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Topic subjectRE: Dark Knight is over rated as fuck
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=60104&mesg_id=60160
60160, RE: Dark Knight is over rated as fuck
Posted by Brother_Afron, Thu Aug-07-08 12:34 PM
>>to say bale did NOTHING is completely disagreeable, the

>bale basically plays off the other characters. he wasn't bad
>or good he was just there. he didn't do much that was
>memorable. morgan, ledger, and pretty much everyone outshined
>him. i can't remember a single line from him as bruce. the
>growl negated any line he delivered as batman.

The only Bruce line I can recall at the moment is, "accomplice? I'm telling them it was your idea", which was playing off Alfred so your point stands.

>way to make assumptions. i never said add slo-mo did i? he did
>the same punch/elbow combo IN EVERY FIGHT. how about a back
>hand or roundhouse? diversify please.>>>

Those fight scenes looked like a fighting game character being controlled by a button masher.

>the movie didn't need two villains to begin with.>>>>

Dent wasn't one of the villains anymore than Uncle Ben's mugger was in
the first Spider-Man.

>i didn't find the joker that disturbing but ledger was good
>but not oscar good. you can't crown him with an oscar when the
>real oscar movies haven't even come out yet.

That's some elitist shit right there. Not that it's unexpected.

>too much dent. save two face for part 3. the joker should've
>been the only villain. two face took up at least 10-15
>minutes. the "i know bruce is batman" kid was useless. that
>was dvd/deleted scene shit. that's another 5-10 minutes
>trimmed off.

That's like saying you should take Bruce out of Batman Begins. The Dark Knight was about the tragic fall of Harvey Dent. Take Harvey out of the picture and there is no story.

>i already the joker's motives vs batman's. that's fairly
>obvious. this is not a movie that deserves deep character
>analysis. that said, for a "dark" movie it would've had more
>impact for someone to push the button.>>>>>

It was a dark movie without anyone pushes the button so I don't see how it would've been needed.

that would've proved
>that the joker's "corruption" theory is valid.>>>>>

The point was that Joker's theory wasn't valid. Look at Deebo's character. They made sure they picked the biggest, meanest negro they could find in order to show that this convicted murderer, wasn't about to blow up a boat full of people just to save his own life.

>in a comic they could blow those people up
>but not a movie.>>

They wouldn't have put that in the comic.