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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectvery sad
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=5851&mesg_id=5894
5894, very sad
Posted by sevencents, Fri Mar-07-03 11:32 AM
First off, I want to thank Abdul Malik Muhammad for sharing his experiences on the boards.

But I must say that I am deeply saddened by what I've been reading in these posts. For starters, hearing about the holocaust is especially emmotional and moving when it's told through personal stories. But what saddend me more than hearing these people's accounts of the holocaust was how people decided to transform the theme of this post for their own agenda..

I love these boards here because it allows anyone to have a voice to express their beliefs/opinions, but to use someone else's post to change the tone and turn it into something negative is straight up disrespectfull. The person who wrote this post wanted to share his feelings of meeting and hearing the stories of hollocaust survivors, and in return people turned this into a jewish bashing post. I wonder if people actually read his post and read these people's stories. If they did and still felt that it was okay to make statements that jews have used the hollocaust to benefit themselves or discredit the hollocaust because of countless other mass murders and injsutices of the world, then I am deeply saddend at the level of hate in people's hearts on these boards.