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Topic subjectso you enjoy your movies to be unintelligent
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60230, so you enjoy your movies to be unintelligent
Posted by gluvnast, Fri Aug-08-08 04:45 PM
>TDK is for the ADHD generation that can't keep
>still and isn't bothered by a sloppy, incoherent
>You all like things to go in unnecessary twists
>and turns, because you require it to sit through
>a movie
>People who aren't like that can sit and focus and
>don't require a dumbass SHOCK scene or some stupid,
>unnecessary TWIST

not speaking about others, but apparently YOU have a trouble understanding a well scripted story when one's right in front of you. i don't see anything incoherent with the story at all. it's an interesting message on whut defines heroism vs. whut is accepted as heroic. the movie is driven by the question of how can you beat someone that's purely evil? and every twist IS neccessary to drive in the fact that there's never a right or wrong decision that can be made in those types of situations. if you prefer movies that is all fun but no substance (like ironman), then i agree that TDK is not for you...way too much intellectual thinking for you to grasp it all...that's something you won't have to worry about with ironman

>I saw the movie. And its not that untraditional, because
>Spiderman had an element of "good guy is hated by everyone"

no, spiderman, if i recall, was LOVED by the people, only J.J. hated spidey...now the 3RD spiderman attempted to do whut the TDK achieved in doing, and we shouldn't EVEN go there when speaking on the 3rd spiderman...now the 2nd spiderman was the best, and i would put it at the 2nd spot of best of all time (never cared too much for batman begins, even though it was a great film...but disappointing towards the end)

>Its really not very original at all.
>And the bad guys winning at the end of part two of a
>trilogy was mastered in Empire Strikes Back.
>So please

nobody's comparing it to ESB, nor ESB a comic book feature, it's a science fiction fantasy epic...two completely different genres, with that said, like TDK, ESB broke traditons and became the BEST out of all of the star wars saga

>>whut gimmick are you talking about? there's no real cliche
>No, but there are cliche speeches and cheeseball
>soliloquies that almost put me to sleep, literally

aside from V for vendetta, sin city, or 300 (all great graphic novel films), whut OTHER comic book movie have so-called speeches to make it "cliche"???

the little debates bruces & alfred have, the ideological message the joker speaks about, dent's message on duality, and batman's & gordon's final monologues are whut gave this movie DEPTH over your usual comic book movie....

but then again, you're probably a fantastic four fan, or daredevil fan or something

>the girl was lame(not insignificant, as she's the
>centerpiece of most of the personal conflict in the film

yet she's still a HUGE improvement to katie holmes

>The entire two face character was a gimmick and was lame

obviously NEVER READ "a long halloween"...nor understood that DENT was actually the CENTRAL character of the movie!!! how is that even a gimmick???? the entire story arc is with harvey's rise and demise

>The chinese accountant gimmick was lame

how is that a "gimmick" when it drives the story along on how the mob befriended the joker in the 1st place? lao was a key important figure for the entire mob to be taken down and elevates dent's stature....without the chinese accountant, you don't HAVE a story..he's an essential piece

>Ironman's gimmicks were good
>TDK's gimmicks were lame
>Ironman wins

TDK has no gimmicks...no arguement with ironman's gimmicks being good..it's just the fact it reinforces the truth that this is merely a fun summer comic book movie, whereas TDK is nothing of the sort..it's a serious epic crime film

>That's ad placement. That's not a cinematic gimmick.
>I got no problem with people trying to make doe. I do
>have a problem with bad, amateurish filmmaking.

it'll be different if, like most GREAT filmmaking in which product placement is so nuanced that you hardly even notice it there...TDK had product placement, but they're also essential to the film...the nokia phones are a great example...whereas stark proclaiming I WANT A WHOOPER is NOT "great filmmaking"...it doesn't push the movie forward it's just product placement for the fuck of it