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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectThank You
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=100768&mesg_id=100872
100872, Thank You
Posted by Beamer6178, Mon Jun-14-10 11:33 AM
>Iron Man 2 is a good movie... it's not great, fantastic,
>amazing, ground breaking, earth shattering, or any of that ...
>it's just good.... and you know that's alright. We've come to
>a point where the next thing always has to be bigger and
>better than what came before it or we see it as a failure. But
>that kind of thinking is just unrealistic and ruins any chance
>you have at enjoying the movie that's in front of you at the
>time. With a movie like Iron Man 2 that midset is even more
>damaging because what you're really watching is one chapter in
>a bigger story. Some of the things people are in here bitching
>about are things that have to be addressed and introduced if
>we are do get the deep and rich Marvel universe so many of us
>have dreamed about... Someone called Iron Man 2 an Avengers
>prequel ... Yeah, so what's wrong with that? That's basically
>how I'm watching these flicks now any way ... that doesn't
>mean I can't enjoy each one for what it is ... some people
>need to learn how to sit back and just enjoy the ride.
Iron-Man and Iron-Man 2 weren't THAT different, people make it sound like it was two entirely different films. What made IM so popular was RDJ playing a cocksure, arrogant, narcissist who was FUNNY. no superheros have been FUNNY. but because he was already FUNNY, people wanting for and expecting so much more. he was funny as shit in that hearing. cheadle was cool, but he came off as more of a serious tight ass than terrence did as a comical tight ass. cheadle is a GREAT actor, but except for his role in the "Ocean's" series, comic acting isn't really his thing.

There were two things about IM that bothered me:
1) Stane leaving tony alive in his house, that shit was just STUPID and i'm still shocked no one says shit about that
2) Tony revealing he's Iron Man. Superheros CAN'T be revealing their alter ego, there's no turning back from that. They made it work in IM2 but making everything about technology and nothing otherworldly (save the Thor Hammer). I think it limits his overall effectiveness as a hero because without that secret identity and the lack of inherent super powers, he's too often a target, but I'll tolerate it.

which brings me to my larger point. motherfuckers are some selective ass hair splitters when critiquing the film adaptations of a genre that literally WRITES the rules as it goes along. for every superhero movie that was "better" or "so great" i can find some serious flaws in them. does that mean that i'm not able to enjoy the flick? hell no, lighten up people, have some fun.