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Topic subjectTDK is for the ADHD generation who can't sit still.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=60104&mesg_id=60224
60224, TDK is for the ADHD generation who can't sit still.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Aug-08-08 03:32 PM

TDK is for the ADHD generation that can't keep
still and isn't bothered by a sloppy, incoherent

You all like things to go in unnecessary twists
and turns, because you require it to sit through
a movie

People who aren't like that can sit and focus and
don't require a dumbass SHOCK scene or some stupid,
unnecessary TWIST

>TDK is untraditional in regards of superhero movies....the
>movie ends like a tradegy with the "hero" on the hunt and
>hated by everyone, the main villain, regardless of being
>caught, technically WON pushing his agenda of fear and chaotic
>ideology to the forefront, one of the major characters dies,
>everything gordon and batman worked for in improving crime and
>putting hope into gotham have been diminished...

I saw the movie. And its not that untraditional, because
Spiderman had an element of "good guy is hated by everyone"

Its really not very original at all.

And the bad guys winning at the end of part two of a
trilogy was mastered in Empire Strikes Back.

So please

>whut gimmick are you talking about? there's no real cliche

No, but there are cliche speeches and cheeseball
soliloquies that almost put me to sleep, literally

>there's twists and turns throughout the
>movie...the only two things you can truely say was "lame" was
>batman's growl & the wasted cameo of scarecrow....that's
>pretty much it


the girl was lame(not insignificant, as she's the
centerpiece of most of the personal conflict in the film

The entire two face character was a gimmick and was lame

The chinese accountant gimmick was lame

Lots of lame, boring, unnecessary shit

>ironman, on the other hand, HAD GIMMICKS, but in its defense
>their gimmicks was rather good, like terrence howard looking
>at the other suit and saying, "maybe next time"...however,
>there's some lame qualities in this film, especially how it
>ended (not to include the after credit scene, which sorta
>makes up for the weak-as-hell ending)

Ironman's gimmicks were good

TDK's gimmicks were lame

Ironman wins

>i mean, the most BLATANT and sad gimmick was the BURGER KING
>placement for crying out loud...

That's ad placement. That's not a cinematic gimmick.

I got no problem with people trying to make doe. I do
have a problem with bad, amateurish filmmaking.

>it was a cartoonish type fun movie...no fault to that because
>it's one of the BEST...yet, how can you take a movie seriously
>with stark and a leiutenent colornel entertaining themselves
>with strippers in a jet plane with ghostplace placing in the
>background???? dope as fuck scene, but it reminds you that
>this is comic book fun...TDK FELT like a crime movie than a
>comic book movie...take away the costumes and the results are
>basically the same....