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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subject*Sigh* Where do I start?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=61870&mesg_id=61964
61964, *Sigh* Where do I start?
Posted by jadedeejay, Thu May-29-08 11:39 PM
1) That stupid Henri Ducard/Ras Al Gul switcheroo plotline. The need to deviate from the comic by making two separate unique and intriguing characters into one person was completely unnecessary.

2) Batman's utter failure in movie after movie to protect his secret identity. Pushing my hatred of all things Katie Holmes aside, the question still remains: Why does every broad that Bruce hooks up with in every Batman get the obligatory tour of the Batcave the morning after? That shit's a resthaven for hoes! (c) The Mack

3) It would've made for a better story if Holmes' character had died after she got poisoned by Scarecrow. Not to mention it would've excused issue #2 stated above by showing the consequences of what happens when the enigmatic Mr. Wayne lets people get too close.

4) This tends to be a problem with most franchise superhero movies, but the Batman movies are some of the worst culprits: Why must there always be two or more villains for Batman to face? Can't we tell a decent story without cramming it full of villains? I woulda been cool with just a Ras Al Gul story. Fuck a Scarecrow.

5) In the clamactic finale, our hero has a knock down drag out battle in a race against time on a runaway train.

Waitaminnit... Wasn't that the end of Spider-Man 2? Yawn.

6) Minor shit, but still not a fan of the rubber suit.

7) Also minor, but not so into the Bat-Tank either. Maybe for special occasions, but as Batman's primary means of transportation? Not so much. I prefer my Batmobiles to be sleek, kick-ass, kitted up sports cars, thank you.

Batman Begins was not a terrible movie by any means. Nolan gets props for getting down to the nitty gritty of Bruce Wayne's psyche and what makes him tick. But I think Batman Begins gets more credit than it deserves from a lot of people just for not being as shitty as past Batman movies have been. Think Common dropping Be after Electric Circus, for example.

The good news is that Batman Begins is the best live action Batman movie to date.

The bad news is that there still has yet to be a live action Batman movie that fully gets it right.

Commence with the tomato pelting.

In spite of everything stated above, I'm still geeked about the upcoming Dark Knight movie.

"Fuck the streets!"

