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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectMan, I LOVED it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=50148&mesg_id=50237
50237, Man, I LOVED it.
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Nov-09-05 08:23 PM
Stylistically, the writing, the acting...just everything I thought was fantastic.

What I thought was interesting was it was the only real film about the Gulf War (yeah, 3 Kings was set during the Gulf War but thats it) and it was TOTALLY opposite of every other war film I'd seen. I mean...it was certainly a different war, a byproduct of the Vietnam war and this film was a byproduct of Vietnam films. I really enjoyed the self reflexiveness of it, and I definitely thought it was pertinent to what's going on right now. It was interesting also that it was slice-of-life like, but took place over like 6 months which is so opposite of slice of life films. All around, I enjoyed this one...and while I don't think it's for everyone, I'd reccomend it to anyone.