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Topic subjectRE: I'd like to do this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=6317&mesg_id=6346
6346, RE: I'd like to do this
Posted by Rexdale, Wed Dec-11-02 08:41 AM
I agree with you on the African thing, but you cannot ignore the fact that Egypt DOES have an ARAB history that cannot be overlooked. Most Egyptians just because of lanugage and recent history, have a lot more in common with the middle-east then with the rest of Africa. Having said that, I do think that they should take more pride in their African side, but with the situation right now in the middle-east, they can't ignore their "middle-eastern" side for sure.


Side note: hopefully, I'll be reaching Somali/Ethiopia this year, never been there, even though that's where my fam is from. Can't wait!