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Topic subjectRE: Dark Knight is over rated as fuck
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=60104&mesg_id=60147
60147, RE: Dark Knight is over rated as fuck
Posted by gluvnast, Wed Aug-06-08 11:23 PM
>bale did nothing. NOTHING. he couldn't carry a single scene.
>even deebo outshined him.

to say bale did NOTHING is completely disagreeable, the ONLY legitimate complaint that's universally accepted is his "growl" while in batman form was grating...other than that, his performance was very good, his chemistry with practically everyone was on point, whether if it's with dent, oldman, freeman, ledger (especially), caine and so on...

>the action scenes in batman were weak. punch, elbow, punch,
>elbow...rinse, repeat. those were some terrible, poorly
>choreographed fight scenes. dude getting owned by dogs was
>laughable. don't get pretentious and say it's more than
>action. dark or not it's a comic book movie. you gotta execute
>the action. the final confrontation w/the joker was rather

i see you're one of those few that are conditioned to "the matrix", "300", "transporter" type flicks in where the action is stylistic/ slo-mo rather that a realistic, unstylistic way of fighting...batman in the comics OR the animated series NEVER fight in a stylistic, mouth-dropping way...he's always direct and to the point...if you're tripping about getting attacked by dogs, lets be realistic here, you REALLY think any mortal man, regardless of his strength, quickness or agility can seamlessly fight off 5 rocs at ONE TIME??? those are nit-picky complaints...besides, the truck vs. batpod action sequence will be remembered as one of the most MEMORABLE action sequences of this year

>two face was pointless. he turned too fast. your girl gets
>killed and now you're a madman?

apparently you missed the entire moral to this movie...the movie isn't about two-face, but about harvey dent's evolution to becoming two-face which was implied that he had it hidden in him all this time (hence him getting the nickname YEARS before even becoming DA) and joker's ideology that anyone can fall from grace, anyone can be emotionally and/or mentally turned which happened to dent...keep in mind he always had a side of him that was more angry or violent which was why he kept a double-sided coin, and that side surfaced slightly twice when he punched sal's fall guy at the courtroom, and when he kidnapped and interoggated one of joker's henchmen before batman stopped him and warned him about maintaing his positive character...he flipped because he LOVED rachel and heard her blow up right after she professed how much she wanted to be his wife, i mean DAMN, why you think batman became who HE is? because he he was a witness to the murder of the people he loved...same with dent, and he OFFICIALLY flipped fully once he saw the coin he gave to her, one side clear making his hopes slightly up and then turning the otherside and realized she was gone and KNOWS the people who were responsible...and finally the joker fuckin' with his head..i say again, it wasn't ABOUT two-face, but harvey dent's arc into becoming two-face...if you didn't like that, then i'm SURE you'll hate "a long halloween"

>the joker was good but oscar worthy...FOH. i didn't find the
>joker scary or disturbing. he was no chigurh.

even though the role of anton chigurh deserved an oscar, it earned it because of it's simplicity of that role...ledger's joker deserves it because of the complexity to pull off that role..and ot pull it off to the point in where you don't SEE ledger in bad make up, but the actual character alive right in front of you...portraying the joker is one of the MOST complexed roles to seriously play...and ledger went beyond almost EVERYONE'S expectations, which is saying alot because everybody's expectations were already high

chigurh, on the other hand, was a very emotionaless, almost non-conversationalist, type of role...but it was so effective and disturbing that it deserved that win...ledger's joker was AS disturbing but basically apples & oranges...his joker PUSHED the boundries of making this a R-rated film

>they could've trimmed 20 minutes of fat off.

possible, but trim it WHERE? practically every part of this movie has an important link to something else later

>that bomb/boat shit was lame. it's a dark movie have someone
>detonate a ship. i knew they'd wuss out and no one push the

if you're only watching it for summertime action, then you'll never appreciate the point this was making which was clearly ideological and something that will always been the debate between batman and the joker

joker believes there's no good in man, all men are born corrupted and rules or laws were made to put man in check...he's also an anarchist and wants to see the world in anarchy, hence the ferry ploy to make a double-sided point which is to build on the people's chaotic fear as well as prove that his ideology about man in general is correct...batman, obviously, believes the opposite which is there are people that are good, period...

that was an ideological battle, which was why batman didn't go to the ferry to stop the detonation, but went after the joker instead trusting the people would do the right thing...which wasn't even the explaination point to joker's ideology, because of the dent factor...hence why at the end of the movie, both gordon & batman conceded part of joker's ideology on if people known the truth about dent

>downey was every bit as good as ledger. whether he was starks
>or in the suit he shined in every scene.

RDJ was the ONLY reason ironman was a fun and great summer joint...and that's the only thing you can say that is great about ironman which is the RDJ's performance...other than that, the script as well as the story was predictable, the supporting cast was basic in their performances...there's no alternative outstanding performaces in comparison to eckhart or oldman, for example..the action scenes (the mere three of them) were okay at best, there's no TRUE epic memorable scene that i can recall, with the exception of the bonus after credit clip...nothing in comparison to TDK's interrogation sequence or the semi-truck flip, or the bank heist, or the pencil trick, or batman 9/11 imagery, or the joker leaving the hospital and ect....

>the action was great in iron man. the effects were top notch.

the CGI in ironman was great, i'll give you that...however, there was barely any CGI in TDK aside from two-face and a extremely few background touch-ups...hospital explosion-REAL, truck flip-REAL, batpod-REAL, even batman hang-gliding was real