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Topic subjectRE: 2 things
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=3126&mesg_id=3137
3137, RE: 2 things
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Wed Nov-05-03 11:51 PM
>2. pinko again, you're way off. Rothschild was not a
>Zionist. but i guess in your world zionist=jew. Rothschild
>was a prominant jew yes, but he was by no means a zionist.
>in fact, the WZO and Rothschild were at odds for years over
>what should be done in regards to jewish immigration to
>palestine. so please, learn something about what you're
>talking about before you go spouting off at the mouth next

Are you f'ing joking?! You accuse ME of not reading my history, well my revisionist friend, if you don't know that Rothschild was a Zionist then I think its time for you to take some remedial first year history courses. Just because I am not in a Marxist party does not mean that I am not a Marxist. Who gives a flying shit if he and the WZO were at odds, Zionism is not reserved for only those who are members of the WZO. Zionism is the nationalist construct(and construct because nationalism itself is a very new concept. It didn't even exist until almost 2000 years after the Romans expelled the Jews from the region) that Jews need a nation state of Jewish character, Rothschild supported this idea. Endless amounts of monies flowed from Rothschild in order to buy Palestinian land for Zionist settlement up until his death in 1934. He sympathized with the Zionist cause and agreed with the fundemental ideal of Jewish settlement of Palestine. Why do you think he signed the Balfour declaration? Further, had he not signed the Balfour declaration the Zionists wouldn't have had a leg to stand on in their argument for settling Palestine.

Second, why do you make such careless assumptions about me? I have never said that all Jews are Zionists and if you have ever actually read a fucking word I have said then you would realize that I claim that Jews are also oppressed by wealthy ruling Zionist elites. I think even Dhalgren could find the humility to attest to this. Pay a little fucking attention if you are going to talk to people like a beligerent little spoiled brat.