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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: LOL@this movie having "deep" or "high minded" ideas. Boulderdash.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=106775&mesg_id=107083
107083, RE: LOL@this movie having "deep" or "high minded" ideas. Boulderdash.
Posted by The Analyst, Wed Jun-13-12 12:31 PM
>My greatest dissapointment about it is watching everyone
>talking about how deep the concepts supposedly are, because
>that tells me people have to be pretty damn shallow and simple
>when these ideas are looked upon as "high minded" or deep.

I agree with you about the movie itself, but with respect to this piece, I think people are talking about it being "high minded" mainly in the context of typical summer blockbusters (or just big-budget mainstream films in general).

Obviously the existential questions here are ones that people have been pondering for thousands of years, but it's still not exactly common to see $150M movies playing in multiplexes and IMAX 3D theaters to dedicate large chunks of screen time to exploring these questions, even in a superficial way.