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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: So which of you morons is still trying to claim Avatar wasn't dope?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=101874&mesg_id=101897
101897, RE: So which of you morons is still trying to claim Avatar wasn't dope?
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Mon Dec-27-10 12:59 PM
>Cuz I'm watching it for the first time since theaters, and
>it's fun and exciting and visually ridiculous. The script
>works, the acting is good, and the characters, while
>conventional, all fit perfectly into the story.
>So remind me again, in a way that isn't nitpicky or
>overwhelmingly nerdy, why this movie "sucked"? Was it just
>because it was popular and so many people liked it?
Honestly, It was the 3-D at first. I saw it twice in theaters and once at the Arclight cinema dome, which had glasses provided by Cameron. It was a bit distracting almost overwhelming. The second time in a regular Imax 3-D theater, it wasn't as overwhelming but it still kinda ruined the movie for me. (maybe I just have terrible vision)

The second gripe is: the film is a bit too long. I mean it would have been better as an action flick than this long story, It was like Alien meets Titanic.It really just felt so generic and I agree with you it worked for what it was. However, it would have been better as a straight up action film. I guess I was expecting Cameron herald his return as an action god. Don't get me wrong though because I am a huge lover of the Abyss which I compare Avatar to. But the difference is with The Abyss is that it didn't have these action sequences sprinkled through out but at the End it got exciting, for me that worked.

I don't know maybe I'm wrong for the fact that I was expecting and action flick and not The Last Alien Samurai.

*I'd like to note that I did not reference Ferngully: The Last Rain Forest or Dances with Wolves. (those are cop out reasons)