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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subject*ring ring*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=89035&mesg_id=89088
89088, *ring ring*
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Apr-05-11 11:13 PM
Heathcliff: Huxtable residence, zazzum frazzum!

Neighbor: Uh, hi doctor. It's Ted Johnson from next door. What in god's name is going on over there?

Heathcliff: WHAT?

Neighbor: I said what in-

Heathcliff: HOLD ON LET ME TURN DOWN THIS JAMES BROWN RECORD... Okay, now what can I do for you Mr. Jazzum?

Neighbor: Actually I was just calling to see if you could turn down your James Brown record.

Heathcliff: Ah, sorry about that. We were just having a little Huxtable Family Fashion Show and I guess I didn't realize you hated good music. Sorry to disturb you!

Neighbor: Yeah, sure, look - I don't care if it's James Brown, Stevie Wonder, your dad's jazz band reuniting, whatever. Just keep it down!

Heathcliff: JAZZ CARAVAN!

Neighbor: What?

Heathcliff: Jazz Caravan. That was the name of my father's band. Hey Ted - you wouldn't by any chance own a jackhammer would you?

Neighbor: Sigh. No, Doctor. Why?

Heathcliff: Well, Claire and I wanted to convert the basement into a Thunderdome over the weekend to teach the kids about water conservation... I figured it'd go a lot quicker if we had a jackhammer. Nevermind.

Neighbor: ...

Heathcliff: Tell you what, how about you bring the kids over tomorrow afternoon? Rudy just had her first period so we're having an ice skating rink installed in the living room, should be a lot of fun. Just try not to park on the street if you don't mind, the trucks will get here around 6 am to set things up.

Neighbor: *click*