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Topic subjectits impossible for IronMan be as bad as the Dark Knight....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=60104&mesg_id=60298
60298, its impossible for IronMan be as bad as the Dark Knight....
Posted by jambone, Mon Aug-11-08 02:48 PM
yeah, Heath was a cool ass muthaf*cker in the movie. the makeup, his crazy ass laugh (his theme music), and the fact that he died (a tortured soul...thus, enhancing the impact of the character on the viewing public).

aside from that, Dark Knight sucked as bad as Batman's fight sequences. Aint Batman supposed to be some trained ninja or some sh*t in this series? n*gga had only like 3 types of punches and 1 elbow move.

the only thing they got right was the truck flip (and batman doing the subsequent reverse-pop-wheely with the motor bike), batman jumping off high story buildings, and The Joker opening sequence.

Here is why the Joker opening sequence worked, unlike the rest of the movie:

you got an idea of what type of man/villain/criminal mastermind/pscyhopath that you were dealing with, without tons of exposition shoved down your throat telling you WHY he is such. you saw it for yourself. from the opening shot when you first see the joker from behind with his clown mask off, until after it was over and they pulled out in the school bus. You said to yourself, "damn, thats one ill, slick muthaf*cker".

the rest of the movie failed to do this. instead of the director telling the story, the characters actually told it. i keep hearing how "real" this installment of the batman series is, but its anything but. just look at the last scene where the Joker and Batman are together. their conversation wasn't real at all. it was solely plot explanation. thats basically what 98% of the entire dialogue of the movie was.

the ideology is cool, but the director fails to bring it home. he takes the b*tch route by letting the characters explain everything. every cotdamn thing. the director told you what the movie was about, instead of showing you.

you don't believe Harvey is a white knight, because you aren't shown it nor has his character been developed enough in the story for you to believe it. but you are told this.

you don't sense the despair for a hero in Gotham, because the story is not well-developed enough for you to believe it, but you are told this.

everything is shoved down your throat, "hey this is what it is, believe it because we are telling it...and in the meantime...and look at these cool explosions...look how cool Heath is...is this Batmobile motorcycle tight!...look ma, we are in Hong Kong...".

Ironman is Mike Tyson. Dark Knight is Glass Joe. its not a fair fight