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Topic subjectMisinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
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25195, Misinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
Posted by M2, Fri Jul-13-01 10:08 AM

This is an all encompassing rant, so bear with me :)

One of my pet peeves, is that people think that just because they have an opinion and they argue it strongly....that it must be right. They hear something, jump to a conclusion, misunderstand something.....form an opinion and will argue it to the end, even in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Worse yet, these idiotic opinions often become part of the body of so called "public knowledge"..causing further problems.. So let's look at some of these opinions:

"Businesses, particularly large corporations, pay no taxes" This is based on the idea that companies receive so many tax write offs, that they end up with no tax burden.


There are line items on corporate financial statements, )which for public companies can be looked up fairly easily) which indicate income before and AFTER taxes.

The vast majority of tax writeoffs are simply items that the company spent money on in order to make money, e.g. things that would be subtracted from total revenues in order to determine the amount of profit.....profit which is then taxed.

There are several other reasons, that's just two.

The Government should leave Microsoft alone, because they are responsible for the Internet Boom, as well as inexpensive computers.

(excuse me while I laugh hysterically)

First of all, computer prices came down due to the following:

1. Increased demand for computers, driven by increased Internet usage, people seeing how computers could help them conduct business, increased business use, etc.

2. Cheaper computer chips, there was a time when a Pentium Chip cost well over $1,000....and had about a Tenth of the processing power of the most powerful chip available today. Part of the reason the chips are cheaper are due to increased sales, (which resulted in more favorable economies of scale), improved manufacturing methods and competition between AMD and Intel.

In fact, Microsoft has raised the prices of its software...so they actually made prices go up.

The Internet thing?...HA! Microsoft was late getting involved in the Internet, and didn't establish itself as a major player in the hey day of the late 90s. In fact, it was only 4 months ago that MS started showing the financial results of its Internet operations on its balance sheet and didn't fold it into the rest of its Businesses.

In other words, they didn't want to show how weak they were.

Recent Tax Cut......(ROTFLMBAO) just to kiplingers and enter in your financial info.....and see the truth.

Enough on that, let's look at the Paradoxes and Double Standards. Another pet peeve of mine, it's the American Ideal (IMHO) of, Freedom, liberty and Justice for Me, and others of my economic group, race, religion, sexual preference......f** everyone else.

Let's look at some of those:

Whether it's racial profiling, shooting immigrants 41 times, housing discrimination, loan discrimination, denial of taxi service, etc. There is a growing trend in conservative circles, to call this "rational discrimination" e.g. It's justified due to disporportional poverty, education or crime rates.

Ok, let's look at that:

-Whites commmit virtually all White Collar crime, (making it aptly named) this crime costs society more in terms of monetary cost to the public, the time of law enforcement officials, and other costs to society....then all other crime put together...not to mention Black crime.

So what would happen if non-whites refused to hire Whites as accountants, computer programmers working on bank software, etc?

Or if I put ads in large newspapers, listing 10 reasons why whites shouldn't be trusted in positions where they could commit white collar crime?

White folks would freak that's what.

How about government assistance programs?

Welfare, Public Housing, etc. These piss white folks off to no end, (particularly conservatives) it's a case of Blacks consuming their tax dollars (even though whites consume more....not per capita, but in total $) OR it's socialism and unamerican to give extra help to people who have less then others.

Let's look at that last one, Socialist programs that help those with less to level the playing field are wrong. Hmm....

SO.....explain the following:

-Government sponsored school loans....80% of all college students receive some form of financial aid. So the same parents who bitch and moan about a poor family having housing assistance to get on their feet, are more then willing to use tax dollars to send little Johnny to college.

-State Colleges........again, sponsored with tax dollars. Isn't that socialist? extra help?....why can't people work their way through college and pay for it without help from the government?

GI Bill, VA Home Loans. Both created to help WWII veterans, and are largely credited with creating the prosperous American Middle Class of the 50s. Yup those Grade A Americans, the backbone of America...the heart of this country.....who gave birth to the Baby Boomer/Yuppie generation......got their start with Government Assisstance.

How about the Homestedders of the late 1800s? Government assistance once again, the government just giving people land.

It would be interesting to see how this country would've turned out if Blacks were able to take part in those programs, or didn't get killed and our assets stolen when we did.

Awfully socialist if you ask me. Or maybe it's only socialist when it only helps the poor, or Blacks.....not when it can help Whites or the affluent.

I won't even touch SBA loans, which are so similar to small business programs in countries like Canada and Sweden it's not even funny.

Affirmative Action:

Why is it ok for the stupid children of Alumni and Athletes to get into top schools, but not for Minorities who didn't have the educational advantages of other kids?

Why do people assume that if AA goes away, Blacks will stop getting into Princeton?


Why does the war on drugs focus on the people who use drugs and not those who sell them? In fact 87% of the people in jail for drugs, are there for drug use....not sales or trafficking.

Excuse my ignorance, but how will that stop the tide of drugs into this country? Jailing consumers and not the producers, when the producers have such an easy time of finding customers?

Furthermore, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that putting people in rehab is cheaper in terms of the cost of the rehab centers vs. prisons and later societal costs (in terms of reduced crime) in the short and long term....and results in more people turning their lives around.....why jail so many users?

Why is the average initial sentence for DWI 2-10 days, while it's 3-5 years for drugs. Even though DWI kills more people and alcohol related deaths are 5x the number of people killed because of drugs and drug related crimes?

</end rant>

But trust me, I have more.



25196, RE: Misinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
Posted by guest, Fri Jul-13-01 10:25 AM
just about everythin you said was great... especially on the drug front... you should also read the aclu website for the article on the proposed bill that would keep any kid with a drug conviction (whether its a nic or a pound) from receiving federal funding for college... that one really gets to me... and the reason wh they arrest users? its because they couldnt possibly stop suppliers... their budget is just tooooo big... clearly, the government hasnt learned the prohibition lesson.
25197, best post i've seen here
Posted by BooDaah, Fri Jul-13-01 11:05 AM
in a long time

for a myriad of reasons

25198, A good post
Posted by guest, Fri Jul-13-01 11:21 AM
I'll return and respond once I've finished reading it
25199, archive material
Posted by guerilla_love, Fri Jul-13-01 11:46 AM

I'd draw yuh bath
like Picasso..

pick you,
like fruit
off yuh family tree. &
eatcha' honeydew ass,

-Giovanni, rhythmic poet extraordinaire

i believe in education and empowerment through art. i believe that movements happen when ideas are set to music. bodies and people come together through dance and movement, eyes awaken in the face of a good movie, and whatever ya gotta say is useless unless you can use these tools to reach right into people

"The logic of divide and rule is still valid today." Capleton

DomePoem Poets; Vibe Nation; One ppl under the spoken word
25200, what caused this??
Posted by urbgriot, Fri Jul-13-01 12:20 PM

25201, I was wondering the same
Posted by Ape Redwood, Fri Jul-13-01 02:50 PM
I haven't seen u rant like this in a while

"And you don't even know the alphabet,
but you still talkin'." --Vastaire
25202, RE: what caused this??
Posted by M2, Fri Jul-13-01 08:35 PM
Culmination of a lot of things.......but in general this post was really a combination of multiple rants that I didn't have a forum to unleash.....so I created an all ecompassing rant.

And believe me..........I have more............


25203, one of the best post since this board started nm
Posted by guest, Fri Jul-13-01 03:01 PM

Why would God have given you in life a questioning mind if not to hand to you in death the blinding answers!!!

I wish you really knew me.
AIM Carmel3494 say ure okp
25204, wow.
Posted by Mosaic, Fri Jul-13-01 03:28 PM
25205, Good ish...
Posted by sistasoul, Fri Jul-13-01 09:07 PM

Damn, everything you said was on point. I'm kind of new so I don't know what it takes to be archived, but this needs to be kept around for a long time. I gotta go to bed now but believe I'm going to respond to this tomorrow. Great post.


"I'm an African, never was an African American..." - Dead Prez
25206, Part II
Posted by M2, Sat Jul-14-01 05:12 PM
Since I'm not scheduled to get my Saturday night grove on for another hour or so, I figured I'd rant some more.

White Supremacy:

Heads up.....Skinheads and the KKK aren't going to the main perpetuators of White Supremacist ideas in the 21st century. No, in the future the White Supremacists are going to laud the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, claim they "like Blacks" and trumpet the success of the rising Black Middle Class. They'll also discuss the things that Blacks need to elevate themselves. In fact, depending on what you hear.....you may believe that these people are on point......and are your friend...... But then they'll throw in isht like this:

-Blacks should accept that they are less intelligent then Blacks.

-The absolute failure of Blacks in the US (contradictory isn't it?.......when they discuss the Black Middle Class) is due to us being inferior to Whites.

-Discrimination against Blacks is justified.

-Organizations that hire Blacks will be economically inefficient.

-Racism is just a moral response by Whites when they encounter inferior races/cultures.

-Jim Crow protected Blacks.

-The Civil Rights act should be abolished.

-Racism, isn't Racism (Unless it's against Whites) those Whites are just making "Rational Decisions"

Now the people who say this stuff, teach at colleges, write Best Selling books, and hob nob with politicians. The even infuence court decisions regarding civil rights issues, convince Whites that they should be proud of their Prejudices....after all, it's not like they are in the Clan.

Now here is the worse part, a lot of minorities buy into this shit and believe it too. A favorite quote of the one of the people I'm talking about is: "I've always wondered about those dark skinned brothas" a light skinned Sistah referring to Blacks and Intelligence.

Anyway, I suggest you guys do some research on the following people:

Dinesh D'Souza
Samual Jarred Taylor (or just Jarred Taylor)
Michael Levin


Quick Thoughts on Intelligence before I bounce.

-The folks who love to tout the slightly lower scores of Blacks on IQ tests, aren't qualified to develop IQ tests themselves. Not surprising, since the people who develop IQ tests are the ones who say they are culturally biased.

-The folks that claim IQ tests aren't culturally biased, almost always present arguments that amount to: "I don't belive they are culturally biased"

-Due to the fact that the people developing and administering IQ tests think that they are always accurate and biased against various groups, IQ testing hasn't been widespread for well over 20 years. How many of you have taken an IQ test? How many people do you know that have taken one?

Usually, the only people taking IQ tests nowadays are those desiring entrance into Mensa, people with learning disabilities and rare cases of elite private schools requiring them.

Think about the above.....a little......explains a lot now doesn't it? More intelligent Whites are going to be taking IQ tests then intelligent Blacks.......simply because they have more opportunity to.

-A big part of the argument for Black "Dumbness" is the fact that Blacks average 15 points lower then Whites on IQ tests. Left out, is that in recent years...the gap has narrowed to 3 points. In fact, it's even mentioned in the Book "The Bell Curve" but for some reason....goes back to the 15 point gap and focuses on that for the rest of the book.

The 3 point gap is explained as follows: "the reason for this is the number of low scores decreasing, but scores increasing overall"

Final Point: It's often said that Whites excel in Verbal Skills and Asians in Math, Blacks in physical things like sports. E.g. They have the Brains and we have the Brawn.

They prove this point via our success in sports and their success (and our supposed failure) in things intellectual: Science, Business, Engineering.

BUT, couldn't it be said that Blacks are better at Multitasking, Creativity, thinking on the fly and improvisation? Just based on the skill of Black Musicians (who coincidentally spawned all the new music forms of the 20th century), Black athletes who changed sports (like Basketball) by making improvisation common place..instead of play by numbers athletics, Free Style Rappers, comedians, etc, etc.

Since those types of mental powers are innate, and are not learned like Verbal and Mathematical skills.....well, I'll let you fill in the rest.

But no one brings that up.....not surpring since the "Blacks are stupid crowd" couldn't develop an IQ test if their lives depended on it.

Ok, Gotta go......



25207, On a Tangent...
Posted by guest, Sat Jul-14-01 07:47 PM
Concerning the prison system/crime in general... so many people simply love the idea that criminals are less intelligent than good upstanding citizens, and this assumption seems to be widely held. The media, Hollywood (see: The Shawshank Redemption... although it's a great flick everyone in there with the exception of Andy Dufrene is a dumb fuck, esp. Haywood), etc. cram this image down our throats.

And then, racial supremacists, ignorant mf's, whoever take this (flawed) assumption and look at the nation's jails and say, "Oh look, how convenient! Our prisons are black. Prisoners are by definition inferior mentally. Therefore, from premise A and B, we arrive at conclusion C: Blacks are mentally inferior. The fact that the prisons are filled with black inmates simply reinforces our assumptions." Aside from being flawed inductive logic, the premises are wrong as well.

Any serious academic study (I think University of Minnesota did one in 1991) shows that, when compared to the general population, median IQ among inmates is just as high as the median IQ of people on the outside. Now, where am I?
1) Most prisoners are black. This is a simple observation.
2) IQ tests have an inherent bias against black test-takers. M2 stated this and I happen to believe it.
3) The only people in prisons are the criminals who were dumb enough to get caught. No one really knows, but pessimistic estimates say that law-enforcement agencies only solve at most 12% of all crimes, and that only 40-45% of all crimes are even reported. This means that there is the possibility of a huge criminal population outside the prison system, and if you believe intelligence is positively connected with rate of capture, they could be substantially smarter than people think.

Let's talk a little more about #1 up there. Most inmates are black. But how many are inmates and shouldn't be? Unfortunately, the answer is, most likely, a lot. So. Inmate IQ tests report equal scores to the general population. The inmate population will be almost exclusively black, while (for reasons M2 elaborated on above) the general population sample will be almost exclusively white. That's not a random sample, and messes up a statistical comparison. The dependent variable here (being a criminal) is all fucked up due to the fact that, in the prison sample there are probably a lot of people who aren't criminals and in the general population sample there are probably a lot of people who are criminals, but it's indeterminate who is and isn't one. So all these variables are completely fucked up, but the same test returns the same results for each group. I take this to mean that there is something in the test itself that affects the outcome, and consequently, the IQ test probably has no fucking statistical relationship to intelligence whatsoever.

Short answer - I agree with M2
25208, RE: On a Tangent...
Posted by sistasoul, Sun Jul-15-01 05:26 AM
I recently came to my own conspiracy theory-esque conclusion about why the number of blacks(and other minorities) in prison is so overwhelming. I recently had to look at some notes I took on the "Autobiography of Assata Shakur." While looking at the notes, I came across something that she said about the prison system that seems to be right on point and make a hell of a lot of sense. There is a reference to the 13th ammendment to the Constitution which states(not ver batim) that slavery cannot exist in the United states UNLESS its a punishment for a crime for which the accused has been found guilty. This is what she says in response to that.

"That explains why jails and prisons all over the country are filled to the brim with Black and Third World people, why so many Black people can't find a job on the streets and are forced to survive the best way they know how...Prisons are a profitable business. They are a way of legally perpetuating slavery...Prisons are part of this governments genocidal war against Black and Third World people." (65)

Damn, ain't that some slick ish right there? And we wonder why so many brothers and sisters are in the prison system. Some people are truly bad, mad cats are innocent, and some people had no other choice or path based on the conditions in which they grew up. Conditions which were manufactured by this American government. Kinda makes you wonder...


"I'm an African, never was an African American..." - Dead Prez
25209, still on a Tangent...
Posted by tohunga, Sun Jul-15-01 05:54 PM
and the US is making such a profit offa the prisons that they're franchising that shit around the globe... a new prison, american-owned and operated, is being built in the Australian Outback right now...

Whaia te maramatanga
Me te aroha e nga iwi
Kia ka tapatahi
Kia kotahi ra
Tatou tatou e

seek after knowledge
and fellowship all people
think as one
act as one
all of us

-"Tutira mai nga iwi"
25210, RE: still on a Tangent...
Posted by guest, Sun Jul-15-01 06:34 PM
an american owned and operated prison in the australian outback that will incarcerate... who? australian citizens? if it's american owned and operated not likely. americans in australia? don't think there's enough to warrant a whole prison. are we gonna start deporting criminals to australia like the british did? what's this prison for, could you elaborate please?
25211, RE: still on a Tangent...
Posted by tohunga, Sun Jul-15-01 06:54 PM
it'll be used to jail Australians, yeah- invariably mostly Koori (aka Aboriginies), but it'll be built and funded by one of the biggest American-based prison companies.
Who the fuck privatised the prison system anyways? Thats some fucked up shit right there, people making profits from the incarceration of others. Of course they gonna be pushing for tougher laws and more arrests, if thats the ish thats making them rich........ grr.
25212, i wish
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Tue Jul-17-01 09:57 AM
you could have seen some of the testimony against and for affirmative action hear at the University of Michigan...

the LSAT biased shit and everything else was basically brought up in great detail, a lot of the same things you said..

and the judge went

"great shit, diversity ain't a compelling issue, racism is still there..AA should be gone"

Much love,

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25213, RE: i wish
Posted by guest, Tue Jul-17-01 01:02 PM
I was at those trials and yeah, I felt the same way. "diversity is not a compelling issue"... wtf
25214, RE: Part II
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Tue Jul-17-01 12:44 PM

>Final Point: It's often said that
>Whites excel in Verbal Skills
>and Asians in Math, Blacks
>in physical things like sports.
>E.g. They have the Brains
>and we have the Brawn.
>They prove this point via our
>success in sports and their
>success (and our supposed failure)
>in things intellectual: Science, Business,
>BUT, couldn't it be said that
>Blacks are better at Multitasking,
>Creativity, thinking on the fly
>and improvisation? Just based on
>the skill of Black Musicians
>(who coincidentally spawned all the
>new music forms of the
>20th century), Black athletes who
>changed sports (like Basketball) by
>making improvisation common place..instead of
>play by numbers athletics, Free
>Style Rappers, comedians, etc, etc.
>Since those types of mental powers
>are innate, and are not
>learned like Verbal and Mathematical
>skills.....well, I'll let you fill
>in the rest.
>But no one brings that up.....not
>surpring since the "Blacks are
>stupid crowd" couldn't develop an
>IQ test if their lives
>depended on it.

AND we have many talented inventors and scientists. Here's just a couple websites

And here's a little something to blow the minds of any that question African American intelligence: http://emeagwali.com/
Philip Emeagwali Computer Scientist
"... one of the father's of the internet..." CNN
pioneer in the field of parallel processing
25215, RE: Misinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
Posted by DonKnutts, Sat Jul-14-01 07:00 PM

>Why does the war on drugs
>focus on the people who
>use drugs and not those
>who sell them? In fact
>87% of the people in
>jail for drugs, are there
>for drug use....not sales or

what about the Rockeller laws though? putting people away for 10+ years for hustling small amounts of coke.

>consumers and not the producers,
>when the producers have such
>an easy time of finding

when you shoot a person, the cops don't go and arrest Smith & Wesson...

25216, RE: Misinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
Posted by M2, Sat Jul-14-01 08:29 PM

>>consumers and not the producers,
>>when the producers have such
>>an easy time of finding
>when you shoot a person, the
>cops don't go and arrest
>Smith & Wesson...

That's comparing Oranges to Hand Grenades. It's not illegal to produce Guns, nor is it illegal to sell them.......the illegal act is shooting people.

Any involvement with illegal drugs is illegal, if we're going to stop the proliferation of drugs in this country......we have to start clamping down on the people who traffic drugs.....not the users....(who should be sent to rehab in the first place). The war on drugs makes absolutely NO Progress, as long as it focuses on users.....because it does nothing to stop people from selling drugs.



25217, more on drugs
Posted by tohunga, Sun Jul-15-01 05:55 PM
the penalties for crack versus the penalties for cocaine.

Crack laws are about, ooh, 100 times harsher...
25218, RE: Misinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
Posted by Kozmikblak, Thu Mar-10-05 03:21 PM
>>Why does the war on drugs
>>focus on the people who
>>use drugs and not those
>>who sell them? In fact
>>87% of the people in
>>jail for drugs, are there
>>for drug use....not sales or
>what about the Rockeller laws though? putting people away for
>10+ years for hustling small amounts of coke.
how can a kingpin squeal? -Nas One Mic

"...you cats are undercover like GAY rappers dealing with MYSTERY." -Talib Kweli This means you, from Reflection Eternal

"I don't blame Tiger Woods, but I overstand the mental poison that's even worse than drugs" -nas poison

"For trees to grow in Br
25219, RE: wow, another reason to love you.....
Posted by guest, Sun Jul-15-01 08:07 AM
>This is an all encompassing rant,
>so bear with me :)
>One of my pet peeves, is
>that people think that just
>because they have an opinion
>and they argue it strongly....that
>it must be right. They
>hear something, jump to a
>conclusion, misunderstand something.....form an opinion
>and will argue it to
>the end, even in spite
>of overwhelming evidence to the
>Worse yet, these idiotic opinions often
>become part of the body
>of so called "public knowledge"..causing
>further problems.. So let's look
>at some of these opinions:
>"Businesses, particularly large corporations, pay no
>taxes" This is based on
>the idea that companies receive
>so many tax write offs,
>that they end up with
>no tax burden.
>There are line items on corporate
>financial statements, )which for public
>companies can be looked up
>fairly easily) which indicate income
>before and AFTER taxes.
>The vast majority of tax writeoffs
>are simply items that the
>company spent money on in
>order to make money, e.g.
>things that would be subtracted
>from total revenues in order
>to determine the amount of
>profit.....profit which is then taxed.
>There are several other reasons, that's
>just two.
>The Government should leave Microsoft alone,
>because they are responsible for
>the Internet Boom, as well
>as inexpensive computers.
>(excuse me while I laugh hysterically)
>First of all, computer prices came
>down due to the following:
>1. Increased demand for computers, driven
>by increased Internet usage, people
>seeing how computers could help
>them conduct business, increased business
>use, etc.
>2. Cheaper computer chips, there was
>a time when a Pentium
>Chip cost well over $1,000....and
>had about a Tenth of
>the processing power of the
>most powerful chip available today.
>Part of the reason the
>chips are cheaper are due
>to increased sales, (which resulted
>in more favorable economies of
>scale), improved manufacturing methods and
>competition between AMD and Intel.
>In fact, Microsoft has raised the
>prices of its software...so they
>actually made prices go up.
>The Internet thing?...HA! Microsoft was late
>getting involved in the Internet,
>and didn't establish itself as
>a major player in the
>hey day of the late
>90s. In fact, it was
>only 4 months ago that
>MS started showing the financial
>results of its Internet operations
>on its balance sheet and
>didn't fold it into the
>rest of its Businesses.
>In other words, they didn't want
>to show how weak they
>Recent Tax Cut......(ROTFLMBAO) just to kiplingers
>and enter in your financial
>info.....and see the truth.
>Enough on that, let's look at
>the Paradoxes and Double Standards.
>Another pet peeve of mine,
>it's the American Ideal (IMHO)
>of, Freedom, liberty and Justice
>for Me, and others of
>my economic group, race, religion,
>sexual preference......f** everyone else.
>Let's look at some of those:
>Whether it's racial profiling, shooting immigrants
>41 times, housing discrimination, loan
>discrimination, denial of taxi service,
>etc. There is a growing
>trend in conservative circles, to
>call this "rational discrimination" e.g.
>It's justified due to disporportional
>poverty, education or crime rates.
>Ok, let's look at that:
>-Whites commmit virtually all White Collar
>crime, (making it aptly named)
>this crime costs society more
>in terms of monetary cost
>to the public, the time
>of law enforcement officials, and
>other costs to society....then all
>other crime put together...not to
>mention Black crime.
>So what would happen if non-whites
>refused to hire Whites as
>accountants, computer programmers working on
>bank software, etc?
>Or if I put ads in
>large newspapers, listing 10 reasons
>why whites shouldn't be trusted
>in positions where they could
>commit white collar crime?
>White folks would freak that's what.
>How about government assistance programs?
>Welfare, Public Housing, etc. These piss
>white folks off to no
>end, (particularly conservatives) it's a
>case of Blacks consuming their
>tax dollars (even though whites
>consume more....not per capita, but
>in total $) OR it's
>socialism and unamerican to give
>extra help to people who
>have less then others.
>Let's look at that last one,
>Socialist programs that help those
>with less to level the
>playing field are wrong. Hmm....
>SO.....explain the following:
>-Government sponsored school loans....80% of all
>college students receive some form
>of financial aid. So the
>same parents who bitch and
>moan about a poor family
>having housing assistance to get
>on their feet, are more
>then willing to use tax
>dollars to send little Johnny
>to college.
>-State Colleges........again, sponsored with tax dollars.
>Isn't that socialist? extra help?....why
>can't people work their way
>through college and pay for
>it without help from the
>GI Bill, VA Home Loans. Both
>created to help WWII veterans,
>and are largely credited with
>creating the prosperous American Middle
>Class of the 50s. Yup
>those Grade A Americans, the
>backbone of America...the heart of
>this country.....who gave birth to
>the Baby Boomer/Yuppie generation......got their
>start with Government Assisstance.
>How about the Homestedders of the
>late 1800s? Government assistance once
>again, the government just giving
>people land.
>It would be interesting to see
>how this country would've turned
>out if Blacks were able
>to take part in those
>programs, or didn't get killed
>and our assets stolen when
>we did.
>Awfully socialist if you ask me.
>Or maybe it's only socialist
>when it only helps the
>poor, or Blacks.....not when it
>can help Whites or the
>I won't even touch SBA loans,
>which are so similar to
>small business programs in countries
>like Canada and Sweden it's
>not even funny.
>Affirmative Action:
>Why is it ok for the
>stupid children of Alumni and
>Athletes to get into top
>schools, but not for Minorities
>who didn't have the educational
>advantages of other kids?
>Why do people assume that if
>AA goes away, Blacks will
>stop getting into Princeton?
>Why does the war on drugs
>focus on the people who
>use drugs and not those
>who sell them? In fact
>87% of the people in
>jail for drugs, are there
>for drug use....not sales or
>Excuse my ignorance, but how will
>that stop the tide of
>drugs into this country? Jailing
>consumers and not the producers,
>when the producers have such
>an easy time of finding
>Furthermore, in spite of the overwhelming
>evidence that putting people in
>rehab is cheaper in terms
>of the cost of the
>rehab centers vs. prisons and
>later societal costs (in terms
>of reduced crime) in the
>short and long term....and results
>in more people turning their
>lives around.....why jail so many
>Why is the average initial sentence
>for DWI 2-10 days, while
>it's 3-5 years for drugs.
>Even though DWI kills more
>people and alcohol related deaths
>are 5x the number of
>people killed because of drugs
>and drug related crimes?
></end rant>
>But trust me, I have more.

m2, call me what you wanna....but got dawg....i love the way your mind moves at will....that commentary was on point....you got me panting and all breathless....man, the things you do to me....just when i think i can't fall more in love with your mental mind sprays....you prove me wrong everytime....

peace in love,

25220, Aww.......
Posted by M2, Tue Jul-17-01 09:20 AM
you're embarassing me (blushing). Drop me a line later......


25221, Part III
Posted by M2, Tue Jul-17-01 07:11 AM

More Random Rants:

Note: I don't consider myself a liberal or a conservative, I'm just ranting about conservatives today (more) then liberals.

Liberals Vs. Conservatives:

Liberals say that minorities, women and homosexuals should vote for them, because they aren't conservatives. Not because they are really going to improve the lives of those groups.

Conservatives say that those same groups should vote for them, since Liberals haven't done anything for them.

Despite the fact that the conservative mindset is TO NOT do anything and let various problems (particularly the ones affecting those groups) work out for themselves. Despite the long history of activism by those groups.....

Now why should those groups vote conservative or even liberal for that matter?

Why do Conservatives whine about the lack of minority support so much? Are they just children? Particularly when their ideas go contrary to what most minorities believe in/hold dear? I mean generally, conservatives side with law enforcement over Blacks, aren't as concerned about various disparities and don't believe racism exists to the extent that most Blacks do.

Furthermore, the people who wrote the Bell Curve were speakers at the GOP national convention, Dinesh D'Souza who wrote a Book saying that Blacks DESERVED discrimination and the civil rights act was wrong, was a Reagan advisor, and people like Samuel Jarred Taylor who said: "the alternative to slavery was Negro pandemonium, which is what we have now" are conservatives.

Let's just face it, White Supremacists are never liberal.

So why are they so shocked at the lack of minority support?

Not saying that Conservatives don't have some good ideas, but they are some bad apples in that camp that a lot of Blacks don't want to throw our support behind.

Why do liberals portray the conservative party as the party of the wealthy and elite, when the people in power in the liberal camps are the wealthy and elite as well?

Why do conservatives manage to get so much support from working class whites, when those people aren't really part of the conservative Agenda? I was laughing my ass off when Bush repealed those workplace rules back in January.

I was laughing even harder about the tax cuts....even the patients bill of rights....since at most it would rise insurance costs by 4% (Republican estimate on Democrat bill) over the next 5 years. That's less then inflation...........

I find this voter pattern funny: 18-25 (Liberal) 25-65 (conservative) 65+ (back to liberal)

Does the GOP have an actual political agenda besides attacking democrats?

Patients Bill of rights, those lawsuits aren't neccessarily going to only help lawyers....since it's class action suits that help lawyers and not defendents....and patients don't usually file class action suits...since it's their particularly instance of harm they are suing for...not theirs and a bunch of other peoples.

Why don't Conservatives and Liberals provide information on the actual needs of the country tax revenue wise? Instead of just saying: "We need to cut taxes" "If we cut taxes, the country will be hurt" That's not an answer, it's friggin simple: perform an analysis and determine what the actual revenue needs are....tax accordingly....it's so friggin simple.

More Rants:

-Why do liberals love to say what citizens should invest in with respect to the community, or what this company should do with respect to people's salaries, benefits etc.....when it's not their friggin money?!

-Why can't the left accept that it's the mission of a Business to make money, and deviating from that focus creates a weak Business that can't provide as many jobs.

-Why are the same people who don't support environmental issues, the same ones that freak when a power plant or something else that is a heavy polluter wants to set up shop near them?

-Why do Black people think that our biggest obstacle to elevation is that we all should agree? It seems that most of our activism/books/articles regarding the state of our people, seem to revolve around convincing other Blacks to see things our way.

Why do people accept statistics at face value without researching them? For instance, "Crack is a Ghetto Drug" we all accept that as fact....right? Crack is mostly used by poor Blacks...right?

The Centers for Disease Control, and Department of Health and
Human Services, disagree.....they say that Whites are 8x more likely to smoke Crack then us.

Here is how White people shoot themselves in the foot with regards to crime:

-Black & White per capita drug usage is basically equal (or higher on the white side, depends on who provides the stats) but yet, thy profile us......while the White drug dealers drive by cops and laugh.....and have no problems selling drugs to white kids/adults.

-Whites tell themselves that they are more likely to be attacked by a Black person, so they avoid us, discriminate and move away when we come into their neighboorhoods, etc. Yet their 4x more likely to be attacked by Whites, so factor in that Whites who live around Blacks live around probably 10x the number of Whites as they do Blacks......as you see the danger...

-Why do some Whites love to call Blacks attacking Whites as a Hate Crime? As if they are so special that you'd have to hate them to attack them?



25222, remember...
Posted by alek, Tue Jul-17-01 07:48 AM
...that post a long while back called something like "Liberal vs. Conservative" or something? We got deep into the separate agendas and other nonsense.

Good ranting, by the way.

On a side note, I think ranting is often valuable but sometimes not.

When I found I was ranting too much on this board, I simultaneously realized that I wasn't focusing on my actual work out in the world. Participating in this site works best for me when it sharpens my wits, forces me into new positions and prompts me to do research. Tension release is good, but sometimes I think ranting sends me a little off track or out of proportion.

A thought, but good work regardless.


LEFT side of the bedroom, fool!
What?! What?!
25223, RE: remember...
Posted by M2, Tue Jul-17-01 08:21 AM
Ranting is therapeutic for me, I basically unleash my fustration and then I'm free to concentrate on other things. Particularly helpful during the summer when things are going slow and I get distracted easily.


25224, agreed.
Posted by alek, Tue Jul-17-01 08:24 AM
LEFT side of the bedroom, fool!
What?! What?!
25225, RE: Part III
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Tue Jul-17-01 12:33 PM
Feeling all of your posts but I'm especially feeling this one.

>Why do black people think that
>our biggest obstacle to elevation
>is that we all should
>agree? It seems that most
>of our activism/books/articles regarding the
>state of our people, seem
>to revolve around convincing other
>Blacks to see things our

Audre Lord once said about the black community, "The call for unity is often misnamed as a call for homogeneity...."
People seem to forget it was the radicalism of Malcolm teamed with the non-violent measures of King that brought about any semblance of change in America. Neither could have accomplished much without the other and I think Malcolm once even admitted that. There is more than one way to create change.
25226, hot damn
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Tue Jul-17-01 09:27 AM
am i actually enjoying activist jibber jabber? LOL

Much love,

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25227, RE: Misinformed Opinions, Paradoxes, Double Standards & Other forms of Assorted Nonsense
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Tue Jul-17-01 12:58 PM
Great place for demographics on race, employment and education in America:

Study the numbers and you'll notice some interesting things

White women has benefitted the most from affirmative action in terms of employment while white men have benefitted the least... in fact their employment rate dropped 5%... from nearly 97% to 92% in 1996. Yet most conservatives make AA a race issue. That's funny bc the numbers show that a white male has more competition from white females than supposedly unqualified blacks.

Remember this if you ever hear a white women complain about AA. They have the most to lose since they've gained the most.

The numbers are similar for education/ Though the study doesn't specifically earmark the last 30 years as being affirmative action years, the study does show that "reverse discrimination" some whites complain about is unlikely and not supported by facts.

25228, UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by FireBrand, Wed Mar-09-05 09:53 PM



25229, Good job M2
Posted by Whateva, Thu Mar-10-05 10:11 AM
We definitely need more post attacking the black mental inferiority stereotypes. Like a breath of fresh air. I thought I was the only one noticing the return of charts comparing the brains of Africans to Apes.

With that said, this is Probably one of the most sound relevant posts I've read on OKP ever.