a country where folk are allowed to critique a work debate about it and come to SOME kind of consensus about how they feel about it.

if you dont like it, LOG OFF and go somewhere else..it isnt that deep. you are doing EXACTLY what you accused everyone whoposts here of....moron.


New Sig:

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust, sweat, and blood...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great
devotions...who spends himself in a worthy cause...who in the end knows the
triumph of high achievement. and if he fails...at least he fails while daring
greatly. Theodore Roosevelt.
18754, RE: All The Critics At OKP
Posted by handle, Fri Aug-10-01 06:25 AM
Amazing that people would write reviews on a board called Reviews.

18755, you mean people still DO reviews on this board?
Posted by shockzilla, Fri Aug-10-01 11:47 PM

18756, bob please go some place and find a real cause
Posted by guest, Sat Aug-11-01 09:23 AM
its tragic u wasted your own time to make a pointless point and its even sadder that you made me waste my time pointing out the pointlessness of your point.
18757, Review of bob's post
Posted by janey, Sat Aug-11-01 02:02 PM
Should we call it "formulaic" when an artist uses a method that has been shown to be effective in the past? Or do we call it "tried and true"? Or do we whisper in hushed tones that the artist may be "borrowing" or even "committing plagiary"?

In bob's freshman release on these boards, he shows himself to have his finger on the pulse of the okay crowd. We can't resist responding to criticism, as we've shown time and time again. We love to talk about ourselves even more than we live to espouse our well thought out opinions and reviews. This is as true on the Reviews boards as it is on GD or Activist, but bob has shown once again that "no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public" or, in this case, the okaypublic.

bob's thread suffers from no spelling errors and only minor punctuation errors (some of which are clearly intentional and so do not rank necessarily as errors in punctuation but may instead be classified as errors in judgment). At the very least we can say that bob is a refreshingly professional technician, perhaps resurrecting the self-absorption of this genre to a higher level for future craftsmen.

Finally, bob notes with some irony at the end of his post that he is doing exactly what he accuses others of doing, thereby leaving the post open for a sequel, something this critic heartily despises. Shall we discuss whether a critique of the critics is itself a criticism of the sort derided by the original critic or shall we join the walrus and the carpenter on the beach?

@@@@ out of @@@@@

P.S. I have been giving some serious consideration to writing a review of my glasses collection, prescription and nonprescription, clear and dark. A short treatment of the subject available on request.
18758, RE: Review of bob's post
Posted by Chike, Sat Aug-11-01 03:02 PM
Brilliant response... and please, in the spirit of this post, ignore my sig...

And now, an excerpt from Chike's List of Masterpieces:

Yi Yi - Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Taiwanese film about life, family, stages of development, and emotions. Long as hell but there's nothing to cut. Superb pacing, photography, acting, dialogue, use of Taipei... everything. If you have patience, see it. So real, so engrossing, so insightful, so genius. Did I mention it was brilliant?

18759, LOL
Posted by janey, Sat Aug-11-01 07:28 PM
I'm serious. I'll review my glasses in a heartbeat. Just ask. Or my tattoos. I can review anything in my experience. Even if I can't create shit.


In the end the Earth just keeps on turning every day, and no one knows when it's going to stop, or why it's heading for the Sun. (c) Roy

Language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity. (c) Gustave Flaubert

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. (c) Oscar Wilde

18760, Actually...
Posted by Chike, Sat Aug-11-01 07:56 PM
That's exactly the idea behind a post I had/have in mind - "Review Something". The idea is you review something that normally wouldn't be reviewed, whether it can be considered art or not. So you and I rate our glasses out of one to five eye exam charts or something like that...

And now, an excerpt from Chike's List of Masterpieces:

Yi Yi - Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Taiwanese film about life, family, stages of development, and emotions. Long as hell but there's nothing to cut. Superb pacing, photography, acting, dialogue, use of Taipei... everything. If you have patience, see it. So real, so engrossing, so insightful, so genius. Did I mention it was brilliant?

18761, no way
Posted by janey, Sat Aug-11-01 08:01 PM
I am going to review my glasses on a scale of "I Am So Much Cooler Than You" scale. I have four pairs of clear prescription glasses (two of which have sunglasses clips), one pair of prescription sunglasses (only) and three pairs of Revo sunglasses. Beat that without a desciption of why My Glasses Are Way Cooler Than Yours, I dare you.


In the end the Earth just keeps on turning every day, and no one knows when it's going to stop, or why it's heading for the Sun. (c) Roy

Language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity. (c) Gustave Flaubert

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. (c) Oscar Wilde

18762, I can't compare to you
Posted by Chike, Sun Aug-12-01 03:55 PM
Though, at one time, I had Fila glasses! Right now, that feels like "so what?", but at the time I was pretty sure it made me the man...

And now, an excerpt from Chike's List of Masterpieces:

Yi Yi - Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Taiwanese film about life, family, stages of development, and emotions. Long as hell but there's nothing to cut. Superb pacing, photography, acting, dialogue, use of Taipei... everything. If you have patience, see it. So real, so engrossing, so insightful, so genius. Did I mention it was brilliant?

18763, tilt!
Posted by Mosaic, Mon Aug-13-01 09:23 AM
can we archive this right now?

Et tu, Bob George?
18764, archive!
Posted by shockzilla, Tue Aug-14-01 12:13 AM
..hey, wait a minute

reviews moderator
(please read the guidelines before posting http://www.okayplayer.com/guidelines.html)
(questions about okayplayer.com should be directed to help@okayplayer.com)
(you can reach me at bboombap@hotmail.com, or aim: shockdiggy)
18765, janey is brilliant.
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Aug-14-01 03:11 AM
and thats all I have to say on this subject.

Bin "Yep" Lahab

18766, Dang
Posted by Chike, Sat Aug-11-01 03:03 PM
I thought from the title this would be some positive let's-network type post...

And now, an excerpt from Chike's List of Masterpieces:

Yi Yi - Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Taiwanese film about life, family, stages of development, and emotions. Long as hell but there's nothing to cut. Superb pacing, photography, acting, dialogue, use of Taipei... everything. If you have patience, see it. So real, so engrossing, so insightful, so genius. Did I mention it was brilliant?

18767, contra
Posted by janey, Sat Aug-11-01 08:08 PM
I just had my last tattoo finished and am in a mood to go mano a mano with any chick with tattoos. Mine are cooler or, if not cooler, then certainly older which in my mind = cooler. You know, twenty years ago it was a way bigger deal for a girl to get any tattoo. Now it is virtually meaningless unless quite larege. And I am willing to combat hand to hand with anyone willing to step up. Mine are either larger or older or both. C'est vrai.


In the end the Earth just keeps on turning every day, and no one knows when it's going to stop, or why it's heading for the Sun. (c) Roy

Language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity. (c) Gustave Flaubert

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. (c) Oscar Wilde

18768, give me a few years
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Sun Aug-12-01 10:20 AM
and it's a deal

right now..mano a mano, for the beautifullest of piercings, with ANYone from OKP

i mean, c'mon..two neck piercings!

Much love,

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